baseURL = "" languageCode = "en-us" title = "A Hugo theme for creating Reveal.js presentations" disableKinds = ["sitemap", "RSS"] theme = "." themesDir = "../" # uncomment for browsing at file:/// # relativeURLs = true # uglyURLs = true [author] name = "Josh Dzielak" # currently only the unsafe mode for goldmark is supported [markup.goldmark.renderer] unsafe = true # choose between Hugo compile-time or Highlight.js # syntax highlighting for code inside of code fences [markup.highlight] codeFences = false # use highlight.js # codeFences = true # use hugo highlighting at compile time style = "tango" # set a style for hugo highlighting [outputFormats.Reveal] baseName = "index" mediaType = "text/html" isHTML = true [params.reveal_hugo] history = true # used in content/template-example [params.reveal_hugo.templates.grey] background = "#424242" transition = "convex"