from urllib.parse import urlparse from bonsai import LDAPClient from phi.logging import get_logger log = get_logger(__name__) def parse_host(host): """ Helper function to decompose the host in the address and the (optional) protocol and the (optional) port. If missing, protocol defaults to "ldap" and port to 389, in case protocol is missing or is "ldap", or 636, in case protocol is "ldaps". """ if "://" not in host: host = f"//{host}" p = urlparse(host) if p.scheme is not None and p.scheme != "": proto = p.scheme else: proto = "ldap" if p.port is not None: port = p.port else: port = None if port is not None: addr = p.netloc.split(":")[0] else: addr = p.netloc if proto == "ldap": port = 389 elif proto == "ldaps": port = 636 return proto, addr, port def checked_port(provided, auto): """ Check consistency of ports given via the connection string and the explicit parameter. """ _provided = provided is not None if _provided and provided != auto: log.warning( "Explicitly provided port ({}) does not match " "the automatically provided one ({}). The former prevails.".format( provided, auto ) ) return provided if _provided: return provided return auto def compose_dn_username(username, base_dn, ou=None, attribute_id=None): """ Output the distinguished name of the user to use as login. """ if base_dn in username: return username if ou is None: return f"{attribute_id}={username},{base_dn}" return f"{attribute_id}={username},ou={ou},{base_dn}" class AsyncClient(LDAPClient): """ Wrapper around LDAPClient. """ def __init__( self, host=None, port=None, encryption=None, ciphers=None, validate=False, ca_cert=None, username=None, password=None, base_dn=None, attribute_id="uid", ou=None, method="SIMPLE", ): self.proto,, _port = parse_host(host) self.port = checked_port(port, _port) self.full_uri = "{}://{}:{}".format(self.proto,, self.port) self.base_dn = base_dn if encryption: self._tls = True else: if self.proto == "ldaps": raise ValueError( 'Incompatible provided protocol ("%s") and encryption configuration: TLS=%s', self.proto, encryption, ) self._tls = False super().__init__(self.full_uri, self._tls) "Connected at %s (TLS -> %s)", self.full_uri, "ON" if self.tls else "OFF" ) if not validate: self.set_cert_policy("never") if ca_cert is not None: self.set_ca_cert(ca_cert) self.username = compose_dn_username(username, self.base_dn, ou, attribute_id) self.password = password self.method = method self.set_auto_page_acquire(True) self.set_credentials(self.method, user=self.username, password=self.password)