# Check for update, set DISABLE_UPDATE_PROMPT=yes to disable the prompt and automatically update env ZSH=$ZSH DISABLE_UPDATE_PROMPT=$DISABLE_UPDATE_PROMPT DOTFILES=$DOTFILES zsh -f $DOTFILES/check_for_update.sh # oh-my-zsh plugins (some of these have to be installed by running install.sh or install_zsh_plugins, found in install.sh) shared_plugins=(git alias-tips sudo common-aliases fast-syntax-highlighting zsh-autosuggestions colored-man-pages zsh-navigation-tools zsh_reload themes) uname=$(uname -a) if [[ $uname == *"Darwin"* ]]; then if [[ $(which port) ]]; then os_extra=(osx macports) else os_extra=(osx) fi elif [[ $uname == *"ARCH"* ]]; then os_extra=(archlinux systemd) elif [[ $uname == *"Debian"* ]]; then os_extra=(debian) fi # Misc environment variables # https://www.xkcd.com/378/ export EDITOR="vim" export HISTSIZE=100000 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 if [[ $SSH_CLIENT ]]; then export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$HOME/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock fi plugins=($shared_plugins $os_extra) alias esource="$EDITOR $HOME/.zshrc" alias resource="source $HOME/.zshrc" alias dotedit="$EDITOR $DOTFILES/brethil_dotfile.sh" # Custom definitions files alias funedit="$EDITOR ~/.dotfiles_functions.sh" alias aledit="$EDITOR ~/.dotfiles_aliases.sh" # Extras functions_file=$DOTFILES/functions.sh # Function definitions aliases_file=$DOTFILES/aliases.sh # Aliases definitions colors_file=$DOTFILES/colors.sh # Colors definitions # Source extras if [ -f $functions_file ]; then source $functions_file; else echo "[brethil-dotfiles] Couldn't load functions: $functions_file"; fi if [ -f $aliases_file ]; then source $aliases_file; else echo "[brethil-dotfiles] Couldn't load aliases: $aliases_file"; fi if [ -f $colors_file ]; then source $colors_file; else echo "[brethil-dotfiles] Couldn't load colors: $colors_file";fi ### SETUP PATHS #### export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin