Fork 0

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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package org.mozilla.fenix.collections
import mozilla.components.feature.tab.collections.TabCollection
import org.mozilla.fenix.home.Tab
interface CollectionCreationInteractor {
fun onNewCollectionNameSaved(tabs: List<Tab>, name: String)
fun onCollectionRenamed(collection: TabCollection, name: String)
* Called when either the physical back button, or the back arrow are clicked.
* Note that this is not called when the close button on the snackbar is clicked. See [close].
fun onBackPressed(fromStep: SaveCollectionStep)
* Called when a user hits 'Select All' from the 'Select Tabs' step. This affects which tabs
* have been 'selected' to be saved into a collection.
fun selectAllTapped()
* Called when a user hits 'Deselect All' from the 'Select Tabs' step. This affects which tabs
* have been 'selected' to be saved into a collection.
fun deselectAllTapped()
* Called when a user hits the close button on the snackbar.
* Note that this is not called when the back arrow is clicked. See [onBackPressed].
fun close()
fun selectCollection(collection: TabCollection, tabs: List<Tab>)
* Called when the user decides to save tabs to the currently selected session.
fun saveTabsToCollection(tabs: List<Tab>)
fun addNewCollection()
fun addTabToSelection(tab: Tab)
fun removeTabFromSelection(tab: Tab)
* Forwards all method calls to their equivalents in [CollectionCreationController].
class DefaultCollectionCreationInteractor(
private val controller: CollectionCreationController
) : CollectionCreationInteractor {
override fun onNewCollectionNameSaved(tabs: List<Tab>, name: String) {
controller.saveCollectionName(tabs, name)
override fun onCollectionRenamed(collection: TabCollection, name: String) {
controller.renameCollection(collection, name)
override fun onBackPressed(fromStep: SaveCollectionStep) {
override fun selectAllTapped() {
override fun deselectAllTapped() {
override fun close() {
override fun selectCollection(collection: TabCollection, tabs: List<Tab>) {
controller.selectCollection(collection, tabs)
override fun saveTabsToCollection(tabs: List<Tab>) {
override fun addNewCollection() {
override fun addTabToSelection(tab: Tab) {
override fun removeTabFromSelection(tab: Tab) {