/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package org.mozilla.fenix.share import android.app.Activity import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import androidx.navigation.NavController import com.google.android.material.snackbar.Snackbar import io.mockk.Runs import io.mockk.every import io.mockk.just import io.mockk.mockk import io.mockk.slot import io.mockk.spyk import io.mockk.verify import io.mockk.verifyOrder import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import kotlinx.coroutines.test.TestCoroutineScope import mozilla.components.concept.engine.prompt.ShareData import mozilla.components.concept.sync.Device import mozilla.components.concept.sync.DeviceType import mozilla.components.concept.sync.TabData import mozilla.components.feature.accounts.push.SendTabUseCases import mozilla.components.feature.share.RecentAppsStorage import mozilla.components.support.test.robolectric.testContext import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.mozilla.fenix.R import org.mozilla.fenix.components.FenixSnackbar import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.Event import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.MetricController import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.metrics import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.nav import org.mozilla.fenix.helpers.FenixRobolectricTestRunner import org.mozilla.fenix.share.listadapters.AppShareOption @RunWith(FenixRobolectricTestRunner::class) @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi class ShareControllerTest { // Need a valid context to retrieve Strings for example, but we also need it to return our "metrics" private val context: Context = spyk(testContext) private val metrics: MetricController = mockk(relaxed = true) private val shareData = listOf( ShareData(url = "url0", title = "title0"), ShareData(url = "url1", title = "title1") ) // Navigation between app fragments uses ShareTab as arguments. SendTabUseCases uses TabData. private val tabsData = listOf( TabData("title0", "url0"), TabData("title1", "url1") ) private val textToShare = "${shareData[0].url}\n\n${shareData[1].url}" private val testCoroutineScope = TestCoroutineScope() private val sendTabUseCases = mockk(relaxed = true) private val snackbar = mockk(relaxed = true) private val navController = mockk(relaxed = true) private val dismiss = mockk<(ShareController.Result) -> Unit>(relaxed = true) private val recentAppStorage = mockk(relaxed = true) private val controller = DefaultShareController( context, shareData, sendTabUseCases, snackbar, navController, recentAppStorage, testCoroutineScope, dismiss ) @Before fun setUp() { every { context.metrics } returns metrics } @Test fun `handleShareClosed should call a passed in delegate to close this`() { controller.handleShareClosed() verify { dismiss(ShareController.Result.DISMISSED) } } @Test fun `handleShareToApp should start a new sharing activity and close this`() = runBlocking { val appPackageName = "package" val appClassName = "activity" val appShareOption = AppShareOption("app", mockk(), appPackageName, appClassName) val shareIntent = slot() // Our share Intent uses `FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK` but when resolving the startActivity call // needed for capturing the actual Intent used the `slot` one doesn't have this flag so we // need to use an Activity Context. val activityContext: Context = mockk() val testController = DefaultShareController(activityContext, shareData, mockk(), mockk(), mockk(), recentAppStorage, testCoroutineScope, dismiss) every { activityContext.startActivity(capture(shareIntent)) } just Runs every { recentAppStorage.updateRecentApp(appShareOption.activityName) } just Runs testController.handleShareToApp(appShareOption) // Check that the Intent used for querying apps has the expected structure assertTrue(shareIntent.isCaptured) assertEquals(Intent.ACTION_SEND, shareIntent.captured.action) assertEquals(textToShare, shareIntent.captured.extras!![Intent.EXTRA_TEXT]) assertEquals("text/plain", shareIntent.captured.type) assertEquals(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK, shareIntent.captured.flags) assertEquals(appPackageName, shareIntent.captured.component!!.packageName) assertEquals(appClassName, shareIntent.captured.component!!.className) verifyOrder { recentAppStorage.updateRecentApp(appShareOption.activityName) activityContext.startActivity(shareIntent.captured) dismiss(ShareController.Result.SUCCESS) } } @Test fun `handleShareToApp should dismiss with an error start when a security exception occurs`() { val appPackageName = "package" val appClassName = "activity" val appShareOption = AppShareOption("app", mockk(), appPackageName, appClassName) val shareIntent = slot() // Our share Intent uses `FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK` but when resolving the startActivity call // needed for capturing the actual Intent used the `slot` one doesn't have this flag so we // need to use an Activity Context. val activityContext: Context = mockk() val testController = DefaultShareController(activityContext, shareData, mockk(), snackbar, mockk(), mockk(), testCoroutineScope, dismiss) every { activityContext.startActivity(capture(shareIntent)) } throws SecurityException() every { activityContext.getString(R.string.share_error_snackbar) } returns "Cannot share to this app" testController.handleShareToApp(appShareOption) verifyOrder { activityContext.startActivity(shareIntent.captured) snackbar.setText("Cannot share to this app") snackbar.show() dismiss(ShareController.Result.SHARE_ERROR) } } @Test @Suppress("DeferredResultUnused") fun `handleShareToDevice should share to account device, inform callbacks and dismiss`() { val deviceToShareTo = Device( "deviceId", "deviceName", DeviceType.UNKNOWN, false, 0L, emptyList(), false, null) val deviceId = slot() val tabsShared = slot>() controller.handleShareToDevice(deviceToShareTo) // Verify all the needed methods are called. verifyOrder { metrics.track(Event.SendTab) sendTabUseCases.sendToDeviceAsync(capture(deviceId), capture(tabsShared)) // dismiss() is also to be called, but at the moment cannot test it in a coroutine. } assertTrue(deviceId.isCaptured) assertEquals(deviceToShareTo.id, deviceId.captured) assertTrue(tabsShared.isCaptured) assertEquals(tabsData, tabsShared.captured) } @Test @Suppress("DeferredResultUnused") fun `handleShareToAllDevices calls handleShareToDevice multiple times`() { val devicesToShareTo = listOf( Device("deviceId0", "deviceName0", DeviceType.UNKNOWN, false, 0L, emptyList(), false, null), Device("deviceId1", "deviceName1", DeviceType.UNKNOWN, true, 1L, emptyList(), false, null) ) val tabsShared = slot>() controller.handleShareToAllDevices(devicesToShareTo) verifyOrder { sendTabUseCases.sendToAllAsync(capture(tabsShared)) // dismiss() is also to be called, but at the moment cannot test it in a coroutine. } // SendTabUseCases should send a the `shareTabs` mapped to tabData assertTrue(tabsShared.isCaptured) assertEquals(tabsData, tabsShared.captured) } @Test fun `handleSignIn should navigate to the Sync Fragment and dismiss this one`() { controller.handleSignIn() verifyOrder { metrics.track(Event.SignInToSendTab) navController.nav( R.id.shareFragment, ShareFragmentDirections.actionGlobalTurnOnSync() ) dismiss(ShareController.Result.DISMISSED) } } @Test fun `handleReauth should navigate to the Account Problem Fragment and dismiss this one`() { controller.handleReauth() verifyOrder { navController.nav( R.id.shareFragment, ShareFragmentDirections.actionGlobalAccountProblemFragment() ) dismiss(ShareController.Result.DISMISSED) } } @Test fun `showSuccess should show a snackbar with a success message`() { val expectedMessage = controller.getSuccessMessage() val expectedTimeout = Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT controller.showSuccess() verify { snackbar.setText(expectedMessage) snackbar.setLength(expectedTimeout) } } @Test fun `showFailureWithRetryOption should show a snackbar with a retry action`() { val expectedMessage = context.getString(R.string.sync_sent_tab_error_snackbar) val expectedTimeout = Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG val operation: () -> Unit = { println("Hello World") } val expectedRetryMessage = context.getString(R.string.sync_sent_tab_error_snackbar_action) controller.showFailureWithRetryOption(operation) verify { snackbar.apply { setText(expectedMessage) setLength(expectedTimeout) setAction(expectedRetryMessage, operation) setAppropriateBackground(true) } } } @Test fun `getSuccessMessage should return different strings depending on the number of shared tabs`() { val controllerWithOneSharedTab = DefaultShareController( context, listOf(ShareData(url = "url0", title = "title0")), mockk(), mockk(), mockk(), mockk(), mockk(), mockk() ) val controllerWithMoreSharedTabs = controller val expectedTabSharedMessage = context.getString(R.string.sync_sent_tab_snackbar) val expectedTabsSharedMessage = context.getString(R.string.sync_sent_tabs_snackbar) val tabSharedMessage = controllerWithOneSharedTab.getSuccessMessage() val tabsSharedMessage = controllerWithMoreSharedTabs.getSuccessMessage() assertNotEquals(tabsSharedMessage, tabSharedMessage) assertEquals(expectedTabSharedMessage, tabSharedMessage) assertEquals(expectedTabsSharedMessage, tabsSharedMessage) } @Test fun `getShareText should respect concatenate shared tabs urls`() { assertEquals(textToShare, controller.getShareText()) } @Test fun `ShareTab#toTabData maps a list of ShareTab to a TabData list`() { var tabData: List with(controller) { tabData = shareData.toTabData() } assertEquals(tabsData, tabData) } @Test fun `ShareTab#toTabData creates a data url from text if no url is specified`() { var tabData: List val expected = listOf( TabData(title = "title0", url = ""), TabData(title = "title1", url = "data:,Hello%2C%20World!") ) with(controller) { tabData = listOf( ShareData(title = "title0"), ShareData(title = "title1", text = "Hello, World!") ).toTabData() } assertEquals(expected, tabData) } }