/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics import android.content.Context import mozilla.components.browser.errorpages.ErrorType import mozilla.components.browser.search.SearchEngine import mozilla.components.browser.toolbar.facts.ToolbarFacts import mozilla.components.feature.contextmenu.facts.ContextMenuFacts import mozilla.components.feature.customtabs.CustomTabsFacts import mozilla.components.feature.downloads.facts.DownloadsFacts import mozilla.components.feature.findinpage.facts.FindInPageFacts import mozilla.components.feature.media.facts.MediaFacts import mozilla.components.support.base.Component import mozilla.components.support.base.facts.Action import mozilla.components.support.base.facts.Fact import mozilla.components.support.base.facts.FactProcessor import mozilla.components.support.base.facts.Facts import mozilla.components.support.base.log.logger.Logger import org.mozilla.fenix.BuildConfig import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.Collections import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.ContextMenu import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.CrashReporter import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.ErrorPage import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.Events import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.Library import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.SearchShortcuts import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.ToolbarSettings import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.TrackingProtection import org.mozilla.fenix.R import java.util.Locale sealed class Event { // Interaction Events object OpenedAppFirstRun : Event() object InteractWithSearchURLArea : Event() object DismissedOnboarding : Event() object ClearedPrivateData : Event() object AddBookmark : Event() object RemoveBookmark : Event() object OpenedBookmark : Event() object OpenedBookmarkInNewTab : Event() object OpenedBookmarksInNewTabs : Event() object OpenedBookmarkInPrivateTab : Event() object OpenedBookmarksInPrivateTabs : Event() object EditedBookmark : Event() object MovedBookmark : Event() object ShareBookmark : Event() object CopyBookmark : Event() object AddBookmarkFolder : Event() object RemoveBookmarkFolder : Event() object RemoveBookmarks : Event() object CustomTabsClosed : Event() object CustomTabsActionTapped : Event() object CustomTabsMenuOpened : Event() object UriOpened : Event() object QRScannerOpened : Event() object QRScannerPromptDisplayed : Event() object QRScannerNavigationAllowed : Event() object QRScannerNavigationDenied : Event() object LibraryOpened : Event() object LibraryClosed : Event() object SyncAuthOpened : Event() object SyncAuthClosed : Event() object SyncAuthSignUp : Event() object SyncAuthSignIn : Event() object SyncAuthSignOut : Event() object SyncAuthScanPairing : Event() object SyncAuthPaired : Event() object SyncAuthRecovered : Event() object SyncAuthOtherExternal : Event() object SyncAuthFromShared : Event() object SyncAccountOpened : Event() object SyncAccountClosed : Event() object SyncAccountSyncNow : Event() object SendTab : Event() object SignInToSendTab : Event() object HistoryOpened : Event() object HistoryItemShared : Event() object HistoryItemOpened : Event() object HistoryItemRemoved : Event() object HistoryAllItemsRemoved : Event() object ReaderModeAvailable : Event() object ReaderModeOpened : Event() object ReaderModeAppearanceOpened : Event() object CollectionRenamed : Event() object CollectionTabRestored : Event() object CollectionAllTabsRestored : Event() object CollectionTabRemoved : Event() object CollectionShared : Event() object CollectionRemoved : Event() object CollectionTabSelectOpened : Event() object CollectionTabLongPressed : Event() object CollectionAddTabPressed : Event() object CollectionRenamePressed : Event() object SearchWidgetNewTabPressed : Event() object SearchWidgetVoiceSearchPressed : Event() object FindInPageOpened : Event() object FindInPageClosed : Event() object FindInPageNext : Event() object FindInPagePrevious : Event() object FindInPageSearchCommitted : Event() object PrivateBrowsingGarbageIconTapped : Event() object PrivateBrowsingSnackbarUndoTapped : Event() object PrivateBrowsingNotificationTapped : Event() object PrivateBrowsingNotificationOpenTapped : Event() object PrivateBrowsingNotificationDeleteAndOpenTapped : Event() object PrivateBrowsingCreateShortcut : Event() object PrivateBrowsingAddShortcutCFR : Event() object PrivateBrowsingCancelCFR : Event() object PrivateBrowsingPinnedShortcutPrivateTab : Event() object PrivateBrowsingStaticShortcutTab : Event() object PrivateBrowsingStaticShortcutPrivateTab : Event() object TabMediaPlay : Event() object TabMediaPause : Event() object MediaPlayState : Event() object MediaPauseState : Event() object MediaStopState : Event() object InAppNotificationDownloadOpen : Event() object InAppNotificationDownloadTryAgain : Event() object NotificationDownloadCancel : Event() object NotificationDownloadOpen : Event() object NotificationDownloadPause : Event() object NotificationDownloadResume : Event() object NotificationDownloadTryAgain : Event() object NotificationMediaPlay : Event() object NotificationMediaPause : Event() object TrackingProtectionTrackerList : Event() object TrackingProtectionIconPressed : Event() object TrackingProtectionSettingsPanel : Event() object TrackingProtectionSettings : Event() object TrackingProtectionException : Event() object OpenLogins : Event() object OpenOneLogin : Event() object CopyLogin : Event() object ViewLoginPassword : Event() // Interaction events with extras data class PreferenceToggled(val preferenceKey: String, val enabled: Boolean, val context: Context) : Event() { private val booleanPreferenceTelemetryAllowList = listOf( context.getString(R.string.pref_key_show_search_suggestions), context.getString(R.string.pref_key_remote_debugging), context.getString(R.string.pref_key_telemetry), context.getString(R.string.pref_key_tracking_protection), context.getString(R.string.pref_key_search_bookmarks), context.getString(R.string.pref_key_search_browsing_history), context.getString(R.string.pref_key_show_clipboard_suggestions), context.getString(R.string.pref_key_show_search_shortcuts), context.getString(R.string.pref_key_open_links_in_a_private_tab), context.getString(R.string.pref_key_sync_logins), context.getString(R.string.pref_key_sync_bookmarks), context.getString(R.string.pref_key_sync_history) ) override val extras: Map? get() = mapOf( Events.preferenceToggledKeys.preferenceKey to preferenceKey, Events.preferenceToggledKeys.enabled to enabled.toString() ) init { // If the event is not in the allow list, we don't want to track it require(booleanPreferenceTelemetryAllowList.contains(preferenceKey)) } } data class ToolbarPositionChanged(val position: Position) : Event() { enum class Position { TOP, BOTTOM } override val extras: Map? get() = hashMapOf(ToolbarSettings.changedPositionKeys.position to position.name) } data class OpenedLink(val mode: Mode) : Event() { enum class Mode { NORMAL, PRIVATE } override val extras: Map? get() = hashMapOf(Events.openedLinkKeys.mode to mode.name) } data class TrackingProtectionSettingChanged(val setting: Setting) : Event() { enum class Setting { STRICT, STANDARD } override val extras: Map? get() = hashMapOf(TrackingProtection.etpSettingChangedKeys.etpSetting to setting.name) } data class OpenedApp(val source: Source) : Event() { enum class Source { APP_ICON, LINK, CUSTOM_TAB } override val extras: Map? get() = hashMapOf(Events.appOpenedKeys.source to source.name) } data class WhatsNewTapped(val source: Source) : Event() { enum class Source { ABOUT, HOME } override val extras: Map? get() = hashMapOf(Events.whatsNewTappedKeys.source to source.name) } data class CollectionSaveButtonPressed(val fromScreen: String) : Event() { override val extras: Map? get() = mapOf(Collections.saveButtonKeys.fromScreen to fromScreen) } data class CollectionSaved(val tabsOpenCount: Int, val tabsSelectedCount: Int) : Event() { override val extras: Map? get() = mapOf( Collections.savedKeys.tabsOpen to tabsOpenCount.toString(), Collections.savedKeys.tabsSelected to tabsSelectedCount.toString() ) } data class CollectionTabsAdded(val tabsOpenCount: Int, val tabsSelectedCount: Int) : Event() { override val extras: Map? get() = mapOf( Collections.tabsAddedKeys.tabsOpen to tabsOpenCount.toString(), Collections.tabsAddedKeys.tabsSelected to tabsSelectedCount.toString() ) } data class LibrarySelectedItem(val item: String) : Event() { override val extras: Map? get() = mapOf(Library.selectedItemKeys.item to item) } data class ErrorPageVisited(val errorType: ErrorType) : Event() { override val extras: Map? get() = mapOf(ErrorPage.visitedErrorKeys.errorType to errorType.name) } data class SearchBarTapped(val source: Source) : Event() { enum class Source { HOME, BROWSER } override val extras: Map? get() = mapOf(Events.searchBarTappedKeys.source to source.name) } data class EnteredUrl(val autoCompleted: Boolean) : Event() { override val extras: Map? get() = mapOf(Events.enteredUrlKeys.autocomplete to autoCompleted.toString()) } data class PerformedSearch(val eventSource: EventSource) : Event() { sealed class EngineSource { data class Default(val engine: SearchEngine) : EngineSource() data class Shortcut(val engine: SearchEngine) : EngineSource() val searchEngine: SearchEngine get() = when (this) { is Default -> engine is Shortcut -> engine } val descriptor: String get() = when (this) { is Default -> "default" is Shortcut -> "shortcut" } } sealed class EventSource { data class Suggestion(val engineSource: EngineSource) : EventSource() data class Action(val engineSource: EngineSource) : EventSource() private val source: EngineSource get() = when (this) { is Suggestion -> engineSource is Action -> engineSource } private val label: String get() = when (this) { is Suggestion -> "suggestion" is Action -> "action" } val countLabel: String get() = "${source.searchEngine.identifier.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)}.$label" val sourceLabel: String get() = "${source.descriptor}.$label" } override val extras: Map? get() = mapOf(Events.performedSearchKeys.source to eventSource.sourceLabel) } // Track only built-in engine selection. Do not track user-added engines! data class SearchShortcutSelected(val engine: String) : Event() { override val extras: Map? get() = mapOf(SearchShortcuts.selectedKeys.engine to engine) } class ContextMenuItemTapped private constructor(val item: String) : Event() { override val extras: Map? get() = mapOf(ContextMenu.itemTappedKeys.named to item) companion object { fun create(context_item: String) = allowList[context_item]?.let { ContextMenuItemTapped(it) } private val allowList = mapOf( "mozac.feature.contextmenu.open_in_new_tab" to "open_in_new_tab", "mozac.feature.contextmenu.open_in_private_tab" to "open_in_private_tab", "mozac.feature.contextmenu.open_image_in_new_tab" to "open_image_in_new_tab", "mozac.feature.contextmenu.save_image" to "save_image", "mozac.feature.contextmenu.share_link" to "share_link", "mozac.feature.contextmenu.copy_link" to "copy_link", "mozac.feature.contextmenu.copy_image_location" to "copy_image_location" ) } } object CrashReporterOpened : Event() data class CrashReporterClosed(val crashSubmitted: Boolean) : Event() { override val extras: Map? get() = mapOf(CrashReporter.closedKeys.crashSubmitted to crashSubmitted.toString()) } data class BrowserMenuItemTapped(val item: Item) : Event() { enum class Item { SETTINGS, LIBRARY, HELP, DESKTOP_VIEW_ON, DESKTOP_VIEW_OFF, FIND_IN_PAGE, NEW_TAB, NEW_PRIVATE_TAB, SHARE, REPORT_SITE_ISSUE, BACK, FORWARD, RELOAD, STOP, OPEN_IN_FENIX, SAVE_TO_COLLECTION, ADD_TO_HOMESCREEN, QUIT, READER_MODE_ON, READER_MODE_OFF, OPEN_IN_APP, BOOKMARK, READER_MODE_APPEARANCE } override val extras: Map? get() = mapOf(Events.browserMenuActionKeys.item to item.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)) } sealed class Search internal open val extras: Map<*, String>? get() = null } private fun Fact.toEvent(): Event? = when (Pair(component, item)) { Component.FEATURE_FINDINPAGE to FindInPageFacts.Items.PREVIOUS -> Event.FindInPagePrevious Component.FEATURE_FINDINPAGE to FindInPageFacts.Items.NEXT -> Event.FindInPageNext Component.FEATURE_FINDINPAGE to FindInPageFacts.Items.CLOSE -> Event.FindInPageClosed Component.FEATURE_FINDINPAGE to FindInPageFacts.Items.INPUT -> Event.FindInPageSearchCommitted Component.FEATURE_CONTEXTMENU to ContextMenuFacts.Items.ITEM -> { metadata?.get("item")?.let { Event.ContextMenuItemTapped.create(it.toString()) } } Component.BROWSER_TOOLBAR to ToolbarFacts.Items.MENU -> { metadata?.get("customTab")?.let { Event.CustomTabsMenuOpened } } Component.FEATURE_CUSTOMTABS to CustomTabsFacts.Items.CLOSE -> Event.CustomTabsClosed Component.FEATURE_CUSTOMTABS to CustomTabsFacts.Items.ACTION_BUTTON -> Event.CustomTabsActionTapped Component.FEATURE_DOWNLOADS to DownloadsFacts.Items.NOTIFICATION -> { when (action) { Action.CANCEL -> Event.NotificationDownloadCancel Action.OPEN -> Event.NotificationDownloadOpen Action.PAUSE -> Event.NotificationDownloadPause Action.RESUME -> Event.NotificationDownloadResume Action.TRY_AGAIN -> Event.NotificationDownloadTryAgain else -> null } } Component.FEATURE_MEDIA to MediaFacts.Items.NOTIFICATION -> { when (action) { Action.PLAY -> Event.NotificationMediaPlay Action.PAUSE -> Event.NotificationMediaPause else -> null } } Component.FEATURE_MEDIA to MediaFacts.Items.STATE -> { when (action) { Action.PLAY -> Event.MediaPlayState Action.PAUSE -> Event.MediaPauseState Action.STOP -> Event.MediaStopState else -> null } } else -> null } interface MetricsService { fun start() fun stop() fun track(event: Event) fun shouldTrack(event: Event): Boolean } interface MetricController { fun start() fun stop() fun track(event: Event) companion object { fun create(services: List, isTelemetryEnabled: () -> Boolean): MetricController { return if (BuildConfig.TELEMETRY) return ReleaseMetricController(services, isTelemetryEnabled) else DebugMetricController() } } } private class DebugMetricController : MetricController { override fun start() { Logger.debug("DebugMetricController: start") } override fun stop() { Logger.debug("DebugMetricController: stop") } override fun track(event: Event) { Logger.debug("DebugMetricController: track event: $event") } } private class ReleaseMetricController( private val services: List, private val isTelemetryEnabled: () -> Boolean ) : MetricController { private var initialized = false init { Facts.registerProcessor(object : FactProcessor { override fun process(fact: Fact) { fact.toEvent()?.also { track(it) } } }) } override fun start() { if (!isTelemetryEnabled.invoke() || initialized) { return } services.forEach { it.start() } initialized = true } override fun stop() { if (!initialized) { return } services.forEach { it.stop() } initialized = false } override fun track(event: Event) { if (!isTelemetryEnabled.invoke() && !initialized) { return } services .filter { it.shouldTrack(event) } .forEach { it.track(event) } } }