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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package org.mozilla.fenix.settings.account
import android.content.Context
import androidx.appcompat.content.res.AppCompatResources
import androidx.core.graphics.drawable.RoundedBitmapDrawableFactory
import androidx.preference.Preference
import androidx.preference.PreferenceCategory
import androidx.preference.PreferenceFragmentCompat
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.cancel
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import mozilla.components.concept.fetch.Client
import mozilla.components.concept.sync.Profile
import mozilla.components.service.fxa.manager.FxaAccountManager
import org.mozilla.fenix.R
import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.bitmapForUrl
import org.mozilla.fenix.settings.requirePreference
class AccountUiView(
fragment: PreferenceFragmentCompat,
private val scope: CoroutineScope,
private val accountManager: FxaAccountManager,
private val httpClient: Client,
private val updateFxASyncOverrideMenu: () -> Unit
) {
private val preferenceSignIn =
private val preferenceFirefoxAccount =
private val preferenceFirefoxAccountAuthError =
private val accountPreferenceCategory =
private var avatarJob: Job? = null
* Updates the UI to reflect current account state.
* Possible conditions are logged-in without problems, logged-out, and logged-in but needs to re-authenticate.
fun updateAccountUIState(context: Context, profile: Profile?) {
val account = accountManager.authenticatedAccount()
// Signed-in, no problems.
if (account != null && !accountManager.accountNeedsReauth()) {
preferenceSignIn.isVisible = false
val avatarUrl = profile?.avatar?.url
if (avatarUrl != null) {
avatarJob = scope.launch {
val roundedAvatarDrawable = toRoundedDrawable(avatarUrl, context)
preferenceFirefoxAccount.icon = roundedAvatarDrawable ?: genericAvatar(context)
} else {
avatarJob = null
preferenceFirefoxAccount.icon = genericAvatar(context)
preferenceSignIn.onPreferenceClickListener = null
preferenceFirefoxAccountAuthError.isVisible = false
preferenceFirefoxAccount.isVisible = true
accountPreferenceCategory.isVisible = true
preferenceFirefoxAccount.displayName = profile?.displayName
preferenceFirefoxAccount.email = profile?.email
// Signed-in, need to re-authenticate.
} else if (account != null && accountManager.accountNeedsReauth()) {
preferenceFirefoxAccount.isVisible = false
preferenceFirefoxAccountAuthError.isVisible = true
accountPreferenceCategory.isVisible = true
preferenceSignIn.isVisible = false
preferenceSignIn.onPreferenceClickListener = null
preferenceFirefoxAccountAuthError.email = profile?.email
// Signed-out.
} else {
preferenceSignIn.isVisible = true
preferenceFirefoxAccount.isVisible = false
preferenceFirefoxAccountAuthError.isVisible = false
accountPreferenceCategory.isVisible = false
* Cancel any running coroutine jobs for loading account images.
fun cancel() {
* Returns generic avatar for accounts.
private fun genericAvatar(context: Context) =
AppCompatResources.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.ic_account)
* Gets a rounded drawable from a URL if possible, else null.
private suspend fun toRoundedDrawable(
url: String,
context: Context
) = bitmapForUrl(url, httpClient)?.let { bitmap ->
RoundedBitmapDrawableFactory.create(context.resources, bitmap).apply {
isCircular = true