{% extends "index.html" %} {% block title %}Archivio {{ SITENAME }}{% endblock %} {% block ogtitle %}Archivio {{ SITENAME }}{% endblock %} {% block ogurl %}{{ SITEURL }}/archives.html{%endblock%} {% block canonicalurl %}{{ SITEURL }}/archives.html{%endblock%} {% block content %} <div class="span9"> <section> <h1>{% block content_title %}Archivio per data{% endblock %}</h1> {% for article in dates %} {% set this_year = article.date.strftime('%Y') %} {% if this_year != prev_year %} <div class="row-fluid archive_row"> <div class="span1 archive_year">{{ this_year }}</div> </div> {% endif %} {% if this_year != prev_year or this_month != prev_month %} <div class="row-fluid archive_row"> <div class="offset1 span1 archive_month">{{ this_month }}</div> </div> {% endif %} <div class="row-fluid archive_row"> {% if this_month != prev_month or this_day != prev_day %} <div class="offset1 span1 archive_day"> {{ this_day }} </div> {% endif %} <div class="{% if this_year == prev_year and this_month == prev_month and this_day == prev_day %}offset2 {% endif %}span10"> <dd><a href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ article.url }}">{{ article.title }}</a> <small>{{ article.category }}</small></dd> </div> </div> {% set prev_year = this_year %} {% set prev_month = this_month %} {% set prev_day = this_day %} {% endfor %} </section> </div> {% endblock %}