This commit is contained in:
dan 2023-02-12 11:43:03 +01:00
parent 12eb00a22a
commit eb514344ed

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@ -2054,62 +2054,58 @@ e poi..
00:31:29,760 --> 00:31:34,768
He was thought to embarrass
Barroso would have a glass.
Se la presero con la scusa che aveva un bicchiere,
00:31:34,830 --> 00:31:38,560
May have had or cans or whatever they may
had, and it was a disturbance that dear.
o una lattina, o quel che aveva
qualcosa che gli dava noia.
00:31:38,592 --> 00:31:43,420
So the inmates decided at that moment,
Man, this is a man we tied.
Così i detenuti decisero in quel momento
Siamo stanchi.
00:31:43,450 --> 00:31:45,008
I mean, they killed Josh Jackson.
00:31:43,450 --> 00:31:45,344
Avevano ucciso già George Jackson
00:31:45,104 --> 00:31:47,530
They did this throughout the years.
00:31:45,392 --> 00:31:47,648
lo facevano da anni.. Siamo Stanchi.
00:31:47,610 --> 00:31:50,272
We tie, you know, and they they went off.
00:31:47,760 --> 00:31:49,808
e così non ci sono stati più.
00:31:58,780 --> 00:32:01,110
I was in school that day.
00:31:59,184 --> 00:32:01,110
Quel giorno ero a scuola,
00:32:01,360 --> 00:32:03,240
And the whistle
00:32:01,710 --> 00:32:03,728
e la sirena,
00:32:03,240 --> 00:32:06,240
from the prison just kept going,
and we could hear it.
00:32:03,920 --> 00:32:07,536
e si sentiva la sirena della prigione.
00:32:06,950 --> 00:32:09,620
We got calls from somebody from the prison
00:32:07,744 --> 00:32:11,120
Ricevemmo una telefonata dalla prigione
00:32:09,620 --> 00:32:12,160
saying that your dad, you know,
is definitely being held.
00:32:11,210 --> 00:32:13,872
che diceva che mio padre era stato: "preso e trattenuto".
00:32:12,960 --> 00:32:14,960
You know, I was scared,
I was worried for my dad.
00:32:13,984 --> 00:32:17,488
E ho avuto paura. per mio padre.
Gli volevo bene.
00:32:14,960 --> 00:32:19,260
I love my dad, but we didn't really
know what was going on.
00:32:17,616 --> 00:32:20,496
ma non avevamo idea di cosa stesse succedendo.
00:32:22,170 --> 00:32:25,010