diff --git a/Attica.srt b/Attica.srt index ee205aa..d9a6b38 100644 --- a/Attica.srt +++ b/Attica.srt @@ -5707,2262 +5707,2261 @@ vederli andar via sapendo che non sarebbero tornati. 1297 -01:21:22,570 --> 01:21:23,400 -I remember +01:21:23,070 --> 01:21:26,144 +Ricordo Big Black dire: 1298 -01:21:23,400 --> 01:21:27,910 -Big Black saying, I want to thank you -for what you guys tried to do. +01:21:26,240 --> 01:21:30,160 +"Voglio ringraziarvi per quanto +avete cercato di fare. Lo apprezzo". 1299 -01:21:27,950 --> 01:21:30,790 -We really appreciate it. -So there was a lot of that. +01:21:30,448 --> 01:21:32,080 +Era una situazione molto forte. 1300 -01:21:32,080 --> 01:21:33,290 -When we went out of +01:21:33,290 --> 01:21:36,064 +Quando uscimmo dal cortile +quella sera.. 1301 -01:21:33,290 --> 01:21:36,670 -that yard that night. +01:21:37,664 --> 01:21:39,344 +ci furono lacrime. 1302 -01:21:37,090 --> 01:21:38,500 -There were tears. +01:21:40,016 --> 01:21:41,232 +Lacrime. 1303 -01:21:39,300 --> 01:21:40,420 -Tears. +01:21:43,104 --> 01:21:45,888 +E penso sperassimo tutti 1304 -01:21:42,470 --> 01:21:45,010 -And I think all of us were hoping +01:21:45,952 --> 01:21:48,608 +che qualcosa all’ultimo minuto +succedesse. 1305 -01:21:45,010 --> 01:21:47,140 -that something happened -at the last minute. +01:21:49,080 --> 01:21:50,464 +Fermate tutto. 1306 -01:21:48,430 --> 01:21:49,430 -Stop it. +01:21:52,320 --> 01:21:55,024 +Mi sono sentito +un completo fallimento, 1307 -01:21:51,720 --> 01:21:55,270 -I felt complete failure, +01:21:55,632 --> 01:21:58,928 +perché li avevo delusi. 1308 -01:21:55,270 --> 01:21:57,650 -a failure that I had let them down. +01:22:00,192 --> 01:22:03,110 +Una delle cose più dolorose 1309 -01:21:59,730 --> 01:22:03,110 -one of the most painful things. +01:22:03,664 --> 01:22:06,400 +è stata quando i detenuti hanno iniziato a, 1310 -01:22:03,190 --> 01:22:06,160 -As inmates begin to. +01:22:06,624 --> 01:22:09,020 +a consegnarmi dei bigliettini +scritti a mano 1311 -01:22:06,160 --> 01:22:09,450 -Hand me -written notes, the telephone number. +01:22:09,168 --> 01:22:11,136 +col numero di telefono, 1312 -01:22:10,910 --> 01:22:14,080 -Of their of their +01:22:13,008 --> 01:22:16,112 +del parente più prossimo 1313 -01:22:14,080 --> 01:22:15,540 -next of kin. +01:22:16,864 --> 01:22:19,376 +nel caso in cui non ce l’avessero fatta. 1314 -01:22:16,460 --> 01:22:18,790 -In case they didn't make it OK. +01:22:20,192 --> 01:22:21,680 +Volevano che.. 1315 -01:22:19,380 --> 01:22:21,090 -They wanted me. +01:22:21,792 --> 01:22:25,856 +un paio di loro mi hanno guardato +negli occhi, pieni di lacrime. 1316 -01:22:21,090 --> 01:22:24,050 -They they I mean, a couple of them -looked me in the eye with tears +01:22:26,016 --> 01:22:28,624 +“Fratello Jones, +se non ce la faccio, 1317 -01:22:25,300 --> 01:22:27,300 -for the Jones, but I don't make it. +01:22:28,704 --> 01:22:30,864 +farai quella telefonata, vero?" 1318 -01:22:28,050 --> 01:22:28,930 -You're going to call right. +01:22:30,944 --> 01:22:32,640 +Hai la mia parola. 1319 -01:22:28,930 --> 01:22:31,260 -I said, You have my word. +01:22:32,864 --> 01:22:34,672 +Farò la telefonata. 1320 -01:22:31,970 --> 01:22:34,350 -I will call you +01:22:35,104 --> 01:22:39,648 +Sei ottimista che questa faccenda +possa essere risolta entro domani? 1321 -01:22:35,390 --> 01:22:38,690 -any way optimistic that this thing -could be settled by tomorrow. +01:22:39,680 --> 01:22:43,184 +Credo di essere troppo stanco +per essere ottimista o pessimista. 1322 -01:22:38,980 --> 01:22:42,530 -I think I'm much too tired to be either -optimistic or pessimistic at this moment. +01:22:43,232 --> 01:22:46,192 +Al momento, sono +giusto spaventato. 1323 -01:22:42,530 --> 01:22:44,860 -I'm kind of just freaked out. - -1324 01:22:56,540 --> 01:22:58,290 Randall, I know -1325 +1324 01:22:58,370 --> 01:23:00,920 it didn't stop ran until about -1326 +1325 01:23:00,920 --> 01:23:02,960 six in the morning. -1327 +1326 01:23:03,500 --> 01:23:06,760 Cold Mountain, right? -1328 +1327 01:23:06,800 --> 01:23:12,390 And we were not prepared for those little hunches that we had the -1329 +1328 01:23:13,060 --> 01:23:15,600 that people had built a yard up -1330 +1329 01:23:15,600 --> 01:23:18,020 in every day, all alone started collapsing. -1331 +1330 01:23:18,900 --> 01:23:21,060 And you had to get on -1332 +1331 01:23:21,730 --> 01:23:25,820 solid ground concrete and huddled together -1333 +1332 01:23:26,110 --> 01:23:29,200 because everybody was shivering and everything else. -1334 +1333 01:23:29,700 --> 01:23:32,830 It was a miserable night, one of the miserable nights -1335 +1334 01:23:32,830 --> 01:23:35,040 I ever spent in my life. -1336 +1335 01:23:37,620 --> 01:23:40,920 I could feel the tension in the air, the tension was so strong -1337 +1336 01:23:41,170 --> 01:23:43,880 that I could just basically grab it and hold on to it -1338 +1337 01:23:45,050 --> 01:23:46,170 . Am I going to make it? -1339 +1338 01:23:46,170 --> 01:23:48,630 Am I going to to this? -1340 +1339 01:23:48,630 --> 01:23:53,760 And that tension was so strong I could touch it, I could cut improperly in my hand. -1341 +1340 01:23:56,850 --> 01:23:59,310 There was an air. -1342 +1341 01:24:03,770 --> 01:24:06,110 We've been out there for about four days. -1343 +1342 01:24:06,110 --> 01:24:08,610 Wake up that morning and it's -1344 +1343 01:24:08,610 --> 01:24:11,070 wet and dreary out there, -1345 +1344 01:24:11,070 --> 01:24:14,450 and you could always smell the fumes -1346 +1345 01:24:15,200 --> 01:24:18,200 of Guy's body in that trench that we dug in the yard. -1347 +1346 01:24:18,410 --> 01:24:20,250 You use the bathroom. -1348 +1347 01:24:20,870 --> 01:24:22,960 Right there in front of You Breathe initiative nowadays, -1349 +1348 01:24:22,960 --> 01:24:25,960 so you want out. -1350 +1349 01:24:28,380 --> 01:24:30,260 What was really bad? -1351 +1350 01:24:30,260 --> 01:24:33,260 People's moods was that way, and -1352 +1351 01:24:33,720 --> 01:24:34,510 it was crowded. -1353 +1352 01:24:34,510 --> 01:24:37,020 It started to rain a little bit. -1354 +1353 01:24:37,020 --> 01:24:38,140 You know, it was dog. -1355 +1354 01:24:38,140 --> 01:24:40,850 The sky was dark gray. -1356 +1355 01:24:44,020 --> 01:24:44,650 We heard that -1357 +1356 01:24:44,650 --> 01:24:46,770 we would be part of a medical evacuation. -1358 +1357 01:24:48,440 --> 01:24:50,530 And early on Monday morning, -1359 +1358 01:24:50,530 --> 01:24:52,950 we loaded into trucks and headed for Attica prison. -1360 +1359 01:24:56,370 --> 01:24:58,450 In the three years that I was in the National Guard, -1361 +1360 01:24:58,450 --> 01:25:02,580 I had not seen any kind of action in which violence was involved. -1362 +1361 01:25:03,540 --> 01:25:05,500 But we had a sense of dread, -1363 +1362 01:25:05,500 --> 01:25:08,210 and we had a wish that we could kind of not go. -1364 +1363 01:25:09,460 --> 01:25:12,760 And there was the hope, even at the last minute, that -1365 +1364 01:25:13,470 --> 01:25:15,970 by some miracle, maybe -1366 +1365 01:25:16,300 --> 01:25:19,390 Rockefeller would intervene. -1367 +1366 01:25:20,560 --> 01:25:21,730 His refusal to come -1368 +1367 01:25:21,730 --> 01:25:25,860 here is a monstrosity, because what he is saying is kill these men. -1369 +1368 01:25:26,110 --> 01:25:27,940 I have no concern. -1370 +1369 01:25:27,940 --> 01:25:31,240 All I want to do is assault, law and order, -1371 +1370 01:25:31,280 --> 01:25:33,990 and I think that's a rotten in exchange for life. -1372 +1371 01:25:35,570 --> 01:25:37,580 And we got to the prison -1373 +1372 01:25:37,580 --> 01:25:41,830 and saw the lines of state troopers and deputies -1374 +1373 01:25:41,830 --> 01:25:45,540 with their raincoats on and their weapons in hand. -1375 +1374 01:25:46,880 --> 01:25:47,920 They looked exhausted. -1376 +1375 01:25:47,920 --> 01:25:51,300 They had been there, many of them for a couple of days at least, -1377 +1376 01:25:51,960 --> 01:25:55,260 and they really didn't look up to the task that was given to them. -1378 +1377 01:26:03,310 --> 01:26:05,350 He was coming in, you could tell. -1379 +1378 01:26:05,350 --> 01:26:08,270 You can see them starting to get more people I wasn't able to count on. -1380 +1379 01:26:10,480 --> 01:26:11,730 What I saw was. -1381 +1380 01:26:15,820 --> 01:26:18,870 We got another matches to put up on that table committee, there's -1382 +1381 01:26:18,870 --> 01:26:22,750 going to be rubber bullets and I say that's what that's -1383 +1382 01:26:22,750 --> 01:26:24,960 what the word was. -1384 +1383 01:26:27,460 --> 01:26:29,960 I thought they were going to be a real old fashioned game for you. -1385 +1384 01:26:29,960 --> 01:26:32,380 David, you want to call it, you know them versus us. -1386 +1385 01:26:32,630 --> 01:26:33,800 They've got the crowd. -1387 +1386 01:26:33,800 --> 01:26:36,680 We've got a few bats and stuff in here, so we're going to -1388 +1387 01:26:37,760 --> 01:26:39,640 best guy win. -1389 +1388 01:26:41,760 --> 01:26:44,350 We started making preparations -1390 +1389 01:26:44,350 --> 01:26:47,350 and putting Vaseline on every part of our body -1391 +1390 01:26:47,350 --> 01:26:50,570 that could be exposed to gas and get burnt and stuff like that -1392 +1391 01:26:51,730 --> 01:26:53,900 padding ourselves with clothes. -1393 +1392 01:26:57,820 --> 01:26:58,780 Somebody saying -1394 +1393 01:26:58,780 --> 01:27:01,410 if they come in here, then that's good because I know my sheik. -1395 +1394 01:27:04,040 --> 01:27:06,120 It became apparent to me -1396 +1395 01:27:06,120 --> 01:27:08,540 that the situation was seriously deteriorating -1397 +1396 01:27:09,380 --> 01:27:13,250 and that the inmates, many of whom are confined to this maximum -1398 +1397 01:27:13,250 --> 01:27:17,220 security facility under light and long sentences. -1399 +1398 01:27:18,050 --> 01:27:21,640 We're not going to participate in a reasonable negotiation. -1400 +1399 01:27:22,720 --> 01:27:24,770 Tensions within the walls -1401 +1400 01:27:24,770 --> 01:27:27,230 have steadily increased. -1402 +1401 01:27:27,230 --> 01:27:29,480 The action now underway -1403 +1402 01:27:29,480 --> 01:27:31,770 was initiated with extreme reluctance -1404 +1403 01:27:32,900 --> 01:27:36,240 only after all, attempts to achieve -1405 +1404 01:27:36,940 --> 01:27:40,820 a peaceful solution failed. -1406 +1405 01:27:40,990 --> 01:27:43,240 We were told that our mission was protection -1407 +1406 01:27:43,240 --> 01:27:47,120 for the medical battalion during the commander's briefing. -1408 +1407 01:27:47,330 --> 01:27:49,460 We were told that to our knowledge, -1409 +1408 01:27:50,170 --> 01:27:52,840 the inmates had no guns. -1410 +1409 01:27:52,840 --> 01:27:54,090 They had Spears. -1411 +1410 01:27:54,090 --> 01:27:56,340 They had some knives. -1412 +1411 01:27:56,340 --> 01:27:59,380 They had pipes that they were using as clubs. -1413 +1412 01:28:00,010 --> 01:28:02,390 But that was the extent of the threat. -1414 +1413 01:28:02,850 --> 01:28:05,390 So we knew that going in for, -1415 +1414 01:28:06,720 --> 01:28:07,930 you know, 5:00 a.m. -1416 +1415 01:28:07,930 --> 01:28:11,440 September 13, we're on the roof of a block -1417 +1416 01:28:12,100 --> 01:28:14,980 waiting for the assault to begin. -1418 +1417 01:28:14,980 --> 01:28:17,360 This is a team of 270 rifle shooters. -1419 +1418 01:28:18,900 --> 01:28:22,530 The center of our pictures, men distributing -1420 +1419 01:28:22,530 --> 01:28:24,830 baseball bats to the other prisoners. -1421 +1420 01:28:25,490 --> 01:28:28,250 We had no guns. We had no real weapons. -1422 +1421 01:28:28,250 --> 01:28:32,630 We had bullshit pieces of stick or a piece of iron -1423 +1422 01:28:33,040 --> 01:28:37,210 or shank that somebody made up on the sidewalk. -1424 +1423 01:28:37,630 --> 01:28:40,380 It was. It was pathetic. -1425 +1424 01:28:40,380 --> 01:28:45,100 Just four days, almost to the minute after the convict insurrection started, -1426 +1425 01:28:45,430 --> 01:28:49,060 state police reinforced by sheriff's deputies, National Guardsmen -1427 +1426 01:28:49,310 --> 01:28:54,610 and correctional officers moving in on the prison time is 150 5:00 p.m. -1428 +1427 01:28:54,610 --> 01:29:00,070 We're on the roof of C Block looking at a detail of 270 marksmen -1429 +1428 01:29:00,610 --> 01:29:03,860 with instructions to clear the catwalks upon command. -1430 +1429 01:29:05,700 --> 01:29:06,660 They took some of the -1431 +1430 01:29:06,660 --> 01:29:12,120 hostages on top of the catwalks, which is on top of the hallways, -1432 +1431 01:29:12,620 --> 01:29:17,670 and some of the inmates held knives to the to their neck as a result. -1433 +1432 01:29:18,000 --> 01:29:20,800 In an effort to try to stop the assault, -1434 +1433 01:29:21,420 --> 01:29:25,220 the hostages are armed with knives with their throats. -1435 +1434 01:29:25,800 --> 01:29:28,680 It was all just to show. -1436 +1435 01:29:28,720 --> 01:29:32,350 The try to get them to say, Oh, wait a minute, it's my cousin, my brother. -1437 +1436 01:29:32,690 --> 01:29:34,100 All he's got. -1438 +1437 01:29:35,060 --> 01:29:38,150 We were hopeful that if they saw this, they would back off -1439 +1438 01:29:39,280 --> 01:29:42,610 and try to renegotiate so they could protect their own people. -1440 +1439 01:29:45,410 --> 01:29:47,660 The notion of sending -1441 +1440 01:29:47,660 --> 01:29:49,990 in correctional officers -1442 +1441 01:29:50,910 --> 01:29:53,000 who didn't love the prisoners to begin with -1443 +1442 01:29:53,790 --> 01:29:58,420 and state police who were stressed out was a serious miscalculation, -1444 +1443 01:29:58,420 --> 01:30:02,210 somebody should have said, wait a second, wait a second, these people are on edge. -1445 +1444 01:30:03,800 --> 01:30:07,430 There is hostility -1446 +1445 01:30:07,510 --> 01:30:11,520 and it's going to get out of control. -1447 +1446 01:30:12,730 --> 01:30:15,480 We know that now, did we know that -1448 +1447 01:30:16,020 --> 01:30:17,940 in real time? -1449 +1448 01:30:19,690 --> 01:30:21,480 I guess not. -1450 +1449 01:30:24,110 --> 01:30:27,110 I seen this as a glorious fight. -1451 +1450 01:30:28,410 --> 01:30:30,660 They would come in with batons -1452 +1451 01:30:30,660 --> 01:30:35,580 and stuff like that, and we would be fighting the brave battle -1453 +1452 01:30:35,580 --> 01:30:39,090 with baseball bats and stuff like that, I. -1454 +1453 01:30:51,180 --> 01:30:52,010 I did. -1455 +1454 01:30:57,730 --> 01:31:00,440 I just never expected. -1456 +1455 01:31:01,020 --> 01:31:03,650 The the coverage through what actually happened, -1457 +1456 01:31:03,650 --> 01:31:04,990 I'm sorry. -1458 +1457 01:31:20,210 --> 01:31:23,840 Helicopter, two helicopters and a. -1459 +1458 01:31:28,720 --> 01:31:30,260 We're talking now going overhead -1460 +1459 01:31:30,260 --> 01:31:33,260 and over the wall into the prison. -1461 +1460 01:31:34,350 --> 01:31:37,350 It just disquieted, and Sky was getting dark, -1462 +1461 01:31:37,850 --> 01:31:40,100 and then we heard the helicopters does a dance. -1463 +1462 01:31:40,810 --> 01:31:43,230 This is fucking strange. -1464 +1463 01:31:46,440 --> 01:31:48,780 The helicopter comes up over the wall -1465 +1464 01:31:49,200 --> 01:31:51,820 and it's hovering over the yard. -1466 +1465 01:31:54,740 --> 01:31:56,120 I seen this. -1467 +1466 01:31:56,120 --> 01:31:57,960 I thought it was a monster. -1468 +1467 01:31:57,960 --> 01:32:00,290 It was a helicopter, a green helicopter. -1469 +1468 01:32:00,750 --> 01:32:02,000 It was flying low. -1470 +1469 01:32:07,720 --> 01:32:09,630 You see this. -1471 +1470 01:32:09,630 --> 01:32:12,760 It's like a sickly green gas with. -1472 +1471 01:32:13,470 --> 01:32:15,640 Sparkly stuff, minute coming down. -1473 +1472 01:32:16,470 --> 01:32:18,810 It tightens your chest. -1474 +1473 01:32:18,810 --> 01:32:21,440 Where you can hardly breathe. -1475 +1474 01:32:21,440 --> 01:32:23,650 That gas knocked me down. -1476 +1475 01:32:24,190 --> 01:32:26,730 Oh, what that was. -1477 +1476 01:32:27,030 --> 01:32:29,110 And they had me so weak I could not. -1478 +1477 01:32:29,860 --> 01:32:32,990 Your eyes are just all burning, -1479 +1478 01:32:32,990 --> 01:32:35,450 your nose is burning, your mouth is burning. -1480 +1479 01:32:42,540 --> 01:32:43,830 I mean, -1481 +1480 01:32:44,290 --> 01:32:45,420 we are. -1482 +1481 01:32:48,800 --> 01:32:52,220 And you got on the microphone, everybody in D-Block, yeah. -1483 +1482 01:32:52,260 --> 01:32:54,760 Put your hands in the air. -1484 +1483 01:32:54,760 --> 01:32:56,390 And you are not behind. -1485 +1484 01:32:56,390 --> 01:33:01,020 Go to the nearest police officer and you will not be home. -1486 +1485 01:33:01,270 --> 01:33:04,440 You would not be home. We will not be. -1487 +1486 01:33:04,440 --> 01:33:06,690 You would not be here for that was. -1488 +1487 01:33:16,240 --> 01:33:17,160 Do just ended up -1489 +1488 01:33:17,160 --> 01:33:19,500 doing this to get blown away. -1490 +1489 01:33:20,700 --> 01:33:24,210 They blew his head off and then. -1491 +1490 01:33:24,210 --> 01:33:28,170 Has all of a sudden there was all this popping all around us -1492 +1491 01:33:29,510 --> 01:33:31,130 and all these little pops -1493 +1492 01:33:31,130 --> 01:33:34,930 all around us were actually bullets. -1494 +1493 01:33:35,890 --> 01:33:40,560 Oh, and you could really see because the CO2 public first heard -1495 +1494 01:33:40,560 --> 01:33:43,730 you blah, that you can hear the boom going by your ear. -1496 +1495 01:33:49,150 --> 01:33:52,320 The hostages can't be seen in any. -1497 +1496 01:33:54,950 --> 01:33:57,320 I'm trying to stay on the ground as long as possible, -1498 +1497 01:33:58,490 --> 01:34:00,660 just like they were shooting down the barrel -1499 +1498 01:34:00,660 --> 01:34:04,500 and they started shooting point blank range, blowing guys away . -1500 +1499 01:34:04,500 --> 01:34:08,090 I got shot in the arm up there right through the back macroeconomist on. -1501 +1500 01:34:11,840 --> 01:34:15,680 I I felt something. -1502 +1501 01:34:16,640 --> 01:34:20,310 Go to my head, it must go, and it was burning, -1503 +1502 01:34:21,390 --> 01:34:22,770 no was shot. -1504 +1503 01:34:22,770 --> 01:34:26,190 I felt something hit my arm -1505 +1504 01:34:26,190 --> 01:34:28,810 and we're all numb and realized needed. -1506 +1505 01:34:28,810 --> 01:34:31,940 I got shot in the arm about two inches from my heart -1507 +1506 01:34:32,070 --> 01:34:36,360 and also a one to a football helmet on Spanish food. -1508 +1507 01:34:37,200 --> 01:34:39,700 Now the guard is up on the catwalk. -1509 +1508 01:34:39,700 --> 01:34:44,120 He jumps out with a hammer and throws it up and it hits the catwalk. -1510 +1509 01:34:44,660 --> 01:34:49,040 And you can hear the sound clip and all of them turn looked at him, -1511 +1510 01:34:49,130 --> 01:34:53,590 and all of them turn their guns on a brutal dashboard body. -1512 +1511 01:34:53,760 --> 01:34:55,260 I'm assuming that you guys got anywhere -1513 +1512 01:34:55,260 --> 01:34:59,180 from 20 to 50 shots because his body was doing like that. -1514 +1513 01:34:59,180 --> 01:35:00,640 I'd never seen no shit like that. -1515 +1514 01:35:00,640 --> 01:35:02,640 Not as a nasty shoot in the street. -1516 +1515 01:35:02,640 --> 01:35:03,560 I'd never seen them. I did. -1517 +1516 01:35:04,600 --> 01:35:06,020 I mean. -1518 +1517 01:35:10,810 --> 01:35:12,940 This was a holiday for the. -1519 +1518 01:35:12,940 --> 01:35:16,070 We got no guns to shoot back. -1520 +1519 01:35:16,070 --> 01:35:16,650 You know what? -1521 +1520 01:35:16,650 --> 01:35:21,030 It is a shoe store man and it's a shoe, but that's just a holiday -1522 +1521 01:35:21,780 --> 01:35:24,040 slow motion and all it was -1523 +1522 01:35:24,040 --> 01:35:27,620 that was save money. -1524 +1523 01:35:27,620 --> 01:35:30,170 That's what they will follow to each other. -1525 +1524 01:35:30,500 --> 01:35:32,130 I was scared. -1526 +1525 01:35:33,550 --> 01:35:35,760 I've done bad things, but I never did this bad. -1527 +1526 01:35:36,170 --> 01:35:37,260 As no. -1528 +1527 01:35:37,260 --> 01:35:40,640 These guys are real fucking cold blooded -1529 +1528 01:35:40,640 --> 01:35:42,260 killers and shit. -1530 +1529 01:35:43,930 --> 01:35:47,480 Until that moment came, -1531 +1530 01:35:47,560 --> 01:35:51,110 what is killing really started, and I realize that -1532 +1531 01:35:52,150 --> 01:35:55,610 you're not that fucking bad guy, no more, man, there's more power with his words -1533 +1532 01:35:55,610 --> 01:35:58,780 new, every bullet that missed by me, -1534 +1533 01:35:59,610 --> 01:36:01,160 if he could move. -1535 +1534 01:36:02,570 --> 01:36:05,410 Close to me, I winced, -1536 +1535 01:36:07,580 --> 01:36:09,160 then all of a sudden, it just stopped. -1537 +1536 01:36:25,180 --> 01:36:25,430 There are -1538 +1537 01:36:25,430 --> 01:36:28,680 people throwing off their smoke gear. -1539 +1538 01:36:29,230 --> 01:36:31,440 They ran out screaming niggers, niggers, niggers -1540 +1539 01:36:33,060 --> 01:36:36,400 and two of them pointed their guns at me. -1541 +1540 01:36:37,030 --> 01:36:38,190 Negative niggers. -1542 +1541 01:36:38,190 --> 01:36:40,280 And I said, Don't shoot, don't shoot. -1543 +1542 01:36:40,320 --> 01:36:41,320 Don't shoot. -1544 +1543 01:36:41,320 --> 01:36:44,200 Well, I'm coughing with all the gas. -1545 +1544 01:36:45,160 --> 01:36:46,790 I've been gassed. -1546 +1545 01:36:46,790 --> 01:36:48,750 It's an awful thing. -1547 +1546 01:36:48,750 --> 01:36:50,540 William Kunstler -1548 +1547 01:36:51,540 --> 01:36:54,380 has said that people are dying in there. -1549 +1548 01:36:54,630 --> 01:36:58,550 And I agree with that. -1550 +1549 01:36:59,050 --> 01:37:03,390 But that people are dying and then a shooting went on forever -1551 +1550 01:37:03,970 --> 01:37:07,220 and then it was like the shooting subsided -1552 +1551 01:37:07,680 --> 01:37:09,890 and then I heard some. -1553 +1552 01:37:10,310 --> 01:37:15,400 After the shooting subsided, I heard some single shot -1554 +1553 01:37:15,480 --> 01:37:18,650 bang and bang. -1555 +1554 01:37:27,830 --> 01:37:30,040 After they took over the prison, -1556 +1555 01:37:30,040 --> 01:37:32,660 all those books that had been speaking to the cameras -1557 +1556 01:37:34,170 --> 01:37:37,170 were all targeted and tortured. -1558 +1557 01:37:37,920 --> 01:37:40,840 So yes, yes, yes, yes, they were targeted. -1559 +1558 01:37:43,130 --> 01:37:45,050 Andy Barclay. -1560 +1559 01:37:45,180 --> 01:37:48,220 They were calling his name. -1561 +1560 01:37:48,260 --> 01:37:50,600 Going to that, Bob, looking for him -1562 +1561 01:37:51,310 --> 01:37:54,100 and threatening him with what they were going to do to him. -1563 +1562 01:37:55,520 --> 01:37:58,320 When they when they found him and they found him, -1564 +1563 01:37:59,190 --> 01:38:00,860 he was yelling. -1565 +1564 01:38:01,530 --> 01:38:03,990 No, no, but it's too fucking late. -1566 +1565 01:38:04,030 --> 01:38:07,070 They had him do acting, actually dragging him towards a -1567 +1566 01:38:07,120 --> 01:38:10,370 block far yard over there. -1568 +1567 01:38:10,370 --> 01:38:13,080 He's Holland new agreement and the acuity. -1569 +1568 01:38:24,970 --> 01:38:27,590 You can see because the gas is so thick, -1570 +1569 01:38:28,390 --> 01:38:31,220 but all of a sudden a puff of wind comes -1571 +1570 01:38:32,560 --> 01:38:35,390 and disperses the gas. -1572 +1571 01:38:35,390 --> 01:38:37,560 And then I could see. -1573 +1572 01:38:37,560 --> 01:38:40,650 And what I saw was fright. -1574 +1573 01:38:41,190 --> 01:38:44,150 Hundreds of bodies just laying there. -1575 +1574 01:38:45,740 --> 01:38:47,950 Some were moaning, some wasn't moving. -1576 +1575 01:38:48,240 --> 01:38:50,740 Blood was everywhere. -1577 +1576 01:38:55,710 --> 01:39:00,040 We were given stretchers and told to go into the prison. -1578 +1577 01:39:01,170 --> 01:39:03,260 It was really an unthinkable scene. -1579 +1578 01:39:03,260 --> 01:39:06,130 It was dead and wounded and simply -1580 +1579 01:39:06,130 --> 01:39:08,890 starting to carry them out. -1581 +1580 01:39:09,510 --> 01:39:12,140 It was far beyond anything -1582 +1581 01:39:12,140 --> 01:39:15,310 I had imagined when they said we would be doing medical evacuation. -1583 +1582 01:39:16,230 --> 01:39:18,980 We were basically civilians -1584 +1583 01:39:18,980 --> 01:39:22,110 put into a situation where state troopers -1585 +1584 01:39:22,110 --> 01:39:24,530 and correctional officers had created a war zone. -1586 +1585 01:39:26,990 --> 01:39:31,120 There was a pile of bodies, maybe eight or ten people, -1587 +1586 01:39:31,120 --> 01:39:34,160 and the man on top, it had his eyes shot out. -1588 +1587 01:39:56,930 --> 01:39:57,600 Right below us, -1589 +1588 01:39:57,600 --> 01:40:00,230 there was a huge pool of rainwater -1590 +1589 01:40:01,060 --> 01:40:03,400 and it was blood red. -1591 +1590 01:40:03,570 --> 01:40:07,070 And I looked down on down at it -1592 +1591 01:40:07,070 --> 01:40:10,070 and they said, Those are false teeth down there, aren't they? -1593 +1592 01:40:10,820 --> 01:40:13,910 And somebody said, Yeah. -1594 +1593 01:40:16,540 --> 01:40:18,710 The attitude of the people -1595 +1594 01:40:18,710 --> 01:40:20,830 who should have been concerned -1596 +1595 01:40:21,750 --> 01:40:24,420 about what had happened was simply that they were -1597 +1596 01:40:25,750 --> 01:40:28,010 pleased with what had happened -1598 +1597 01:40:28,010 --> 01:40:31,220 and had no qualms or second thoughts -1599 +1598 01:40:31,640 --> 01:40:34,470 or anything but satisfaction -1600 +1599 01:40:34,470 --> 01:40:37,640 with Walker wants to go back to. -1601 +1600 01:40:42,810 --> 01:40:45,230 Why white power weight, -1602 +1601 01:40:46,360 --> 01:40:48,400 right, right? -1603 +1602 01:40:53,820 --> 01:40:56,120 They had control. -1604 +1603 01:40:56,120 --> 01:40:58,410 And once they had control, you would think -1605 +1604 01:40:58,410 --> 01:41:00,830 that things would have stopped. -1606 +1605 01:41:01,620 --> 01:41:03,250 They didn't. -1607 +1606 01:41:06,380 --> 01:41:09,590 It was clear that at that point it was all about revenge. -1608 +1607 01:41:10,130 --> 01:41:12,930 It was all about reestablishing who was in charge. -1609 +1608 01:41:13,340 --> 01:41:16,680 And the most violent ways possible. -1610 +1609 01:41:24,270 --> 01:41:26,940 Everybody had to crawl through shit, -1611 +1610 01:41:26,940 --> 01:41:29,230 human waste. -1612 +1611 01:41:32,780 --> 01:41:33,660 But what do you do? -1613 +1612 01:41:33,660 --> 01:41:37,120 Do you live to tell your story -1614 +1613 01:41:37,280 --> 01:41:39,450 like I'm doing today or do you fucking die? -1615 +1614 01:41:40,410 --> 01:41:41,200 I made a choice. -1616 +1615 01:41:41,200 --> 01:41:42,540 I want to live. -1617 +1616 01:41:46,380 --> 01:41:48,460 Chrome nickel chrome -1618 +1617 01:41:48,460 --> 01:41:50,550 for like a dog. -1619 +1618 01:41:55,140 --> 01:41:58,720 If you look up, nigga, I'll blow your motherfucking brains out. -1620 +1619 01:42:00,600 --> 01:42:03,270 What the fuck they care about calling you a nigger? -1621 +1620 01:42:03,890 --> 01:42:06,310 That was your name. -1622 +1621 01:42:07,150 --> 01:42:08,440 They had us marching -1623 +1622 01:42:08,440 --> 01:42:10,820 around the yard with our with our hands -1624 +1623 01:42:11,940 --> 01:42:13,900 interlocked like this on top of our heads, -1625 +1624 01:42:13,900 --> 01:42:16,110 abject surrender. -1626 +1625 01:42:28,250 --> 01:42:30,420 When I saw these naked bodies -1627 +1626 01:42:31,050 --> 01:42:35,300 lined up, snaked around the area, it reminded me -1628 +1627 01:42:35,840 --> 01:42:40,970 of portrayals of of African-Americans being heard it on the slave ships. -1629 +1628 01:42:41,720 --> 01:42:44,390 That was just horrendous, just horrible, -1630 +1629 01:42:44,560 --> 01:42:45,520 horrible. -1631 +1630 01:42:55,780 --> 01:42:58,280 We're next in the middle of fucking yard. -1632 +1631 01:42:59,200 --> 01:43:02,160 God's going around with like baby bats. -1633 +1632 01:43:02,200 --> 01:43:06,120 It was seven remote guys as I'm laying here and I'm hoping -1634 +1633 01:43:06,120 --> 01:43:08,420 they don't come my way. -1635 +1634 01:43:21,010 --> 01:43:24,020 Frank Schmidt, Big Black, was put on a table -1636 +1635 01:43:24,350 --> 01:43:27,690 with the football under his throat. -1637 +1636 01:43:30,810 --> 01:43:33,190 People stood up above him on the catwalk, -1638 +1637 01:43:33,230 --> 01:43:37,450 aiming their guns down at him, throwing cigars and cigaret butts on him -1639 +1638 01:43:39,070 --> 01:43:39,740 . And -1640 +1639 01:43:39,740 --> 01:43:43,080 it said, Do said football falls, nigger, we're going to shoot you. -1641 +1640 01:43:46,830 --> 01:43:49,170 He was told to get to his feet. -1642 +1641 01:43:49,170 --> 01:43:52,130 He tried, he stumbled, he fell. -1643 +1642 01:43:52,130 --> 01:43:54,170 He was hit with clubs -1644 +1643 01:43:54,380 --> 01:43:56,670 on his back between his legs. -1645 +1644 01:43:57,800 --> 01:44:00,260 And he was crying out. -1646 +1645 01:44:00,890 --> 01:44:03,050 You know, don't do this. Don't do this. -1647 +1646 01:44:03,640 --> 01:44:06,600 And then you could hear him screaming as -1648 +1647 01:44:06,600 --> 01:44:08,600 he went up to the prison. -1649 +1648 01:44:14,110 --> 01:44:16,570 It felt good that I had survived this shit. -1650 +1649 01:44:17,570 --> 01:44:19,990 And now I got a look out -1651 +1650 01:44:20,610 --> 01:44:24,200 because some motion is coming. -1652 +1651 01:44:28,870 --> 01:44:30,170 The inmates were entering -1653 +1652 01:44:30,170 --> 01:44:32,710 these corridors off of the yard -1654 +1653 01:44:33,750 --> 01:44:36,380 and the guards were like -1655 +1654 01:44:36,380 --> 01:44:38,840 five or six feet apart with their clubs -1656 +1655 01:44:39,590 --> 01:44:43,640 and they would hit them against the wall and there was just this -1657 +1656 01:44:44,680 --> 01:44:46,770 dull drum like sound. -1658 +1657 01:44:46,770 --> 01:44:50,310 And then they were hitting the inmates as they ran a gantlet. -1659 +1658 01:44:55,070 --> 01:44:57,400 We could hear the screams coming out -1660 +1659 01:44:57,400 --> 01:45:00,990 so that we knew they were being tortured -1661 +1660 01:45:00,990 --> 01:45:05,330 and that we were somehow part of this unthinkable scene -1662 +1661 01:45:05,530 --> 01:45:09,080 that there was no escaping from but was completely wrong. -1663 +1662 01:45:12,960 --> 01:45:16,090 They had guards on both sides, and they would be hitting you -1664 +1663 01:45:16,340 --> 01:45:17,840 as you were running through beating you -1665 +1664 01:45:17,840 --> 01:45:21,800 with hoses and batons and whatever they had in their hands. -1666 +1665 01:45:22,010 --> 01:45:24,140 I'm ducking, trying to get through, -1667 +1666 01:45:24,140 --> 01:45:27,760 protecting my head, so I hit all of my all the elbows. -1668 +1667 01:45:27,760 --> 01:45:32,140 My knees still hurt, beating you and they're making you run -1669 +1668 01:45:32,140 --> 01:45:33,230 through the gantlet with it, -1670 +1669 01:45:33,230 --> 01:45:36,190 took all the glass out the fucking windows and put it in the middle of the floor. -1671 +1670 01:45:36,520 --> 01:45:38,480 So you had to run through grass with bare feet. -1672 +1671 01:45:38,480 --> 01:45:40,940 Nobody came out of that yard. -1673 +1672 01:45:40,940 --> 01:45:46,030 What with picking without having to pick a shot of your feet for four weeks? -1674 +1673 01:45:47,910 --> 01:45:51,370 Couldn't walk, nobody could walk anymore. -1675 +1674 01:45:51,370 --> 01:45:53,460 But we had to run because if you didn't run, -1676 +1675 01:45:53,920 --> 01:45:57,500 they just kept beating you with these clubs. -1677 +1676 01:46:05,930 --> 01:46:08,810 The families of the hostages, a lot of them waited -1678 +1677 01:46:08,810 --> 01:46:12,560 just outside the prison wall. -1679 +1678 01:46:14,980 --> 01:46:17,360 Then news began to filter out of Attica. -1680 +1679 01:46:17,690 --> 01:46:20,900 Names of freed hostages were called out to the loved one -1681 +1680 01:46:21,070 --> 01:46:23,990 by Curtis Lieutenant Colonel -1682 +1681 01:46:24,280 --> 01:46:25,160 Robert -1683 +1682 01:46:26,110 --> 01:46:26,740 Elder. -1684 +1683 01:46:29,950 --> 01:46:31,750 Some didn't see their men come out. -1685 +1684 01:46:31,750 --> 01:46:33,580 All they learned was the name of the hospital -1686 +1685 01:46:33,580 --> 01:46:35,370 where the survivors were being treated. -1687 +1686 01:46:35,370 --> 01:46:36,790 There were no time to wait. -1688 +1687 01:46:36,790 --> 01:46:40,210 They ran off to see their man. -1689 +1688 01:46:42,630 --> 01:46:44,670 People couldn't seem to run fast enough. -1690 +1689 01:46:49,430 --> 01:46:51,510 My mom came home and she was with her sister, -1691 +1690 01:46:51,510 --> 01:46:53,730 and my mom was crying, obviously upset. -1692 +1691 01:46:57,150 --> 01:46:59,110 I was outside sitting on the front porch, -1693 +1692 01:46:59,110 --> 01:47:02,230 you know, praying and worrying, and where's dad? -1694 +1693 01:47:02,400 --> 01:47:05,070 I respect him to show up, you know, and. -1695 +1694 01:47:06,490 --> 01:47:09,070 I again, my mom was dead. -1696 +1695 01:47:09,780 --> 01:47:11,870 What's what's why are you crying, what's going on? -1697 +1696 01:47:11,910 --> 01:47:15,830 Well, my mother came back in the house and, you know, he -1698 +1697 01:47:15,870 --> 01:47:19,210 she said, nobody to play with me now, are you? -1699 +1698 01:47:19,210 --> 01:47:22,500 I mean, you know, because I didn't want to believe it. -1700 +1699 01:47:22,840 --> 01:47:26,630 And she finally said, I saw him. -1701 +1700 01:47:26,930 --> 01:47:29,090 I saw him. -1702 +1701 01:47:33,060 --> 01:47:33,520 Finally, -1703 +1702 01:47:33,520 --> 01:47:37,480 she blurted out, Your father's dead. -1704 +1703 01:47:37,810 --> 01:47:39,270 So it ran. -1705 +1704 01:47:42,320 --> 01:47:44,610 We're in for a while, and I came back -1706 +1705 01:47:45,490 --> 01:47:49,910 and I was sitting on the front porch trying to be strong and not cry. -1707 +1706 01:47:49,950 --> 01:47:53,030 And I could hear everybody in the house crying -1708 +1707 01:47:53,030 --> 01:47:55,620 and I was trying to be so tough and. -1709 +1708 01:48:03,750 --> 01:48:04,880 All right. -1710 +1709 01:48:05,960 --> 01:48:06,630 Yeah, right. -1711 +1710 01:48:21,900 --> 01:48:24,690 The National Guardsmen were told to get back in their trucks, -1712 +1711 01:48:25,150 --> 01:48:28,110 and we did that and were taken out to the parking area. -1713 +1712 01:48:28,860 --> 01:48:33,660 And the colonel then addressed the battalion, maybe several hundred men, -1714 +1713 01:48:34,280 --> 01:48:37,370 and he said, essentially you saw things -1715 +1714 01:48:37,370 --> 01:48:40,080 that were excessive and wrong today. -1716 +1715 01:48:40,960 --> 01:48:44,250 And I have to ask you not to speak of this to anyone -1717 +1716 01:48:44,790 --> 01:48:48,630 because the world will not understand what happened here today. -1718 +1717 01:48:51,300 --> 01:48:54,550 The most violent rebellion in modern American penal history -1719 +1718 01:48:54,550 --> 01:48:58,020 came to an end today at the maximum security prison in New York. -1720 +1719 01:48:58,310 --> 01:49:01,310 In the final hours of the revolt, led primarily by blacks, -1721 +1720 01:49:01,600 --> 01:49:04,110 the inmates murdered nine of their white hostages. -1722 +1721 01:49:04,480 --> 01:49:05,860 28 convicts were killed -1723 +1722 01:49:05,860 --> 01:49:09,150 by state troopers, and sheriff's deputies will regain control of the prison. -1724 +1723 01:49:09,780 --> 01:49:12,820 The storming of the prison had the full approval of New York's governor, -1725 +1724 01:49:12,820 --> 01:49:17,370 Rockefeller, who earlier had rejected a prisoner demand for complete clemency. -1726 +1725 01:49:17,700 --> 01:49:22,080 The White House said that after the prison was retaken, President Nixon telephoned -1727 +1726 01:49:22,080 --> 01:49:25,340 the governor to express his approval of Rockefeller's action. -1728 +1727 01:49:26,920 --> 01:49:29,920 We went in we couldn't tell whether all 39 -1729 +1728 01:49:29,920 --> 01:49:33,090 hostages would be killed and maybe two or 300 prisoners. -1730 +1729 01:49:33,590 --> 01:49:35,970 So we were able to pick off -1731 +1730 01:49:36,640 --> 01:49:39,640 either from the wall or as our men went in. -1732 +1731 01:49:41,100 --> 01:49:41,940 The man who had the -1733 +1732 01:49:41,940 --> 01:49:44,400 knives at the throat of the hostages -1734 +1733 01:49:45,020 --> 01:49:48,320 and they did a fabulous job. -1735 +1734 01:49:48,610 --> 01:49:50,740 I mean, this is this -1736 +1735 01:49:50,740 --> 01:49:53,950 are these primarily blacks? -1737 +1736 01:49:53,950 --> 01:49:56,820 Know, and the whole thing was led by the black cabinet, -1738 +1737 01:49:56,950 --> 01:49:59,080 are all the All Blacks? -1739 +1738 01:50:00,660 --> 01:50:04,870 I haven't got that report, but I have to admit I just out. -1740 +1739 01:50:05,040 --> 01:50:07,290 Yeah, yeah, we've got to have any. -1741 +1740 01:50:07,710 --> 01:50:10,420 We just not tolerate this kind of -1742 +1741 01:50:11,630 --> 01:50:12,590 anarchy. -1743 +1742 01:50:18,300 --> 01:50:20,640 Yesterday, officials at the prison said -1744 +1743 01:50:20,640 --> 01:50:23,560 eight of the hostages had had their throats cut. -1745 +1744 01:50:23,980 --> 01:50:26,730 But today, the Monroe County medical examiner, -1746 +1745 01:50:26,730 --> 01:50:30,280 having looked at the bodies, said no throats were cut at all. -1747 +1746 01:50:30,860 --> 01:50:35,530 The medical examiner says the hostages were apparently killed by a large caliber -1748 +1747 01:50:35,530 --> 01:50:38,620 ammunition and shotgun blasts from a distance, -1749 +1748 01:50:38,990 --> 01:50:42,660 which immediately raised the possibility that some of the hostages may -1750 +1749 01:50:42,660 --> 01:50:46,540 in fact have been shot down by the lawmen who broke in to rescue them. -1751 +1750 01:50:47,790 --> 01:50:50,590 Some of the hostages were actually shot -1752 +1751 01:50:51,090 --> 01:50:53,920 running towards the state troopers thinking, -1753 +1752 01:50:54,130 --> 01:50:57,140 I'm saved, I'm saved. -1754 +1753 01:50:57,140 --> 01:50:59,220 And the hostages were dressed -1755 +1754 01:50:59,220 --> 01:51:01,970 the same way the inmates were. -1756 +1755 01:51:02,310 --> 01:51:05,140 Anything that inmate garb on it. -1757 +1756 01:51:05,140 --> 01:51:07,980 They just started shooting at. -1758 +1757 01:51:10,020 --> 01:51:14,110 What Rockefeller had done was treat. -1759 +1758 01:51:15,190 --> 01:51:17,360 The hostages -1760 +1759 01:51:17,950 --> 01:51:21,370 as no more real live -1761 +1760 01:51:21,370 --> 01:51:26,290 human beings who deserve to be respected than the prisoners. -1762 +1761 01:51:26,870 --> 01:51:30,540 And so you kill them all and you restore order -1763 +1762 01:51:31,090 --> 01:51:35,170 and you make me into a major -1764 +1763 01:51:35,340 --> 01:51:38,510 figure who believes in law and order -1765 +1764 01:51:39,010 --> 01:51:43,260 at a time when that concept is beginning -1766 +1765 01:51:43,260 --> 01:51:46,890 to really take hold. -1767 +1766 01:52:08,670 --> 01:52:09,370 We should have entered -1768 +1767 01:52:09,370 --> 01:52:11,960 in a negotiated settlement. -1769 +1768 01:52:12,460 --> 01:52:14,880 No, they were they were interested in that, they were interested in showing. -1770 +1769 01:52:16,300 --> 01:52:19,380 The naked fist of power law and order. -1771 +1770 01:52:21,050 --> 01:52:24,140 The national mindset of the nation was law and order. -1772 +1771 01:52:25,060 --> 01:52:27,640 And law and order does not permit. -1773 +1772 01:52:29,230 --> 01:52:32,190 Any challenge? -1774 +1773 01:52:32,190 --> 01:52:35,150 To his authority whatsoever. -1775 +1774 01:52:35,150 --> 01:52:38,070 God willing, a few more months in January will be 90 years old. -1776 +1775 01:52:39,490 --> 01:52:42,200 I will never, ever, ever, ever, -1777 +1776 01:52:42,660 --> 01:52:44,830 ever, ever, ever. -1778 +1777 01:52:45,830 --> 01:52:47,330 We get Atika. -1779 +1778 01:52:47,620 --> 01:52:48,290 Ever. -1780 +1779 01:52:51,370 --> 01:52:54,710 It didn't have to be that way. -1781 +1780 01:53:38,630 --> 01:53:41,130 All eight cases. -1782 +1781 01:53:41,220 --> 01:53:45,140 Died of gunshot wounds. -1783 +1782 01:53:45,260 --> 01:53:48,180 There was no evidence of slash throats. -1784 +1783 01:53:49,930 --> 01:53:53,140 We're sure -1785 +1784 01:53:54,350 --> 01:53:58,900 your. The. -1786 +1785 01:54:09,540 --> 01:54:11,910 I have never received an apology. -1787 +1786 01:54:13,790 --> 01:54:15,670 I've never received an apology, and for me, -1788 +1787 01:54:15,670 --> 01:54:17,670 that's a pretty big deal. -1789 +1788 01:54:25,340 --> 01:54:26,140 What is money -1790 +1789 01:54:26,140 --> 01:54:29,140 do when you don't have your dad -1791 +1790 01:54:29,140 --> 01:54:31,970 or your brother or your uncle who? -1792 +1791 01:54:34,690 --> 01:54:37,310 How does that replace anything? -1793 +1792 01:54:37,650 --> 01:54:40,440 And I think it was the state's way of saying, -1794 +1793 01:54:41,730 --> 01:54:45,820 we're going to give you this money and we want you to go away and. -1795 +1794 01:54:49,580 --> 01:54:52,910 This is my. -1796 +1795 01:54:53,660 --> 01:54:55,710 True. -1797 +1796 01:54:57,330 --> 01:54:58,540 Well, she. -1798 +1797 01:55:00,960 --> 01:55:02,880 He threw -1799 +1798 01:55:02,880 --> 01:55:06,930 for nearly 30 years, former Attica inmates have waited for justice. -1800 +1799 01:55:07,680 --> 01:55:10,350 Today, it finally came in the form of a 12 -1801 +1800 01:55:10,350 --> 01:55:12,970 million dollar settlement. -1802 +1801 01:55:14,350 --> 01:55:18,940 Be. There's no justice. -1803 +1802 01:55:20,860 --> 01:55:22,900 All we got was money -1804 +1803 01:55:22,900 --> 01:55:25,360 and money wasn't enough. -1805 +1804 01:55:25,360 --> 01:55:28,070 Then you can't justify all the killings that happened in Attica. -1806 +1805 01:55:28,700 --> 01:55:30,410 You can't justify that. -1807 +1806 01:55:30,410 --> 01:55:31,450 So there's no justice. -1808 +1807 01:55:31,450 --> 01:55:34,000 There is no justice. -1809 +1808 01:55:36,120 --> 01:55:39,040 We shall. -1810 +1809 01:55:40,130 --> 01:55:43,630 Be. And. -1811 +1810 01:55:47,720 --> 01:55:50,300 They might. -1812 +1811 01:55:51,470 --> 01:55:53,430 True. -1813 +1812 01:55:55,060 --> 01:55:57,640 Well, I'm sure. -1814 +1813 01:55:58,770 --> 01:56:01,980 Me, too, -1815 +1814 01:56:01,980 --> 01:56:04,530 do so. -1816 +1815 01:56:10,740 --> 01:56:12,910 And. Be. -1817 +1816 01:56:21,210 --> 01:56:27,090 You. Some -1818 +1817 01:56:27,090 --> 01:56:45,860 foolish. Oh.