# dev This directory contains some useful dockerfiles/makefiles that can be used to test the deployment ansible playbooks. ```bash make arch # this builds a docker image based on archlinux and runs it make debian # this builds a docker image based on debian and runs it ``` ## Workflow Start a builder in one shell: ```bash while true; do make; done ``` _check for the docker IP of the started container_. Test the playbook in another shell: ```bash ansible-playbook -v -i ./ansible-hosts playbooks/setup.yml ``` note: the ip address in `ansible-hosts` might have changed from ``. ## Docker images - Build: `make build-arch` or `make build-debian` to build the image. - Run: `make run` to run the docker container. This bind-mounts `../` to `/root/.dotfiles`, making it possible to test the repo in the container. ## Docker + Ansible Run `dotfiles-dev` image using `make run`. This starts the container with the local repository bind-mounted on `/root/.dotfiles`. To use a custom volume: ```bash docker run -v :/root/dofiles` ``` Ansible can now be used to test the installation. ```bash # this will install dotfiles on the docker container ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook -i ansible-hosts \ -e local_development=true \ ../ansible/playbooks/setup.yml ``` **IMPORTANT** if bind-mounting an already existing repository, run `ansible` with `-e local_development=true` to avoid clobbering the git history if you have unpushed commit (it won't work if your repo is dirty).