#!/bin/bash ## brethil's dotfiles installation script ## 20 June 2016 # Get the location for the dotfiles DOTFILES=$PWD # Install packages # vim, zsh # antibody: zsh plugin manager # grc: generic colourizer, colors output of any command # ccze: similar to the above # byobu: configuration/wrapper for tmux # bmon: bandwidth monitor, monitors bandwith usage, shows graph # mtr: mytraceroute, traceroute tool # pv: pipe view, monitor the progress of data through a pipe # byobu: tmux wrapper # htop: like top, but bettah # bat: a cat clone on wings PACKAGES="vim zsh antibody git grc ccze bmon mtr tmux byobu htop" function setup_git { # set up some git stuff git config --global include.path $DOTFILES/gitconfig } function install_vimrc { # TODO: check if vim-plug is installed if [ -f "$HOME/.vimrc" ]; then mv "$HOME/.vimrc"{,.bak} && echo "Backed up old vimrc" fi ln -s "$DOTFILES/.vimrc" "$HOME/.vimrc" } function setup_ackrc { ln -s "$DOTFILES/ackrc" "$HOME/.ackrc" } function setup_ipython { python -m pip install pip ipython || python -m pip install --user pip ipython ipython -c "1+1" # run ipython once so that we are sure that the profile directories exist ln -s "$DOTFILES/ipython/profile_default/ipython_config.py" "$HOME/.ipython/profile_default/" ln -s "$DOTFILES/ipython/profile_default/startup" "$HOME/.ipython/profile_default/startup" } # Add an ssh config file with: # - Connection multiplexer for faster multiple connections # - Keep connections alive (avoid timeout disconnections) function create_ssh_config { echo "# Configuring ssh..." ssh_config="$HOME/.ssh/config" if [ ! -f $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa ]; then echo "Creating ssh key (4096bit)..." echo "Enter ssh-key comment (leave empty for default: user@host)" read comment if [[ $comment ]]; then ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "$comment" else ssh-keygen -t ed25519 fi # fix permissions chmod 0700 "$HOME/.ssh" fi if [[ -f $ssh_config ]]; then until [[ $modifyssh == "y" || $modifyssh == "n" ]]; do echo "Do you want to modify the existing ssh config? (New values will be appended) (y/n)" read modifyssh done fi exec 3>&1 # save stdout file descriptor # add the ssh rc that symlinks the used SSH_AUTH_SOCK. This will be executed on every ssh login. # The idea is that if the user is logging in using ssh -A, the symlink will point to the correct # location of the ssh auth socket and the remote ssh agent will be used. # SSH_AUTH_SOCK is declared in brethil_dotfile.sh exec 1>>~/.ssh/rc echo '#!/bin/bash' echo 'if test "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ; then' echo ' ln -sf $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock' echo 'fi ' chmod 755 ~/.ssh/rc exec 1>>$ssh_config # redirect everything below to the $ssh_config file if [[ "$modifyssh" == "n" ]]; then echo "Did not modify $ssh_config." exec 1>&3 # restore stdout return fi echo "# brethil's dotfiles setup start" echo 'TCPKeepAlive=yes' echo 'ServerAliveCountMax=6' echo echo "## Uncomment to enable compression for all ssh sessions" echo '#Compression=yes' echo echo '## Uncomment the following to enable ssh ControlMaster and ssh session persistence' echo '#ControlMaster autoask # ask for confirmation before using a shared connection' echo '#ControlMaster auto # do not ask for confirmation' echo '#ControlPath ~/.ssh/%r@%h:%p' echo '#ControlPersist yes' echo echo 'Host *' echo ' ServerAliveInterval 300' echo echo '## Enable the following if you want to use the rmate textmate remote' echo "#Host *" echo "# RemoteForward 52698 localhost:52698" echo echo '## Enable the following if you want to use a reverse ssh tunnel to use mecp command on remote hosts' echo "#Host *" echo "# Remoteforward 2222 localhost:22" echo echo '# end of brethil dotfiles setup #' exec 1>&3 # restore stdout echo ".ssh/ssh_config configured. Edit it to enable custom options:" echo "- Compression" echo "- Remote forwarding remote:2222->localhost:22 (revere tunnel to scp back to the original host using mecp)" echo "# End of ssh config." } function fix_annoyances { ## Fix scrolling in byobu if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]; then sed -i '' 's/set -g terminal-overrides/#set -g terminal-overrides/' /usr/share/byobu/profiles/tmux else sed -i 's/set -g terminal-overrides/#set -g terminal-overrides/' /usr/share/byobu/profiles/tmux fi # remove ls from the grc.zsh config: # TODO: fix this on MacOS sed 's|ls \\|#ls \\|' /etc/grc.zsh # TODO: add iptables, docker to grc.zsh } # First setup function brethil_dotfiles_setup { antibody &>/dev/null || (echo "Please install antibody then continue." 1>&2 && echo "Other useful packages: $PACKAGES" && exit) bin="$HOME/bin" projects="$HOME/projects" git="$HOME/git" mkdir -p "$bin" "$projects" "$git" && echo "Created dirs $bin, $projects, $git" # prepare .zshrc exec 3>&1 # save stdout exec 1>"$HOME/.zshrc" echo -e "\n\n# brethil's dotfiles:" echo "DOTFILES=$DOTFILES" echo "source \$DOTFILES/brethil_dotfile.sh" echo -e "# End of brethil's dotfiles\n\n" exec 1>&3 # restore stdout antibody bundle $DOTFILES/antibody_plugins.txt antibody update fix_annoyances setup_vim # Create ssh config create_ssh_config # git config setup_git # ipython profile setup_ipython # pdbpp rc setup_pdbprc # ackrc setup_ackrc oh_my_zsh_path="$(antibody path robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh)" # Symlink brethil.zsh-theme ln -s $DOTFILES/brethil.zsh-theme ${oh_my_zsh_path}/themes/ # TODO: improve this # Symlink brethil-minimal.zsh-theme ln -s $DOTFILES/brethil-minimal.zsh-theme ${oh_my_zsh_path}/themes/ # TODO: powerline? } # Setup brethil_dotfiles_setup echo "Functions definitions in $DOTFILES/functions.sh (you can add your own functions in ~/.dotfiles_functions)" echo "Aliases definitions in $DOTFILES/aliases.sh (you can add your own aliases in ~/.dotfiles_aliases)" echo "Colors are defined in $DOTFILES/colors.sh" echo "Type . ~/.zshrc to source the new dotfiles, or simply launch another shell. )"