/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ package org.mozilla.fenix import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.os.Build import android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT import android.os.StrictMode import androidx.annotation.CallSuper import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatDelegate import androidx.core.content.getSystemService import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope import kotlinx.coroutines.async import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import mozilla.appservices.Megazord import mozilla.components.browser.session.Session import mozilla.components.concept.push.PushProcessor import mozilla.components.feature.addons.update.GlobalAddonDependencyProvider import mozilla.components.lib.crash.CrashReporter import mozilla.components.service.experiments.Experiments import mozilla.components.service.glean.Glean import mozilla.components.service.glean.config.Configuration import mozilla.components.service.glean.net.ConceptFetchHttpUploader import mozilla.components.support.base.log.Log import mozilla.components.support.base.log.logger.Logger import mozilla.components.support.base.log.sink.AndroidLogSink import mozilla.components.support.ktx.android.content.isMainProcess import mozilla.components.support.ktx.android.content.runOnlyInMainProcess import mozilla.components.support.locale.LocaleAwareApplication import mozilla.components.support.rusthttp.RustHttpConfig import mozilla.components.support.rustlog.RustLog import mozilla.components.support.utils.logElapsedTime import mozilla.components.support.webextensions.WebExtensionSupport import org.mozilla.fenix.StrictModeManager.enableStrictMode import org.mozilla.fenix.components.Components import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.MetricServiceType import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.resetPoliciesAfter import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.settings import org.mozilla.fenix.perf.StartupTimeline import org.mozilla.fenix.push.PushFxaIntegration import org.mozilla.fenix.push.WebPushEngineIntegration import org.mozilla.fenix.session.PerformanceActivityLifecycleCallbacks import org.mozilla.fenix.session.VisibilityLifecycleCallback import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.BrowsersCache /** *The main application class for Fenix. Records data to measure initialization performance. * Installs [CrashReporter], initializes [Glean] in fenix builds and setup Megazord in the main process. */ @Suppress("Registered", "TooManyFunctions", "LargeClass") open class FenixApplication : LocaleAwareApplication() { init { recordOnInit() // DO NOT MOVE ANYTHING ABOVE HERE: the timing of this measurement is critical. } private val logger = Logger("FenixApplication") open val components by lazy { Components(this) } var visibilityLifecycleCallback: VisibilityLifecycleCallback? = null private set override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() setupInAllProcesses() if (!isMainProcess()) { // If this is not the main process then do not continue with the initialization here. Everything that // follows only needs to be done in our app's main process and should not be done in other processes like // a GeckoView child process or the crash handling process. Most importantly we never want to end up in a // situation where we create a GeckoRuntime from the Gecko child process. return } if (Config.channel.isFenix) { // We need to always initialize Glean and do it early here. // Note that we are only initializing Glean here for "fenix" builds. "fennec" builds // will initialize in MigratingFenixApplication because we first need to migrate the // user's choice from Fennec. initializeGlean() } setupInMainProcessOnly() } protected fun initializeGlean() { val telemetryEnabled = settings().isTelemetryEnabled logger.debug("Initializing Glean (uploadEnabled=$telemetryEnabled, isFennec=${Config.channel.isFennec})") Glean.initialize( applicationContext = this, configuration = Configuration( channel = BuildConfig.BUILD_TYPE, httpClient = ConceptFetchHttpUploader( lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) { components.core.client } )), uploadEnabled = telemetryEnabled ) } @CallSuper open fun setupInAllProcesses() { setupCrashReporting() // We want the log messages of all builds to go to Android logcat Log.addSink(AndroidLogSink()) } @CallSuper open fun setupInMainProcessOnly() { run { // Attention: Do not invoke any code from a-s in this scope. val megazordSetup = setupMegazord() setDayNightTheme() enableStrictMode(true) warmBrowsersCache() // Make sure the engine is initialized and ready to use. StrictMode.allowThreadDiskReads().resetPoliciesAfter { components.core.engine.warmUp() } initializeWebExtensionSupport() // Just to make sure it is impossible for any application-services pieces // to invoke parts of itself that require complete megazord initialization // before that process completes, we wait here, if necessary. if (!megazordSetup.isCompleted) { runBlocking { megazordSetup.await(); } } } prefetchForHomeFragment() setupLeakCanary() if (settings().isTelemetryEnabled) { components.analytics.metrics.start(MetricServiceType.Data) } if (settings().isMarketingTelemetryEnabled) { components.analytics.metrics.start(MetricServiceType.Marketing) } setupPush() visibilityLifecycleCallback = VisibilityLifecycleCallback(getSystemService()) registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(visibilityLifecycleCallback) // Storage maintenance disabled, for now, as it was interfering with background migrations. // See https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/issues/7227 for context. // if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - settings().lastPlacesStorageMaintenance) > ONE_DAY_MILLIS) { // runStorageMaintenance() // } val taskQueue = components.performance.visualCompletenessQueue registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks( PerformanceActivityLifecycleCallbacks(taskQueue) ) // Enable the service-experiments component to be initialized after visual completeness // for performance wins. if (settings().isExperimentationEnabled) { taskQueue.runIfReadyOrQueue { Experiments.initialize( applicationContext = applicationContext, onExperimentsUpdated = { ExperimentsManager.initSearchWidgetExperiment(this) }, configuration = mozilla.components.service.experiments.Configuration( httpClient = components.core.client, kintoEndpoint = KINTO_ENDPOINT_PROD ) ) ExperimentsManager.initSearchWidgetExperiment(this) } } else { // We should make a better way to opt out for when we have more experiments // See https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/issues/6278 ExperimentsManager.optOutSearchWidgetExperiment(this) } components.performance.visualCompletenessQueue.runIfReadyOrQueue { GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { logger.info("Running post-visual completeness tasks...") logElapsedTime(logger, "Storage initialization") { components.core.historyStorage.warmUp() components.core.bookmarksStorage.warmUp() components.core.passwordsStorage.warmUp() } } // Account manager initialization needs to happen on the main thread. GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) { logElapsedTime(logger, "Kicking-off account manager") { components.backgroundServices.accountManager } } } } // See https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/issues/7227 for context. // To re-enable this, we need to do so in a way that won't interfere with any startup operations // which acquire reserved+ sqlite lock. Currently, Fennec migrations need to write to storage // on startup, and since they run in a background service we can't simply order these operations. private fun runStorageMaintenance() { GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { // Bookmarks and history storage sit on top of the same db file so we only need to // run maintenance on one - arbitrarily using bookmarks. components.core.bookmarksStorage.runMaintenance() } settings().lastPlacesStorageMaintenance = System.currentTimeMillis() } protected open fun setupLeakCanary() { // no-op, LeakCanary is disabled by default } open fun updateLeakCanaryState(isEnabled: Boolean) { // no-op, LeakCanary is disabled by default } // This is for issue https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/issues/11660. We prefetch our info for startup // so that we're sure that we have all the data available as our fragment is launched. private fun prefetchForHomeFragment() { StrictMode.allowThreadDiskReads().resetPoliciesAfter { components.core.topSiteStorage.prefetch() } } private fun setupPush() { // Sets the PushFeature as the singleton instance for push messages to go to. // We need the push feature setup here to deliver messages in the case where the service // starts up the app first. components.push.feature?.let { Logger.info("AutoPushFeature is configured, initializing it...") // Install the AutoPush singleton to receive messages. PushProcessor.install(it) WebPushEngineIntegration(components.core.engine, it).start() // Perform a one-time initialization of the account manager if a message is received. PushFxaIntegration(it, lazy { components.backgroundServices.accountManager }).launch() // Initialize the service. This could potentially be done in a coroutine in the future. it.initialize() } } private fun setupCrashReporting() { components .analytics .crashReporter .install(this) } /** * Initiate Megazord sequence! Megazord Battle Mode! * * The application-services combined libraries are known as the "megazord". We use the default `full` * megazord - it contains everything that fenix needs, and (currently) nothing more. * * Documentation on what megazords are, and why they're needed: * - https://github.com/mozilla/application-services/blob/master/docs/design/megazords.md * - https://mozilla.github.io/application-services/docs/applications/consuming-megazord-libraries.html */ private fun setupMegazord(): Deferred { // Note: Megazord.init() must be called as soon as possible ... Megazord.init() return GlobalScope.async(Dispatchers.IO) { // ... but RustHttpConfig.setClient() and RustLog.enable() can be called later. RustHttpConfig.setClient(lazy { components.core.client }) RustLog.enable(components.analytics.crashReporter) } } override fun onTrimMemory(level: Int) { super.onTrimMemory(level) runOnlyInMainProcess { components.core.icons.onTrimMemory(level) components.core.sessionManager.onTrimMemory(level) } } @SuppressLint("WrongConstant") // Suppressing erroneous lint warning about using MODE_NIGHT_AUTO_BATTERY, a likely library bug private fun setDayNightTheme() { val settings = this.settings() when { settings.shouldUseLightTheme -> { AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode( AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_NO ) } settings.shouldUseDarkTheme -> { AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode( AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_YES ) } SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.P && settings.shouldUseAutoBatteryTheme -> { AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode( AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_AUTO_BATTERY ) } SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P && settings.shouldFollowDeviceTheme -> { AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode( AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_FOLLOW_SYSTEM ) } // First run of app no default set, set the default to Follow System for 28+ and Normal Mode otherwise else -> { if (SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) { AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode( AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_FOLLOW_SYSTEM ) settings.shouldFollowDeviceTheme = true } else { AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode( AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_NO ) settings.shouldUseLightTheme = true } } } } private fun warmBrowsersCache() { // We avoid blocking the main thread for BrowsersCache on startup by loading it on // background thread. GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Default) { BrowsersCache.all(this@FenixApplication) } } private fun initializeWebExtensionSupport() { try { GlobalAddonDependencyProvider.initialize( components.addonManager, components.addonUpdater, onCrash = { exception -> components.analytics.crashReporter.submitCaughtException(exception) } ) WebExtensionSupport.initialize( components.core.engine, components.core.store, onNewTabOverride = { _, engineSession, url -> val shouldCreatePrivateSession = components.core.sessionManager.selectedSession?.private ?: components.settings.openLinksInAPrivateTab val session = Session(url, shouldCreatePrivateSession) components.core.sessionManager.add(session, true, engineSession) session.id }, onCloseTabOverride = { _, sessionId -> components.useCases.tabsUseCases.removeTab(sessionId) }, onSelectTabOverride = { _, sessionId -> val selected = components.core.sessionManager.findSessionById(sessionId) selected?.let { components.useCases.tabsUseCases.selectTab(it) } }, onExtensionsLoaded = { extensions -> components.addonUpdater.registerForFutureUpdates(extensions) components.supportedAddonsChecker.registerForChecks() }, onUpdatePermissionRequest = components.addonUpdater::onUpdatePermissionRequest ) } catch (e: UnsupportedOperationException) { Logger.error("Failed to initialize web extension support", e) } } protected fun recordOnInit() { // This gets called by more than one process. Ideally we'd only run this in the main process // but the code to check which process we're in crashes because the Context isn't valid yet. // // This method is not covered by our internal crash reporting: be very careful when modifying it. StartupTimeline.onApplicationInit() // DO NOT MOVE ANYTHING ABOVE HERE: the timing is critical. } override fun onConfigurationChanged(config: android.content.res.Configuration) { // Workaround for androidx appcompat issue where follow system day/night mode config changes // are not triggered when also using createConfigurationContext like we do in LocaleManager // https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/143570309#comment3 applicationContext.resources.configuration.uiMode = config.uiMode // random StrictMode onDiskRead violation even when Fenix is not running in the background. StrictMode.allowThreadDiskReads().resetPoliciesAfter { super.onConfigurationChanged(config) } } companion object { private const val KINTO_ENDPOINT_PROD = "https://firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com/v1" } }