# Phi Post-Human Interface. APIs for the Unit hacklab. ## Installation Requirements: * Python >= 3.5 Create a virtual environment and activate it (optional): ``` virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 env source env/bin/activate ``` Run the setup: ``` python setup.py install ``` ## Setup In the ldap section of `config.yml` change host, port and password according to your setup. ## Command Line ``` usage: phicli [-h] [--config config.yml] {showuser,adduser,deluser,showgroup,listgroups,addtogroup} ... optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --config config.yml custom configuration file actions: showuser dispaly user fields adduser add a new user deluser delete an user showgroup show a group listgroups list all groups addtogroup add an user to a group ``` ``` phicli showuser [-h] user_id phicli adduser [-h] user_id phicli deluser [-h] user_id phicli showgroup [-h] common_name phicli listgroups [-h] phicli addtogroup [-h] user_id group_common_name ```