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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics
import android.app.Application
import android.util.Log
import com.leanplum.Leanplum
import com.leanplum.LeanplumActivityHelper
import com.leanplum.annotations.Parser
import org.mozilla.fenix.BuildConfig
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.Settings
private val Event.name: String?
get() = when (this) {
is Event.AddBookmark -> "E_Add_Bookmark"
is Event.RemoveBookmark -> "E_Remove_Bookmark"
is Event.OpenedBookmark -> "E_Opened_Bookmark"
is Event.OpenedApp -> "E_Opened_App"
is Event.OpenedAppFirstRun -> "E_Opened_App_FirstRun"
is Event.InteractWithSearchURLArea -> "E_Interact_With_Search_URL_Area"
is Event.SavedLoginandPassword -> "E_Saved_Login_and_Password"
is Event.FXANewSignup -> "E_FXA_New_Signup"
is Event.UserSignedInToFxA -> "E_User_Signed_In_To_FxA"
is Event.UserDownloadedFocus -> "E_User_Downloaded_Focus"
is Event.UserDownloadedLockbox -> "E_User_Downloaded_Lockbox"
is Event.UserDownloadedFennec -> "E_User_Downloaded_Fennec"
is Event.TrackingProtectionSettingsChanged -> "E_Tracking_Protection_Settings_Changed"
is Event.FXASyncedNewDevice -> "E_FXA_Synced_New_Device"
is Event.DismissedOnboarding -> "E_Dismissed_Onboarding"
is Event.Uninstall -> "E_Uninstall"
is Event.OpenNewNormalTab -> "E_Open_New_Normal_Tab"
is Event.OpenNewPrivateTab -> "E_Open_New_Private_Tab"
is Event.ShareStarted -> "E_Share_Started"
is Event.ShareCanceled -> "E_Share_Canceled"
is Event.ShareCompleted -> "E_Share_Completed"
is Event.ClosePrivateTabs -> "E_Close_Private_Tabs"
is Event.ClearedPrivateData -> "E_Cleared_Private_Data"
is Event.OpenedLoginManager -> "E_Opened_Login_Manager"
is Event.OpenedMailtoLink -> "E_Opened_Mailto_Link"
is Event.DownloadMediaSavedImage -> "E_Download_Media_Saved_Image"
is Event.UserUsedReaderView -> "E_User_Used_Reader_View"
is Event.UserDownloadedPocket -> "E_User_Downloaded_Pocket"
is Event.UserDownloadedSend -> "E_User_Downloaded_Send"
is Event.OpenedPocketStory -> "E_Opened_Pocket_Story"
is Event.DarkModeEnabled -> "E_Dark_Mode_Enabled"
// Do not track these events in Leanplum
is Event.SearchBarTapped -> ""
is Event.EnteredUrl -> ""
is Event.PerformedSearch -> ""
class LeanplumMetricsService(private val application: Application) : MetricsService {
data class Token(val id: String, val token: String) {
enum class Type { Development, Production, Invalid }
val type by lazy {
when {
token.take(ProdPrefix.length) == ProdPrefix -> Type.Production
token.take(DevPrefix.length) == DevPrefix -> Type.Development
else -> Type.Invalid
companion object {
private const val ProdPrefix = "prod"
private const val DevPrefix = "dev"
private val token = Token(LeanplumId, LeanplumToken)
override fun start() {
when (token.type) {
Token.Type.Production -> Leanplum.setAppIdForProductionMode(token.id, token.token)
Token.Type.Development -> Leanplum.setAppIdForDevelopmentMode(token.id, token.token)
Token.Type.Invalid -> {
Log.i(LOGTAG, "Invalid or missing Leanplum token")
override fun track(event: Event) {
event.name?.also {
Leanplum.track(it, event.extras)
override fun shouldTrack(event: Event): Boolean {
return Settings.getInstance(application).isTelemetryEnabled &&
token.type != Token.Type.Invalid && !event.name.isNullOrEmpty()
companion object {
private const val LOGTAG = "LeanplumMetricsService"
private val LeanplumId: String
get() = BuildConfig.LEANPLUM_ID ?: ""
private val LeanplumToken: String
get() = BuildConfig.LEANPLUM_TOKEN ?: ""