/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package org.mozilla.fenix.browser import android.animation.Animator import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter import android.app.Activity import android.graphics.PointF import android.graphics.Rect import android.os.Build import android.util.TypedValue import android.view.View import android.view.ViewConfiguration import androidx.annotation.Dimension import androidx.annotation.Dimension.DP import androidx.core.graphics.contains import androidx.core.graphics.toPoint import androidx.core.view.WindowInsetsCompat import androidx.core.view.isVisible import androidx.dynamicanimation.animation.DynamicAnimation import androidx.dynamicanimation.animation.FlingAnimation import mozilla.components.browser.session.Session import mozilla.components.browser.session.SessionManager import mozilla.components.support.ktx.android.util.dpToPx import mozilla.components.support.ktx.android.view.getRectWithViewLocation import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.sessionsOfType import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.settings import kotlin.math.abs import kotlin.math.max import kotlin.math.min /** * Handles intercepting touch events on the toolbar for swipe gestures and executes the * necessary animations. */ @Suppress("LargeClass", "TooManyFunctions") class ToolbarGestureHandler( private val activity: Activity, private val contentLayout: View, private val tabPreview: TabPreview, private val toolbarLayout: View, private val sessionManager: SessionManager ) : SwipeGestureListener { private enum class GestureDirection { LEFT_TO_RIGHT, RIGHT_TO_LEFT } private sealed class Destination { data class Tab(val session: Session) : Destination() object None : Destination() } private val windowWidth: Int get() = activity.resources.displayMetrics.widthPixels private val windowInsets: WindowInsetsCompat? get() = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { // In theory, the rootWindowInsets should exist at this point but if the decorView is // not attached for some reason we'll get a NullPointerException without the check. activity.window.decorView.rootWindowInsets?.let { WindowInsetsCompat.toWindowInsetsCompat(it) } } else { null } private val previewOffset = PREVIEW_OFFSET.dpToPx(activity.resources.displayMetrics) private val touchSlop = ViewConfiguration.get(activity).scaledTouchSlop private val minimumFlingVelocity = ViewConfiguration.get(activity).scaledMinimumFlingVelocity private val defaultVelocity = TypedValue.applyDimension( TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, MINIMUM_ANIMATION_VELOCITY, activity.resources.displayMetrics ) private var gestureDirection = GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT override fun onSwipeStarted(start: PointF, next: PointF): Boolean { val dx = next.x - start.x val dy = next.y - start.y gestureDirection = if (dx < 0) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT } else { GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT } return if (start.isInToolbar() && abs(dx) > touchSlop && abs(dy) < abs(dx)) { preparePreview(getDestination()) true } else { false } } override fun onSwipeUpdate(distanceX: Float, distanceY: Float) { when (getDestination()) { is Destination.Tab -> { // Restrict the range of motion for the views so you can't start a swipe in one direction // then move your finger far enough in the other direction and make the content visually // start sliding off screen the other way. tabPreview.translationX = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> min( windowWidth.toFloat() + previewOffset, tabPreview.translationX - distanceX ) GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> max( -windowWidth.toFloat() - previewOffset, tabPreview.translationX - distanceX ) } contentLayout.translationX = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> min( 0f, contentLayout.translationX - distanceX ) GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> max( 0f, contentLayout.translationX - distanceX ) } } is Destination.None -> { // If there is no "next" tab to swipe to in the gesture direction, only do a // partial animation to show that we are at the end of the tab list val maxContentHidden = contentLayout.width * OVERSCROLL_HIDE_PERCENT contentLayout.translationX = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> max( -maxContentHidden.toFloat(), contentLayout.translationX - distanceX ).coerceAtMost(0f) GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> min( maxContentHidden.toFloat(), contentLayout.translationX - distanceX ).coerceAtLeast(0f) } } } } override fun onSwipeFinished( velocityX: Float, velocityY: Float ) { val destination = getDestination() if (destination is Destination.Tab && isGestureComplete(velocityX)) { animateToNextTab(velocityX, destination.session) } else { animateCanceledGesture(velocityX) } } private fun createFlingAnimation( view: View, minValue: Float, maxValue: Float, startVelocity: Float ): FlingAnimation = FlingAnimation(view, DynamicAnimation.TRANSLATION_X).apply { setMinValue(minValue) setMaxValue(maxValue) setStartVelocity(startVelocity) friction = ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction() } private fun getDestination(): Destination { val isLtr = activity.resources.configuration.layoutDirection == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR val currentSession = sessionManager.selectedSession ?: return Destination.None val currentIndex = sessionManager.sessionsOfType(currentSession.private).indexOfFirst { it.id == currentSession.id } return if (currentIndex == -1) { Destination.None } else { val sessions = sessionManager.sessionsOfType(currentSession.private) val index = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> if (isLtr) { currentIndex + 1 } else { currentIndex - 1 } GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> if (isLtr) { currentIndex - 1 } else { currentIndex + 1 } } if (index < sessions.count() && index >= 0) { Destination.Tab(sessions.elementAt(index)) } else { Destination.None } } } private fun preparePreview(destination: Destination) { val thumbnailId = when (destination) { is Destination.Tab -> destination.session.id is Destination.None -> return } tabPreview.loadPreviewThumbnail(thumbnailId) tabPreview.alpha = 1f tabPreview.translationX = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> windowWidth.toFloat() + previewOffset GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> -windowWidth.toFloat() - previewOffset } tabPreview.isVisible = true } /** * Checks if the gesture is complete based on the position of tab preview and the velocity of * the gesture. A completed gesture means the user has indicated they want to swipe to the next * tab. The gesture is considered complete if one of the following is true: * * 1. The user initiated a fling in the same direction as the initial movement * 2. There is no fling initiated, but the percentage of the tab preview shown is at least * [GESTURE_FINISH_PERCENT] * * If the user initiated a fling in the opposite direction of the initial movement, the * gesture is always considered incomplete. */ private fun isGestureComplete(velocityX: Float): Boolean { val previewWidth = tabPreview.getRectWithViewLocation().visibleWidth.toDouble() val velocityMatchesDirection = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> velocityX <= 0 GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> velocityX >= 0 } val reverseFling = abs(velocityX) >= minimumFlingVelocity && !velocityMatchesDirection return !reverseFling && (previewWidth / windowWidth >= GESTURE_FINISH_PERCENT || abs(velocityX) >= minimumFlingVelocity) } private fun getVelocityFromFling(velocityX: Float): Float { return max(abs(velocityX), defaultVelocity) } private fun animateToNextTab(velocityX: Float, session: Session) { val browserFinalXCoordinate: Float = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> -windowWidth.toFloat() - previewOffset GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> windowWidth.toFloat() + previewOffset } val animationVelocity = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> -getVelocityFromFling(velocityX) GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> getVelocityFromFling(velocityX) } // Finish animating the contentLayout off screen and tabPreview on screen createFlingAnimation( view = contentLayout, minValue = min(0f, browserFinalXCoordinate), maxValue = max(0f, browserFinalXCoordinate), startVelocity = animationVelocity ).addUpdateListener { _, value, _ -> tabPreview.translationX = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> value + windowWidth + previewOffset GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> value - windowWidth - previewOffset } }.addEndListener { _, _, _, _ -> contentLayout.translationX = 0f sessionManager.select(session) // Fade out the tab preview to prevent flickering val shortAnimationDuration = activity.resources.getInteger(android.R.integer.config_shortAnimTime) tabPreview.animate() .alpha(0f) .setDuration(shortAnimationDuration.toLong()) .setListener(object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() { override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator?) { tabPreview.isVisible = false } }) }.start() } private fun animateCanceledGesture(gestureVelocity: Float) { val velocity = if (getDestination() is Destination.None) { defaultVelocity } else { getVelocityFromFling(gestureVelocity) }.let { v -> when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> v GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> -v } } createFlingAnimation( view = contentLayout, minValue = min(0f, contentLayout.translationX), maxValue = max(0f, contentLayout.translationX), startVelocity = velocity ).addUpdateListener { _, value, _ -> tabPreview.translationX = when (gestureDirection) { GestureDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT -> value + windowWidth + previewOffset GestureDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT -> value - windowWidth - previewOffset } }.addEndListener { _, _, _, _ -> tabPreview.isVisible = false }.start() } private fun PointF.isInToolbar(): Boolean { val toolbarLocation = toolbarLayout.getRectWithViewLocation() // In Android 10, the system gesture touch area overlaps the bottom of the toolbar, so // lets make our swipe area taller by that amount windowInsets?.let { insets -> if (activity.settings().shouldUseBottomToolbar) { toolbarLocation.top -= (insets.mandatorySystemGestureInsets.bottom - insets.stableInsetBottom) } } return toolbarLocation.contains(toPoint()) } private val Rect.visibleWidth: Int get() = if (left < 0) { right } else { windowWidth - left } companion object { /** * The percentage of the tab preview that needs to be visible to consider the * tab switching gesture complete. */ private const val GESTURE_FINISH_PERCENT = 0.25 /** * The percentage of the content view that can be hidden by the tab switching gesture if * there is not tab available to switch to */ private const val OVERSCROLL_HIDE_PERCENT = 0.20 /** * The speed of the fling animation (in dp per second). */ @Dimension(unit = DP) private const val MINIMUM_ANIMATION_VELOCITY = 1500f /** * The size of the gap between the tab preview and content layout. */ @Dimension(unit = DP) private const val PREVIEW_OFFSET = 48 } }