# brethil's dotfiles A set of zsh dotfiles based on antibody and oh-my-zsh ## Description ├── README.md ├──────── Main files ──────── │ ├── aliases.sh │ │     └── aliases definitions (sources `~/.dotfiles_aliases`) │ ├── colors.sh │ │     └── ANSI color escapes │ ├── functions.sh │ │     └── contains function definitions (sources `~/.dotfiles_functions`) │ ├── ansible │ │     └── ansible playboooks/config │ └── brethil_dotfile.sh: │       └── This file should be sourced by your `.zshrc` ├──────── antibody plugins ──────── │ ├── antibody_plugins_arch.txt │ └── antibody_plugins.txt ├──────── oh-my-zsh themes ──────── │ ├── brethil.zsh-theme │ └── brethil-minimal.zsh-theme ├──────── Misc rc files──────── │ ├── gitconfig │ │     └── git configuration │ ├── ackrc │ │     └── ack rc: a grep-like text finder │ ├── ipython │ │     ├── profile_default │ │     ├── ipython_config.py │ │     ├── startup │ │     ├── 11-autoreload.py │ │     └── README │ ├── vim │ │    ├── vimrc │ │    │ └── main vim rc │ │    ├── plugs.vim │ │    │ └── plugins to be installed with vim-plug │ │    ├── plugins_config.vim │ │    │ └── plugins configuration │ │    ├── shortcuts.vim │ │    │ └── vim shortcuts definitions │ │    ├── functions.vim │ │    │ └── miscellaneous vim function │ │    └── twilight256.vim │ │      └── an old colorscheme │ └── pdbrc.py │      └── pdb++ rc (a drop-in replacement for pdb) ├──────── Other ───────────── ├── check_for_update.sh │      └── selfupdate script └── useful_commands ## Installation - With ansible: ```bash bash dev/add_community.general.sh # only if community.general is not installed ansible-playbook -v -i ansible/playbooks/setup.yml ``` This playbook can be tested [with a docker container](dev/README.md) Use `-e fix_annoyances=true` to fix some small annoyances (only run once) - Manually (this only installs the zsh configuration): ```bash git clone https://git.decapod.one/brethil/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles echo 'DOTFILES=~/.dotfiles' >> ~/.zshrc echo 'source $DOTFILES/brethil_dotfile.sh' ``` A self-update mechanism is included. It asks for confirmation to pull the latest changes from the git repo every two weeks. This also updates the git-sourced repositories installed by the install script. The self-update routine can be called manually by calling dotfiles_selfupdate If you do not want to run the installer script, you can just add source `brethil_dotfile.sh` in your `.zshrc`. This requires antibody installed. ### Available Functions 0. `cheat`: show cheat sheet for commands using cheat.sh (`cheat `) 1. Quickly edit/reload profile (`esource`/`resource`) 2. `dockertags` list all tags for a given docker image 3. `color` to print colored text (see 3. in the Misc section): color $Red "This will be printed in red" color $Yellow "This will be printed in red" 4. `mecp` to copy files back to the machine from wich you are ssh-ing. For this to work an ssh tunnel with `Remoteforward` is needed: ssh -R 22:localhost:2222 YOURHOSTNAMEHERE or specify this in `~/.ssh/config` for a persistent configuration: Host YOURHOSTNAMEHERE Remoteforward 2222 localhost:22 This can be enabled in `~/.ssh/config` globally for all hosts by uncommenting the relevant `Host * Remoteforward`. You might have to manually edit the username in the `mecp` definition in `functions.sh` if this is different between the two machines. `mecp` copies by default on the local machine on `~/Desktop/` 5. Many more. Use `list_functions` to list defined functions and a small description ### Files/Folders 1. `~/bin`, `~/git`, `~/projects` folders 2. ssh config (`~/.ssh/config`): - Create ssh keys if not defined already - Keep connections alive by increasing timeout time - Include multiplexer to allow quick multiple connections to the same host - (Optional: Compression, this should allow more responsive shells with slow connections, but will slow things down when copying large files. My suggestion is to have compression enabled on a by-host basis in `~/.ssh/config`) 3. `brethil.zsh-theme`, `brethil-minimal.zsh-themes`, themes for oh-my-zsh. 4. `~/.dotfiles_functions`, `~/.dotfiles_aliases` are sourced by this dotfiles, allowing for custom functions/aliases 5. useful_commands contains a list of useful commands (the first rule of the tautology club...) ### Misc 1. Colored output (via `grc`) for several commands. 2. Easy names for ANSI color escapes (Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Cyan, Purple, White, CLEAR), for example: echo -e "${Green}This text will be green${CLEAR}" will result in green text. Use `$CLEAR` to clear previous escape sequences add B before the variable (check `colors.sh`) name to use **bold** and U to underline (examples: `$BRed`, `$UBlack` for bold red and underlined black) 3. Autoupdate script running every two weeks, autoupdate function: `dotfiles_selfupdate` (or `git pull` from `$DOTFILES`folder) 4. Automatic fix of the`SSH_AUTH_SOCK`environment variable:`~/.ssh/rc` is installed run on every ssh login, and updates a symlink pointing (`~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock`). `SSH_AUTH_SOCK`points to this (set in`brethil_dotfile.sh`). The idea is that if the user is logging in using `ssh -A`, and using tmux, it will be possible to use the remote socket over different sessions by always using the symlink.