#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Generate a webpage that allows the comparison of two fonts.
# Pass TTF font files as arguments

if ! type fontforge &> /dev/null; then echo "ERROR: Missing dependency: fontforge" 1>&2; exit 1; fi


cat > "$OUTPUT" <<EOF
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Fontdiff $1 vs. $2</title>

fontfacedecl() {
  base64=$(base64 --wrap=0 "$1")
  cat >> "$OUTPUT" <<EOF
@font-face {
  font-family: '$2';
  src: url('data:font/ttf;base64,$base64') format('truetype');

fontfacedecl "$1" font1
fontfacedecl "$2" font2

cat >> "$OUTPUT" <<EOF
h1 {
font-weight: normal;

div {
  float: left;
  width: 150px;
  text-align: center;
div.font2 {
  margin-left: -150px;

pre.glyph {
  margin: 0;
  font-size: 140px;
  line-height: 200px;

pre.blank-glyph {
  height: 200px;

.font1 {
  color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);
.font2 {
  color: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5);

.font1 .glyph, h1.font1 {
  font-family: font1;
.font2 .glyph, h1.font2 {
  font-family: font2;

<h1 class="font1">$1</h1>
<h1 class="font2">$2</h1>

# Use fontforge to list available glyphs of each font
fontforge -lang=py -script - >> "$OUTPUT" <<EOF
import fontforge;

def print_glyph(_class, glyph):
  if glyph and glyph.unicode > 0:
    print '<div class="font%s"><pre class="glyph">&#%s;</pre><div class="name">%s</div></div>'%(_class, glyph.unicode, glyph.glyphname)
    print '<div class="font%s"><pre class="glyph blank-glyph"></pre><div class="name"></div></div>'%(_class)

font1 = fontforge.open("$1");
font2 = fontforge.open("$2");

glyphs1 = sorted(font1.glyphs(), key = lambda g: g.unicode)
glyphs2 = sorted(font2.glyphs(), key = lambda g: g.unicode)

while glyphs1 and glyphs2:
  if glyphs1[0].unicode > glyphs2[0].unicode: 
    print_glyph(1, None)
    print_glyph(2, glyphs2.pop(0))
  elif glyphs1[0].unicode < glyphs2[0].unicode:
    print_glyph(1, glyphs1.pop(0))
    print_glyph(2, None)
    print_glyph(1, glyphs1.pop(0))
    print_glyph(2, glyphs2.pop(0))

while glyphs1 or glyphs2:
  print_glyph(1, glyphs1.pop(0) if glyphs1 else None)
  print_glyph(2, glyphs2.pop(0) if glyphs2 else None)


cat >> "$OUTPUT" <<EOF