/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package org.mozilla.fenix.settings.quicksettings import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat.getColor import androidx.core.view.isVisible import kotlinx.android.extensions.LayoutContainer import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.quicksettings_website_info.view.* import mozilla.components.support.ktx.android.content.getDrawableWithTint import org.mozilla.fenix.R /** * MVI View that knows to display a whether the current website uses a secure connection or not. * * Currently it does not support any user interaction. * * @param containerView [ViewGroup] in which this View will inflate itself. */ class WebsiteInfoView( override val containerView: ViewGroup ) : LayoutContainer { val view: View = LayoutInflater.from(containerView.context) .inflate(R.layout.quicksettings_website_info, containerView, true) /** * Allows changing what this View displays. * * @param state [WebsiteInfoState] to be rendered. */ fun update(state: WebsiteInfoState) { bindUrl(state.websiteUrl) bindTitle(state.websiteTitle) bindSecurityInfo(state.websiteSecurityUiValues) bindCertificateName(state.certificateName) } private fun bindUrl(url: String) { view.url.text = url } private fun bindTitle(title: String) { view.title.text = title } private fun bindCertificateName(cert: String) { val certificateLabel = view.context.getString(R.string.certificate_info_verified_by, cert) view.certificateInfo.text = certificateLabel view.certificateInfo.isVisible = cert.isNotEmpty() } private fun bindSecurityInfo(uiValues: WebsiteSecurityUiValues) { val tint = getColor(view.context, uiValues.iconTintRes) view.securityInfo.setText(uiValues.securityInfoRes) view.securityInfoIcon.setImageDrawable( view.context.getDrawableWithTint(uiValues.iconRes, tint) ) } }