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2017-03-21 11:26:25 +01:00
# macao-pos
## Installation
The only requirements are Python 3 and virtualenv as you're going to install all
the modules through pip.
If you're using MySQL or PostgreSQL create now a new user and database. You can
also use SQLite for testing purposes.
cd /var/www
git clone ...
cd macao-pos
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now you need to configure this software. Inside `doc/` you'll find some
examples. The default path for configurations in `conf/` but you can also use
`~/.config/pos`, `/usr/local/etc/pos` and `/etc/pos` that will be checked in
this order.
For a testing environment you can just do:
2017-03-21 11:26:25 +01:00
mkdir conf
cp docs/config_core/core_debug_sqlite.ini conf/core.ini
cp docs/config_logging/logging_debug.yaml conf/logging.yaml
and you're ready to go.
For a production environment:
cd /var/www/macao-pos
mkdir conf
cp docs/config_core/core_production_mysql.ini conf/core.ini
cp docs/config_logging/logging_production.yaml conf/logging.yaml
and then edit the conf/core.ini file to adjust the database params. Don't forget
to change the SECRET_KEY value (`openssl rand -hex 32` will help you).
If you want to change the log file path open your `conf/logging.yaml` and
2017-03-21 11:26:25 +01:00
change the `filename` field of the `file` entry inside the `handlers` category.
### Building the database
2017-03-21 11:26:25 +01:00
You also need to add some entries to the database.
First of all add a new user. Get inside the virtualenv and then just do:
python3 user add username password
Add some categories with:
python3 category add "Birra"
python3 category add "Super"
python3 category add "Altro"
2017-03-21 11:26:25 +01:00
Add some products with:
python3 product add -c 1 "Birra media" 3
python3 product add -c 1 "Birra grande" 4
python3 product add -c 2 "Vino" 4
python3 product add -c 2 "Cocktail" 5
python3 product add -c 2 "Amaro" 2
python3 product add -c 3 "Acqua" 0.5
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And finally add and event you can play with:
2017-03-21 11:26:25 +01:00
python3 event add "My party" "2017-03-19 22:00" "2017-03-22 07:00"
2017-03-21 11:26:25 +01:00
## Running
You can run this software within the virtualenv with:
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### Authentication
* **URL**: `/api/token`
* **Method**: `POST`
* **Success response**:
* **Code**: 200
* **Content**:
"token": "3ea90c63-4b92-465e-bee8-018a4c569252",
"created_at": "2017-09-25T18:50:38.620881",
"expires_at": "2017-09-25T18:50:38.620881"
* **Error response**:
* ***Malformed request***
* **Code**: 400
* **Content**:
"err": "malformed_request",
"msg": "Missing username and/or password keys."
* ***Invalid credentials***
* **Code**: 400
* **Content**:
"err": "invalid_credentials"
* **Sample call**:
curl -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{"username": "gino", "password": "paoli"}' \
### Logout
* **URL**: `/api/token`
* **Method**: `DELETE`
* **Success response**:
* **Code**: 200
* **Content**:
* **Error response**:
* ***Malformed request***
* **Code**: 400
* **Content**:
"err": "malformed_request",
"msg": "Missing Authorization header."
* ***Unauthorizred***
* **Code**: 401
* **Content**:
"err": "unauthorized",
"msg": "The token is not valid."
* ***Forbidden***
* **Code**: 403
* **Content**:
"err": "forbidden",
"msg": "The token has expired."
* **Sample call**:
curl -X DELETE \
-H "Authorization: 3ea90c63-4b92-465e-bee8-018a4c569252" \
2017-03-21 11:26:25 +01:00
## Contributing
2017-03-21 11:26:25 +01:00
Before pushing any commit make sure flake8 doesn't complain running:
2017-03-21 11:26:25 +01:00
flake8 pos/*.py
2017-03-21 11:26:25 +01:00
1. Clone this repository
2. Create a new branch
3. Make your patch. Split it in different commits if it's huge
4. Fork this repo
5. Push your branch to your fork
6. Issue a pull request