# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- from aiohttp import web from aiohttp_session import setup from aiohttp_session.cookie_storage import EncryptedCookieStorage import click from pprint import pformat as pp import yaml from phi.config import get_config, merge_config, extract_secret from phi.logging import setup_logging, get_logger from phi.api.app import api_app from phi.client_store import ClientStore from phi.login import login log = get_logger(__name__) LOGIN_ROUTE = "/login" def setup_app(config): app = web.Application() setup(app, EncryptedCookieStorage(extract_secret(config))) app["config"] = config app["store"] = ClientStore(LOGIN_ROUTE) app["log"] = log app.add_routes([web.post(LOGIN_ROUTE, login)]) api = api_app(app["store"]) app.add_subapp("/api", api) return app def run_app(app): web.run_app( app, host=app["config"]["core"]["listen"].get("host", ""), port=app["config"]["core"]["listen"].get("port", "8080"), ) @click.command(help="phid is the main application daemon.") @click.option( "--config", "config_path", type=click.Path(exists=True), help="Path to a valid config file.", ) @click.option( "-H", "--host", type=click.STRING, default="localhost", help='Address to which the application bounds. Defaults to "localhost".', ) @click.option( "-p", "--port", type=click.INT, default=8080, help="Port to which the application bounds. Defaults to 8080.", ) @click.option( "--ldap-host", "ldap_host", type=click.STRING, default="localhost", help='Address of the LDAP server to connect to. Defaults to "localhost".', ) @click.option( "--ldap-port", "ldap_port", type=click.INT, default=389, help="Port where is exposed the LDAP server to connect to. Defaults to 389.", ) @click.option( "--ldap-crypt", "ldap_crypt", is_flag=True, default=True, help="Connect to the LDAP server using TLSv1.2. Defaults to True.", ) @click.option( "--ldap-tls-do-not-validate", "ldap_tls_validate", is_flag=True, default=True, help="Toggle checking of TLS cert against the provided name. Defaults to True.", ) @click.option( "--ldap-tls-ca", "ldap_tls_ca", type=click.Path(exists=True), help="Toggle checking of TLS cert against the provided name. Defaults to True.", ) @click.option( "--ldap-base-dn", "ldap_base_dn", type=click.STRING, help="The LDAP base_dn to use." ) @click.option( "--ldap-username", "ldap_username", type=click.STRING, help="The username to use to connect to the LDAP server.", ) @click.option( "--ldap-password", "ldap_password", type=click.STRING, help="The password to use to connect to the LDAP server. " "THIS CAN BE READ BY OTHER PROCESSES. NEVER USE IN PRODUCTION!", ) @click.option( "--log-conf", "log_conf", type=click.Path(exists=True), help="Path to a yaml configuration for the logger.", ) @click.option( "--debug", "debug", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Set the log level to debug.", ) def cli( host, port, config_path=None, ldap_host=None, ldap_port=None, ldap_crypt=True, ldap_tls_validate=True, ldap_tls_ca=None, ldap_base_dn=None, ldap_username=None, ldap_password=None, log_conf=None, debug=False, ): cli_config = prepare_config_from_cli( host, port, ldap_host, ldap_port, ldap_crypt, ldap_tls_validate, ldap_tls_ca, ldap_base_dn, ldap_username, ldap_password, log_conf, debug, ) config_file, file_config = get_config(config_path) log.debug(f"FILE: {pp(file_config)}") config = merge_config(cli_config, file_config) if debug: set_to_debug(config) # Beware that everything happened until now # could not possibly get logged. setup_logging(config.get("logging", {})) if config_file: log.debug("Config file found at: %s", config_file) log.debug("{}".format(pp(file_config))) log.debug("CLI config:\n{}".format(pp(cli_config))) log.info("Starting app with config:\n{}".format(pp(config))) app = setup_app(config) run_app(app) def prepare_config_from_cli( host, port, ldap_host=None, ldap_port=None, ldap_crypt=True, ldap_tls_validate=True, ldap_tls_ca=None, ldap_base_dn=None, ldap_username=None, ldap_password=None, log_conf=None, debug=False, ): _core = {"listen": {"host": host, "port": port}} _ldap = { "host": ldap_host, "port": ldap_port, "encryption": "TLSv1.2" if ldap_crypt else None, "validate": ldap_tls_validate, "ca_certs": ldap_tls_ca, "username": ldap_username, "password": ldap_password, "base_dn": ldap_base_dn, } _logging = {} if log_conf: with open(log_conf) as log_conf_fd: _logging = yaml.safe_load(log_conf_fd) return {"core": _core, "ldap": _ldap, "logging": _logging} def set_to_debug(conf): for logger, log_conf in conf["logging"]["loggers"].items(): log_conf["level"] = "DEBUG" conf["logging"]["loggers"][logger] = log_conf