mkvenv(){ local source_venv force_create venv_name while getopts "sf" opt; do case $opt in s|source) source_venv=y ;; f|force) force_create=y ;; *) echo "Unknown option: $opt"; return 1 ;; esac done echo "force=$force_create" return shift $(($OPTIND-1)) if [[ -n $1 ]]; then venv_name=$1 shift fi # any other arguments are passed on to the `venv` module as flags/arguments echo ${venv_name} if [[ -e ${venv_name} ]]; then if [[ -n ${force_create} ]]; then if [[ -n $VIRTUAL_ENV ]]; then # deactivate venv if enabled deactivate && info "Deactivated existing virtualenv" || red "Could not run deactivate"; fi rm -rf ${venv_name} && info "Deleted existing virtualenv" else echo "$(color $RED Error:) $(color $BOLD .venv) already exists. Run with -f to recreate it." >&2 return 1 fi fi info "Creating virtualenv ${venv_name}... " && python -m virtualenv $@ ${venv_name}|| echo -e "Failed to create virtualenv. Is virtualenv installed? Try:\n $ pip install virtualenv" if [[ -z ${source_venv} ]]; then echo -n " done. Enable? [Y/n] " read source_venv else echo "" fi if [[ $source_venv != "n" ]]; then source ${venv_name}/bin/activate && echo -e " → $(color $BOLD Enabled!) 🐍 $(color $BOLD$PURPLE $(python --version | cut -d " " -f2 )) ($(color $BOLD$GREEN $(pip --version | cut -d " " -f -2)))" fi } function enable_venv() { local root local activate root=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null) if [[ -z $root ]]; then root=$PWD; fi activate="$root/.venv/bin/activate" if [[ -f "$activate" ]]; then source "$activate" fi } function disable_venv() { if [[ -z ${VIRTUAL_ENV} ]]; then return fi if [[ ! "$PWD" =~ $(dirname $VIRTUAL_ENV)}* ]]; then echo "Deactivating venv..." deactivate fi } if [[ -n $DOTFILES_AUTOSWITCH_VIRTUALENV ]]; then add-zsh-hook chpwd enable_venv add-zsh-hook chpwd disable_venv enable_venv fi