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import org.gradle.api.Project
import java.lang.Math.pow
import java.lang.RuntimeException
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.util.Date
import java.util.Locale
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
object Config {
// Synchronized build configuration for all modules
const val compileSdkVersion = 28
const val minSdkVersion = 21
const val targetSdkVersion = 28
private fun generateDebugVersionName(): String {
val today = Date()
// Append the year (2 digits) and week in year (2 digits). This will make it easier to distinguish versions and
// identify ancient versions when debugging issues. However this will still keep the same version number during
// the week so that we do not end up with a lot of versions in tools like Sentry. As an extra this matches the
// sections we use in the changelog (weeks).
return SimpleDateFormat("1.0.yyww", Locale.US).format(today)
fun releaseVersionName(project: Project): String {
// This function is called in the configuration phase, before gradle knows which variants we'll use.
// So, validation that "versionName" has been set happens elsewhere (at time of writing, we staple
// validation to tasks of type "AppPreBuildTask"
return if (project.hasProperty("versionName")) project.property("versionName") as String else ""
fun generateBuildDate(): String {
val dateTime = LocalDateTime.now()
val timeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("h:mm a")
return "${dateTime.dayOfWeek.toString().toLowerCase().capitalize()} ${dateTime.monthValue}/${dateTime.dayOfMonth} @ ${timeFormatter.format(dateTime)}"
private val fennecBaseVersionCode by lazy {
val format = SimpleDateFormat("YYYYMMDDHHMMSS", Locale.US)
val cutoff = format.parse("20150801000000")
val build = Date()
Math.floor((build.time - cutoff.time) / (1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)).toInt()
* Generates a versionCode that follows the same rules like legacy Fennec builds.
* Adapted from:
* https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/34cb8d0a2a324043bcfc2c56f37b31abe7fb23a8/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/android_version_code.py
fun generateFennecVersionCode(abi: String): Int {
// The important consideration is that version codes be monotonically
// increasing (per Android package name) for all published builds. The input
// build IDs are based on timestamps and hence are always monotonically
// increasing.
// The generated v1 version codes look like (in binary):
// 0111 1000 0010 tttt tttt tttt tttt txpg
// The 17 bits labelled 't' represent the number of hours since midnight on
// September 1, 2015. (2015090100 in YYYYMMMDDHH format.) This yields a
// little under 15 years worth of hourly build identifiers, since 2**17 / (366
// * 24) =~ 14.92.
// The bits labelled 'x', 'p', and 'g' are feature flags.
// The bit labelled 'x' is 1 if the build is for an x86 or x86-64 architecture,
// and 0 otherwise, which means the build is for an ARM or ARM64 architecture.
// (Fennec no longer supports ARMv6, so ARM is equivalent to ARMv7.
// ARM64 is also known as AArch64; it is logically ARMv8.)
// For the same release, x86 and x86_64 builds have higher version codes and
// take precedence over ARM builds, so that they are preferred over ARM on
// devices that have ARM emulation.
// The bit labelled 'p' is 1 if the build is for a 64-bit architecture (x86-64
// or ARM64), and 0 otherwise, which means the build is for a 32-bit
// architecture (x86 or ARM). 64-bit builds have higher version codes so
// they take precedence over 32-bit builds on devices that support 64-bit.
// The bit labelled 'g' is 1 was used for APK splits and is
// nowadays always set to 1 until it serves a new purpose.
// We throw an explanatory exception when we are within one calendar year of
// running out of build events. This gives lots of time to update the version
// scheme. The responsible individual should then bump the range (to allow
// builds to continue) and use the time remaining to update the version scheme
// via the reserved high order bits.
// N.B.: the reserved 0 bit to the left of the highest order 't' bit can,
// sometimes, be used to bump the version scheme. In addition, by reducing the
// granularity of the build identifiers (for example, moving to identifying
// builds every 2 or 4 hours), the version scheme may be adjusted further still
// without losing a (valuable) high order bit.
val base = fennecBaseVersionCode
when {
base < 0 -> throw RuntimeException("Cannot calculate versionCode. Hours underflow.")
base > 0x20000 /* 2^17 */ -> throw RuntimeException("Cannot calculate versionCode. Hours overflow.")
base > 0x20000 - (366 * 24) ->
// You have one year to update the version scheme...
throw RuntimeException("Running out of low order bits calculating versionCode.")
var version = 0x78200000 // 1111000001000000000000000000000
// We reserve 1 "middle" high order bit for the future, and 3 low order bits
// for architecture and APK splits.
version = version or (base shl 3)
// 'x' bit is 1 for x86/x86-64 architectures
if (abi == "x86_64" || abi == "x86") {
version = version or (1 shl 2)
// 'p' bit is 1 for 64-bit architectures.
if (abi == "arm64-v8a" || abi == "x86_64") {
version = version or (1 shl 1)
// 'g' bit is currently always 1 (see comment above)
version = version or (1 shl 0)
return version