diff --git a/README.md b/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..863cc29 --- /dev/null +++ b/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +# Full DNS + +Wannabe full-stack dns ansible role + + +## Wat? + +This role aims to configure (only on debian stable systems) a working dns stack +that aims to offer for own zones: + + - [x] authoritative DNS via `nsd` + - [x] primary/secondaries replication (with AXFR queries only on secure + wireguard ptp tunnel) + - [x] DNS caching via unbound + - [ ] DNSSEC + - [ ] DNS-over-TLS + - [ ] DNS-over-HTTPS (eventually via [doh-proxy][0]) + - [ ] A bit of hardening here and there + +## Why? + +I need it for my servers + +## How? + +Configure appropriately your inventory to include one **main zone** and pointing +out the primary (_star_) and the secondaries (_satellite_). An example [variable +file][1] looks like this + +```yml +--- +dns_server: + verbosity: 3 + main_zone: + name: foundation.lan + soa: sagittarius.foundation.lan + email: postmaster.foundation.lan + records: + - {name: "", type: MX, value: "10 terminus"} + - {name: "", type: MX, value: "20 trantor"} + zones: + - name: seldon.org + soa: sagittarius.seldon.org + email: postmaster.seldon.org + records: + - {name: sagittarius, type: A, value:} + - {name: hari, type: A, value:} + - {name: "", type: MX, value: "10 sagittarius"} + - {name: "", type: MX, value: "40 the.mule.net."} + - name: mule.net + soa: the.mule.net + email: postmaster@foundation.net + records: + - {name: the, type: A, value:} + - {name: "", type: MX, value: "10 sagittarius.seldon.org."} + - {name: "", type: MX, value: "40 the"} + - {name: _special_key, type: TXT, value: "GOTCHA"} + servers: + + - name: sagittariusAstar + hostname: sagittarius.foundation.lan + local_resolver: true + nsd_addr: + nsd_port: 5353 + star: true + public_ip: + vpn: + address: + net_size: 24 + private_key: !vault | + $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 + 62346638623333623232376462346232316233653633343634376235393662396462326566633632 + 3538386564616436343138343832383362653730396532350a353632323562666333383066353437 + 31326366356139383636643663303263623537303730643236333363653135386636653064656163 + 3166656534663766300a383232323561303436343562363433636432613636653866636364613464 + 38663164646533656363613137353963643735633433303036316634373033306138306137356338 + 6239666465306638313037343231373663633833626130623462 + public_key: !vault | + $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 + 65343336343938626332646439393065626636353837326166303239373463636664656535336365 + 6138326166653438346466336533656136653665313832350a616431646232306436366166666537 + 37313139303532663165343731666234633532323633646561353261613138666238353534633361 + 3931393637333339630a343465363766626536663530656535323265373864376165343737633033 + 31313262313133356364653964356537303761313135613464373031326334323933323033303733 + 3861373164663366313766663835636561356565383363373433 + + - name: trantor + hostname: trantor.foundation.lan + local_resolver: true + nsd_addr: + nsd_port: 5353 + satellite: true + public_ip: + vpn: + address: + net_size: 24 + private_key: !vault | + $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 + 37646262626137633331326438306463353538636332353134306161333962356138663535666538 + 3064373263313763363630333733313966636665373130660a313163653136323634626431633161 + 35323831386164366534616265313532343961333734376362643637353332346434373461386362 + 3130656639303738620a313938376562373566646530383339376139623662633865306262393031 + 33623661313739653966643766613734653665353337663435336430633730643461346363613961 + 3531643132353633626333663539653839343963333037666536 + public_key: !vault | + $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 + 64613433666138303634653661633536356362396431363134383736653539613237643839643565 + 6235326661333562646237623761356364376234383965300a666431663262346162633131363264 + 65623238663838643531343065353039306231323836326335323463303161333938613231303139 + 3132646335326339640a396162303436326231643364653637633036303137646666376138386637 + 66303465653361366565626139656665303162316663616634363361346534643161663932313434 + 6263316630323532346666373839613037303334316537366434 + + - name: terminus + hostname: terminus.foundation.lan + nsd_addr: + nsd_port: 5353 + satellite: true + public_ip: + vpn: + address: + net_size: 24 + private_key: !vault | + $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 + 66623362633739316266376234363561656639376637666165323465643738323664643261613065 + 6463663063633163313432373564363636663234303264350a303032373336333133353766376364 + 37663965663837663936383265346164343563656636623133346132626664383262356465313836 + 3932666563326363660a306463383364386662613563653136333061326434373731323231323763 + 64353130336661306266636565626561376465393737663832303633633436343633363861616364 + 6436623833326632353363333862616634366133323534666166 + public_key: !vault | + $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 + 66333135396638326166396264386535646633663730333632306166633166323230376563316466 + 3230383366336466623738613134346439303933346661630a626637313036613135656435343334 + 30643530363638326264316664393833666134613234333435333831353966383162633862303063 + 6665653534313461660a633566656130616562636337373434333037313030356336643266313135 + 35663563626137653065633463613966363961343138656566333731373833366164333136313032 + 3434343664333661346339373233373739393332636433363433 + +``` + +the `public_key` and `private_key` blocks can be generated with the [provided +python script][2]. The usage is: + +``` +Usage: + gen_keys.py +``` + +The keys are output in the same path, at `result.yml` in an easy-to-copy form, +yet per-host divided. + + + + [0]: https://github.com/jedisct1/doh-server + [1]: ./test_vars.yml + [2]: ./keys/gen_keys.py