########################### #### ALIAS # ########################### #### #### Easier life (MAC SPECIFIC) #### if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then alias o="open" alias ls="ls -G" ## Colorize system.log contents (with grc), and inspect with less. alias console="grc cat /var/log/system.log | sort -r | less -R" ## Quicklook shortcut alias quicklook='qlmanage -px 2>/dev/null' alias ql='quicklook' ## Airport command line interface alias airport='/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Resources/airport' ## Flush dns cache #alias dnsflushcache='sudo discoveryutil mdnsflushcache' # used to work until 10.6 alias dnsflushcache='sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder' # Works up until 10.9 and after 10.10.4 alias lsrt='ls -G -lrt | tail -5' ## Add opened files to Textmate's recent menu item alias mate='mate --recent' fi #### #### Easier life (everything) #### Audible bell alias bell='echo -en "\007"' alias grep="grep --colour=yes" ############## ## ls aliases ############ # ls -al, only show files that start with a dot alias lsdot="ls -al | awk '\$9 ~ /^\./ {print \$0}'" alias lt='ls -lrt | tail -10' alias ll='ls -lhL' #long ls output alias ka="killall" ## Load pylab by default when running ipython alias ipy="ipython --pylab" ## Go up one directory or several (with integer argument) alias upcd='. upcd.sh' ## Show the last 10 modified files if [[ ! "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then alias lsrt="ls -lrt | tail -10" fi ## List open connections, TCP and UDP alias listconnections="lsof -n -i TCP -i UDP" ## Stress (run stress &>/dev/null &) alias stress='yes >> /dev/null' # use textmate to diff two files alias mdiff="mate -t source.diff" ########################### #### SSH Tunnels # ########################### # define ssh without controlmaster alias ssh1="ssh -o ControlMaster=no" # grc: try to source the definitions file in /etc/grc.zsh (print a warning if it does not exist) if [[ ! -f /etc/grc.zsh ]]; then echo "Could not find /etc/grc.zsh, command colorization will not work. Check your grc configuration" 1>&2 else source /etc/grc.zsh fi # dotfiles user aliases if [[ -f ~/.dotfiles_aliases ]]; then source ~/.dotfiles_aliases fi