import os import re import platform import subprocess from collections import OrderedDict from .base import Base from deoplete.util import charpos2bytepos, expand, getlines, load_external_module load_external_module(__file__, 'sources/deoplete_go') from cgo import cgo from stdlib import stdlib try: load_external_module(__file__, '') from ujson import loads except ImportError: from json import loads known_goos = ( 'appengine', 'android', 'darwin', 'dragonfly', 'freebsd', 'linux', 'nacl', 'netbsd', 'openbsd', 'plan9', 'solaris', 'windows') class Source(Base): def __init__(self, vim): super(Source, self).__init__(vim) = 'go' self.mark = '[Go]' self.filetypes = ['go'] self.input_pattern = r'(?:\b[^\W\d]\w*|[\]\)])\.(?:[^\W\d]\w*)?' self.rank = 500 def on_init(self, context): vars = context['vars'] self.gocode_binary = \ expand(vars.get('deoplete#sources#go#gocode_binary', '')) self.package_dot = \ vars.get('deoplete#sources#go#package_dot', False) self.sort_class = \ vars.get('deoplete#sources#go#sort_class', []) self.pointer = \ vars.get('deoplete#sources#go#pointer', False) self.auto_goos = \ vars.get('deoplete#sources#go#auto_goos', False) self.goos = \ vars.get('deoplete#sources#go#goos', '') self.goarch = \ vars.get('deoplete#sources#go#goarch', '') self.sock = \ vars.get('deoplete#sources#go#gocode_sock', '') self.cgo = \ vars.get('deoplete#sources#go#cgo', False) self.source_importer = \ vars.get('deoplete#sources#go#source_importer', False) self.builtin_objects = \ vars.get('deoplete#sources#go#builtin_objects', False) self.unimported_packages = \ vars.get('deoplete#sources#go#unimported_packages', False) self.fallback_to_source = \ vars.get('deoplete#sources#go#fallback_to_source', False) self.loaded_gocode_binary = False self.complete_pos = re.compile(r'\w*$|(?<=")[./\-\w]*$') if self.pointer: self.complete_pos = re.compile(self.complete_pos.pattern + r'|\*$') self.input_pattern += r'|\*' if self.cgo: load_external_module(__file__, 'clang') import clang.cindex as clang self.libclang_path = \ vars.get('deoplete#sources#go#cgo#libclang_path', '') if self.libclang_path == '': return self.cgo_options = { 'std': vars.get('deoplete#sources#go#cgo#std', 'c11'), 'sort_algo': vars.get('deoplete#sources#cgo#sort_algo', None) } if not clang.Config.loaded and \ clang.Config.library_path != self.libclang_path: clang.Config.set_library_file(self.libclang_path) clang.Config.set_compatibility_check(False) # Set 'C.' complete pattern self.cgo_complete_pattern = re.compile(r'[^\W\d]*C\.') # Create clang.cindex.Index database self.index = clang.Index.create(0) # initialize in-memory cache self.cgo_cache, self.cgo_inline_source = dict(), None def get_complete_position(self, context): m =['input']) return m.start() if m else -1 def gather_candidates(self, context): # If enabled self.cgo, and matched self.cgo_complete_pattern pattern if self.cgo and['input']): return self.cgo_completion(getlines(self.vim)) bufname = if not os.path.isfile(bufname): bufname ='tempname') result = self.get_complete_result( context, getlines(self.vim), bufname) try: if result[1][0]['class'] == 'PANIC': self.print_error('gocode panicked') return [] if self.sort_class: class_dict = OrderedDict((x, []) for x in self.sort_class) out = [] sep = ' ' for complete in result[1]: word = complete['name'] info = complete['type'] _class = complete['class'] abbr = str(word + sep + info).replace(' func', '', 1) kind = _class if _class == 'package' and self.package_dot: word += '.' if self.pointer and \ str(context['input'] [context['complete_position']:]) == '*': word = '*' + word candidates = dict( word=word, abbr=abbr, kind=kind, info=info, dup=1 ) if not self.sort_class or _class == 'import': out.append(candidates) elif _class in class_dict.keys(): class_dict[_class].append(candidates) if self.sort_class: for v in class_dict.values(): out += v return out except Exception: return [] def cgo_completion(self, buffer): # No include header if cgo.get_inline_source(buffer)[0] == 0: return count, inline_source = cgo.get_inline_source(buffer) # exists 'self.cgo_inline_source', same inline sources and # already cached cgo complete candidates if self.cgo_inline_source is not None and \ self.cgo_inline_source == inline_source and \ self.cgo_cache[self.cgo_inline_source]: # Use in-memory(self.cgo_headers) cacahe return self.cgo_cache[self.cgo_inline_source] else: self.cgo_inline_source = inline_source # return candidates use libclang-python3 return cgo.complete( self.index, self.cgo_cache, self.cgo_options, count, self.cgo_inline_source ) def get_complete_result(self, context, buffer, bufname): offset = self.get_cursor_offset(context) env = os.environ.copy() env['GOPATH'] = self.vim.eval('$GOPATH') if self.auto_goos: name = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(bufname)[0]) if '_' in name: for part in name.rsplit('_', 2): if part in known_goos: env['GOOS'] = part break if 'GOOS' not in env: for line in buffer: if line.startswith('package '): break elif not line.startswith('// +build'): continue directives = [ x.split(',', 1)[0] for x in line[9:].strip().split() ] if platform.system().lower() not in directives: for plat in directives: if plat in known_goos: env['GOOS'] = plat break elif self.goos != '': env['GOOS'] = self.goos if 'GOOS' in env and env['GOOS'] != platform.system().lower(): env['CGO_ENABLED'] = '0' if self.goarch != '': env['GOARCH'] = self.goarch gocode = self.find_gocode_binary() if not gocode: return [] args = [gocode, '-f=json'] if self.source_importer: args.append('-source') if self.builtin_objects: args.append('-builtin') if self.unimported_packages: args.append('-unimported-packages') if self.fallback_to_source: args.append('-fallback-to-source') # basically, '-sock' option for mdempsky/gocode. # probably meaningless in nsf/gocode that already run the rpc server if self.sock != '' and self.sock in ['unix', 'tcp', 'none']: args.append('-sock={}'.format(self.sock)) args += ['autocomplete', bufname, str(offset)] process = subprocess.Popen( args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, start_new_session=True, env=env ) stdout_data, stderr_data = process.communicate( '\n'.join(buffer).encode() ) result = [] try: result = loads(stdout_data.decode()) except Exception as e: self.print_error('gocode decode error') self.print_error(stdout_data.decode()) self.print_error(stderr_data.decode()) return result def get_cursor_offset(self, context): line = self.vim.current.window.cursor[0] column = context['complete_position'] count ='line2byte', line) if self.vim.current.buffer.options['fileformat'] == 'dos': # Note: line2byte() counts "\r\n" in DOS format. It must be "\n" # in gocode. count -= line - 1 return count + charpos2bytepos( 'utf-8', context['input'][: column], column) - 1 def parse_import_package(self, buffer): start = 0 packages = [] for line, b in enumerate(buffer): if re.match(r'^\s*import \w*|^\s*import \(', b): start = line continue elif re.match(r'\)', b): break elif line > start: package_name = re.sub(r'\t|"', '', b) if str(package_name).find(r'/', 0) > 0: full_package_name = str(package_name).split('/', -1) package_name = \ full_package_name[len(full_package_name) - 1] library = '/'.join( full_package_name[:len(full_package_name) - 1] ), packages.append( dict( library=library, package=package_name ) ) else: packages.append(dict(library='none', package=package_name)) return packages def find_gocode_binary(self): if self.gocode_binary != '' and self.loaded_gocode_binary: return self.gocode_binary self.loaded_gocode_binary = os.path.isfile(self.gocode_binary) if self.loaded_gocode_binary: return self.gocode_binary elif platform.system().lower() == 'windows': return self.find_binary_path('gocode.exe') else: return self.find_binary_path('gocode') def find_binary_path(self, path): def is_exec(bin_path): return os.path.isfile(bin_path) and os.access(bin_path, os.X_OK) dirpath, binary = os.path.split(path) if dirpath: if is_exec(path): return path else: for p in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): p = p.strip('"') binary = os.path.join(p, path) if is_exec(binary): return binary return self.print_error(path + ' binary not found')