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2017-10-02 00:47:22 +02:00
autogestionale events, groups, entries endpoints added 2017-10-02 00:47:22 +02:00
docs example files added 2017-10-02 00:43:29 +02:00
.gitignore Agigunte definizioni tabelle 2017-09-30 02:45:43 +02:00
autogestionale.postman_collection.json events, groups, entries endpoints added 2017-10-02 00:47:22 +02:00 events, groups, entries endpoints added 2017-10-02 00:47:22 +02:00 events, groups, entries endpoints added 2017-10-02 00:47:22 +02:00
requirements.txt Initial commit 2017-09-30 01:36:10 +02:00 events, groups, entries endpoints added 2017-10-02 00:47:22 +02:00

Autogestionale (work in progress)

Autogestionale e' parte della suite autogestionale+scassa e si occupa di tenere il bilancio generale delle serate e dei gruppi che le organizzano.

Dal momento che il progetto parte da una copia di macao-pos di seguito si trova una copia quasi invariata del suo readme.


The only requirements are Python 3 and virtualenv as you're going to install all the modules through pip.

If you're using MySQL or PostgreSQL create now a new user and database. You can also use SQLite for testing purposes.

cd /var/www
git clone ...
cd autogestionale
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Now you need to configure this software. Inside doc/ you'll find some examples. The default path for configurations in conf/ but you can also use ~/.config/autogestionale, /usr/local/etc/autogestionale and /etc/autogestionale that will be checked in this order.

For a testing environment you can just do:

mkdir conf
cp docs/config_core/core_debug_sqlite.ini conf/core.ini
cp docs/config_logging/logging_debug.yaml conf/logging.yaml

and you're ready to go.

For a production environment:

cd /var/www/autogestionale
mkdir conf
cp docs/config_core/core_production_mysql.ini conf/core.ini
cp docs/config_logging/logging_production.yaml conf/logging.yaml

and then edit the conf/core.ini file to adjust the database params. Don't forget to change the SECRET_KEY value (openssl rand -hex 32 will help you).

If you want to change the log file path open your conf/logging.yaml and change the filename field of the file entry inside the handlers category.

Building the database

You also need to add some entries to the database.

First of all add a new user. Get inside the virtualenv and then just do:

python3 user add username password

Add some categories with:

python3 category add "Birra"
python3 category add "Super"
python3 category add "Altro"

Add some products with:

python3 product add -c 1 "Birra media" 3
python3 product add -c 1 "Birra grande" 4
python3 product add -c 2 "Vino" 4
python3 product add -c 2 "Cocktail" 5
python3 product add -c 2 "Amaro" 2
python3 product add -c 3 "Acqua" 0.5

And finally add and event you can play with:

python3 event add "My party" "2017-03-19 22:00" "2017-03-22 07:00"


You can run this software within the virtualenv with:




  • URL: /api/token
  • Method: POST
  • Success response:
    • Code: 200
    • Content:
          "token": "3ea90c63-4b92-465e-bee8-018a4c569252",
          "created_at": "2017-09-25T18:50:38.620881",
          "expires_at": "2017-09-25T18:50:38.620881"
  • Error response:
    • Malformed request
      • Code: 400
      • Content:
            "err": "malformed_request",
            "msg": "Missing username and/or password keys."
    • Invalid credentials
      • Code: 400
      • Content:
            "err": "invalid_credentials"
  • Sample call:
    curl -X POST                                   \
    -H "Accept: application/json"                  \
    -d '{"username": "gino", "password": "paoli"}' \


  • URL: /api/token
  • Method: DELETE
  • Success response:
    • Code: 200
    • Content:
  • Error response:
    • Malformed request
      • Code: 400
      • Content:
            "err": "malformed_request",
            "msg": "Missing Authorization header."
    • Unauthorizred
      • Code: 401
      • Content:
            "err": "unauthorized",
            "msg": "The token is not valid."
    • Forbidden
      • Code: 403
      • Content:
            "err": "forbidden",
            "msg": "The token has expired."
  • Sample call:
    curl -X DELETE                                           \
    -H "Authorization: 3ea90c63-4b92-465e-bee8-018a4c569252" \


Before pushing any commit make sure flake8 doesn't complain running:

flake8 autogestionale/*.py
  1. Clone this repository
  2. Create a new branch
  3. Make your patch. Split it in different commits if it's huge
  4. Fork this repo
  5. Push your branch to your fork
  6. Issue a pull request