/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package org.mozilla.fenix.settings import io.mockk.every import io.mockk.mockk import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import androidx.preference.ListPreference import org.junit.Assert.assertNull import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test class DropDownListPreferenceTest { private lateinit var preference: ListPreference @Before fun before() { preference = mockk() } @Test fun `WHEN findEntriesValue is called with a non-string THEN it returns null`() { assertNull(preference.findEntry(null)) assertNull(preference.findEntry(1)) assertNull(preference.findEntry(Object())) assertNull(preference.findEntry(listOf())) } @Test fun `GIVEN newValue is not found in entryValues WHEN findEntriesValue is called with newValue THEN it should return null`() { val newValue = "key" every { preference.entries } returns arrayOf() every { preference.entryValues } returns arrayOf() assertNull(preference.findEntry(newValue)) } @Test fun `GIVEN entryValues and entries contain values WHEN findEntriesValue is called THEN it should return the entry`() { val entries = arrayOf("use private mode!", "use normal mode!", "use something else!") val entryValues = arrayOf("private", "normal", "other") every { preference.entries } returns entries every { preference.entryValues } returns entryValues assertEquals(entries[0], preference.findEntry(entryValues[0])) assertEquals(entries[1], preference.findEntry(entryValues[1])) assertEquals(entries[2], preference.findEntry(entryValues[2])) } }