dev: update makefile with release target, update docs

bretello 2020-12-08 23:46:24 +01:00
parent 4b3b12db5b
commit 34fd5a8726
Signed by: brethil
GPG Key ID: 876AAC6290170FE7
2 changed files with 31 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ RED="\033[31m"
.PHONY: test_colors clean list_targets build arch archlinux run
.PHONY: clean list_targets build build-arch build-debian arch archlinux debian run ansible release
all: list_targets
@ -30,13 +30,28 @@ build-debian: Dockerfile.debian
build-arch: Dockerfile.archlinux
docker build -t brethil/dotfiles:dev -f Dockerfile.archlinux .
run: build clean
docker run -d --name=dotfiles-dev -v ${PWD}/..:/root/.dotfiles brethil/dotfiles:dev
echo -en ${GREEN} "***" ${CLEAR} Started container, listening on ${BOLD}${WHITE}
echo -e ${msg} `docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' dotfiles-dev`:22 ${CLEAR}
echo -e ${GREEN} "***" ${CLEAR} Watching logs from the container. Hit Ctrl+C to stop watching. Run \`make clean\` to stop and remove the container
run: _run
echo -e ${GREEN} "***" ${CLEAR} Watching logs from the container. Hit Ctrl+C to stop watching.
docker logs -f dotfiles-dev
_run: Dockerfile.archlinux Dockerfile.debian build clean
docker run -d --name=dotfiles-dev -v ${PWD}/..:/root/.dotfiles brethil/dotfiles:dev
echo -en ${GREEN} "***" ${CLEAR} Started container, listening on
echo -e ${BOLD}${WHITE} `docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' dotfiles-dev`:22 ${CLEAR}
echo -e ${BLUE} "***" ${CLEAR} Run \`make clean\` to stop and remove the container
ansible: ../ansible/playbooks/setup.yml _run
ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook -i ansible-hosts -e local_development=true ../ansible/playbooks/setup.yml
release: build-arch ansible
docker commit -m "install and initialize dotfiles (ansible)" dotfiles-dev brethil/dotfiles:latest
docker tag brethil/dotfiles:latest brethil/dotfiles:`git rev-parse --short HEAD &2>/dev/null`
echo -e ${GREEN} "***" ${CLEAR} committed and tagged the \"dockerfiles-dev\" to brethil/dotfiles:latest and :`git rev-parse HEAD --short`
if ! git diff --quiet --exit-code; then \
docker tag brethil/dotfiles:latest brethil/dotfiles:dev && \
echo -e ${GREEN} "***" ${CLEAR} committed and tagged the \"dockerfiles-dev\" to brethil/dotfiles:dev; \
echo -e ${GREEN} "***" ${CLEAR} Stopping and removing \"dockerfiles-dev\" container...
docker kill dotfiles-dev &>/dev/null &>/dev/null && echo -e ${GREEN} "***" ${CLEAR} Killed container: dotfiles-dev || echo -e ${BLUE} "***" ${CLEAR} no containers to stop

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ make debian # this builds a docker image based on debian and runs it
Start a builder in one shell:
while true; do make; done
while true; do make _run; done
_check for the docker IP of the started container_.
@ -41,16 +41,16 @@ the local repository bind-mounted on `/root/.dotfiles`. To use a custom volume:
docker run -v <volume>:/root/dofiles`
Ansible can now be used to test the installation.
# this will install dotfiles on the docker container
ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook -i ansible-hosts \
-e local_development=true \
**IMPORTANT** if bind-mounting an already existing repository, run
`ansible` with `-e local_development=true` to avoid
clobbering the git history if you have unpushed commit (it won't
work if your repo is dirty).
Ansible can now be used to test the installation.
make ansible
## Releasing
Use `make release` to build an image from scratch, run it, install dotfiles
in the container using ansible, then commit the resulting container.