setlocal expandtab setlocal colorcolumn=88 setlocal textwidth=88 " Enable comment continuation. " setlocal formatoptions+=cro " setlocal foldmethod=indent " setlocal foldminlines=10 " setlocal textwidth=0 " Multi-line commenting and uncommenting. vmap :s/^\(\s*\)/\1#/ vmap :s/^\(\s*\)#/\1/ " Use the AutoPythonImport tool. map :call AutoPythonImport(expand("")) " Change the line length for Python files based on configuration files. function! ChangePythonLineLength() abort let l:conf = ale#path#FindNearestFile(bufnr(''), 'setup.cfg') " Reset settings back to defaults when configuration files are not found let l:line_length = 79 if !empty(l:conf) for l:match in ale#util#GetMatches( \ readfile(l:conf), \ '\v^ *max-line-length *\= *(\d+)', \) let l:line_length = str2nr(l:match[1]) endfor endif let &l:colorcolumn = l:line_length + 1 endfunction call ChangePythonLineLength() let b:ale_linters = ['flake8'] let b:ale_fixers = [ \ 'remove_trailing_lines', \ 'autopep8', \ 'yapf', \] let b:ale_completion_excluded_words = ['and', 'or', 'if'] if expand('%:e') is# 'pyi' let b:ale_linters = ['mypy'] endif map :TestFile let s:virtualenv = ale#python#FindVirtualenv(bufnr('')) if !empty(s:virtualenv) if executable(s:virtualenv . '/bin/pytest') let g:test#python#runner = 'pytest' let g:test#python#pytest#executable = \ ale#path#CdString(ale#path#Dirname(s:virtualenv)) \ . ale#Escape(s:virtualenv . '/bin/pytest') else let g:test#python#runner = 'djangotest' let g:test#python#djangotest#executable = \ ale#Escape(s:virtualenv . '/bin/python') \ . ' ' . ale#Escape(ale#path#Dirname(s:virtualenv) . '/') . ' test' endif endif