from ldap3 import ALL_ATTRIBUTES, HASHED_SALTED_SHA from ldap3.utils.hashed import hashed from phi.ldap.utils import get_response, make_user_dict, add_entry, delete_entry from phi.logging import get_logger log = get_logger(__name__) def get_user_by_uid(client, uid):"Searching entry with identifier: {}".format(uid)) filter_ = "({}={})".format('uid', uid) log.debug("Search filter: {}".format(filter_)) response_id = client.base_dn, filter_, search_scope='SUBTREE', attributes=[ALL_ATTRIBUTES] ) response = get_response(client, response_id) if not response: return None if len(response) > 1: log.error("Looking for exactly one result but server gave {}. " "Taking the first and ignoring the rest." .format(len(response))) return make_user_dict(client, response[0]) def get_all_users(client):"Searching all the users") dn = 'ou=Hackers,{}'.format(client.base_dn) log.debug("Search dn: {}".format(dn)) response_id = dn, '(objectclass=person)', search_scope='SUBTREE', attributes=[ALL_ATTRIBUTES] ) response = get_response(client, response_id) users = [make_user_dict(client, entry) for entry in response] return users def add_user(client, uid, cn, sn, mail, password): dn = 'uid={},ou=Hackers,{}'.format(uid, client.base_dn) hashed_password = hashed(HASHED_SALTED_SHA, password) attributes={ 'objectClass': [ 'inetOrgPerson', 'organizationalPerson', 'person', 'top' ], 'cn': cn, 'sn': sn, 'mail': mail, 'userPassword': hashed_password } add_entry(client, dn, attributes) def delete_user(client, user): delete_entry(client, user['dn']) def delete_user_by_uid(client, uid): dn = 'uid={},ou=Hackers,{}'.format(uid, client.base_dn) delete_entry(client, dn)