--- core: listen: host: port: 8080 ldap: host: localhost port: 389 encryption: TLSv1.2 # Can either be None or TLSv1.2. Default: None ciphers: "HIGH" validate: True # Can either be True or False. Default: False ca_certs: openldap/cert.pem username: uid=phi,ou=Services,dc=unit,dc=macaomilano,dc=org password: phi base_dn: dc=unit,dc=macaomilano,dc=org attribute_id: uid attribute_mail: mail logging: version: 1 formatters: default: format: '[%(name)s %(levelname)s] %(message)s' handlers: console: class: logging.StreamHandler formatter: default stream: ext://sys.stdout file: class: logging.FileHandler formatter: default filename: phi.log loggers: phi: level: DEBUG handlers: [console, file] aiohttp: level: DEBUG handlers: [console, file] ldap3: level: WARNING handlers: [console, file]