Fork 0

For #4066: Create InflationAwareFeature for lazy inflation

Jonathan Almeida 2019-08-08 16:42:52 -04:00 committed by Jonathan Almeida
parent 519c3bde5d
commit 23f5ac0fb9
5 changed files with 209 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ abstract class BaseBrowserFragment : Fragment(), BackHandler, SessionManager.Obs
feature = FindInPageIntegration(
sessionManager = requireComponents.core.sessionManager,
sessionId = customTabSessionId,
view = view.findInPageView,
stub = view.stubFindInPage,
engineView = view.engineView,
toolbar = toolbar

View File

@ -5,11 +5,9 @@
package org.mozilla.fenix.components
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Looper
import android.util.AttributeSet
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewStub
import androidx.annotation.UiThread
import androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout
import mozilla.components.browser.session.SessionManager
import mozilla.components.browser.session.runWithSessionIdOrSelected
@ -18,54 +16,31 @@ import mozilla.components.concept.engine.EngineView
import mozilla.components.feature.findinpage.FindInPageFeature
import mozilla.components.feature.findinpage.view.FindInPageBar
import mozilla.components.feature.findinpage.view.FindInPageView
import mozilla.components.support.base.feature.BackHandler
import mozilla.components.support.base.feature.LifecycleAwareFeature
import org.mozilla.fenix.test.Mockable
* This class provides lazy loading of the Find in Page View.
* It should be launched on the app's UI thread.
class FindInPageIntegration(
private val sessionManager: SessionManager,
private val sessionId: String? = null,
private val stub: ViewStub,
engineView: EngineView,
stub: ViewStub,
private val engineView: EngineView,
private val toolbar: BrowserToolbar
) : LifecycleAwareFeature, BackHandler {
private var view: FindInPageView? = null
private val feature: FindInPageFeature by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) {
view = stub.inflate() as FindInPageView
FindInPageFeature(sessionManager, view!!, engineView, ::onClose).also { it.start() }
) : InflationAwareFeature(stub) {
override fun onViewInflated(view: View): LifecycleAwareFeature {
return FindInPageFeature(sessionManager, view as FindInPageView, engineView) {
toolbar.visibility = View.VISIBLE
view.visibility = View.GONE
override fun start() {
override fun stop() {
if (view != null) feature.stop()
override fun onBackPressed(): Boolean {
return if (view != null) feature.onBackPressed() else false
private fun onClose() {
toolbar.visibility = View.VISIBLE
view?.asView()?.visibility = View.GONE
fun launch() {
require(Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()) { "This method should be run on the main UI thread." }
sessionManager.runWithSessionIdOrSelected(sessionId) {
if (!it.isCustomTabSession()) {
override fun onLaunch(view: View, feature: LifecycleAwareFeature) {
sessionManager.runWithSessionIdOrSelected(sessionId) { session ->
if (!session.isCustomTabSession()) {
toolbar.visibility = View.GONE
view?.asView()?.visibility = View.VISIBLE
view.visibility = View.VISIBLE
(feature as FindInPageFeature).bind(session)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
package org.mozilla.fenix.components
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewStub
import androidx.annotation.UiThread
import mozilla.components.support.base.feature.BackHandler
import mozilla.components.support.base.feature.LifecycleAwareFeature
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
* A base feature class that enables lazy inflation of a view needed by a feature.
* When a feature needs to be launched (e.g. by user interaction) calling [launch]
* will inflate the view only then, start the feature, and then executes [onLaunch]
* for any feature-specific startup needs.
abstract class InflationAwareFeature(
private val stub: ViewStub
) : LifecycleAwareFeature, BackHandler {
internal lateinit var view: WeakReference<View>
internal var feature: LifecycleAwareFeature? = null
private val stubListener = ViewStub.OnInflateListener { _, inflated ->
view = WeakReference(inflated)
feature = onViewInflated(inflated).also {
onLaunch(inflated, it)
* Invoked when a view-dependent feature needs to be started along with the feature itself.
fun launch() {
// If we have a feature and view, we can launch immediately.
if (feature != null && view.get() != null) {
onLaunch(view.get()!!, feature!!)
} else {
stub.apply {
* Implementation notes: This implemented method does nothing since we only start the feature
* when the view is inflated.
override fun start() {
// We don't do anything because we only want to start the feature when it's being used.
override fun stop() {
* Called when the feature gets the option to handle the user pressing the back key.
* @return true if the feature also implements [BackHandler] and the feature has been initiated.
override fun onBackPressed(): Boolean {
return (feature as? BackHandler)?.onBackPressed() ?: false
* Invoked when the view has been inflated for the feature to be created with it.
* @param view The newly created view.
* @return The feature initiated with the view.
abstract fun onViewInflated(view: View): LifecycleAwareFeature
* Invoked after the feature is instantiated. If the feature already exists,
* this is invoked immediately.
* @param view The view that is attached to the feature.
* @param feature The feature that was instantiated.
abstract fun onLaunch(view: View, feature: LifecycleAwareFeature)

View File

@ -31,10 +31,12 @@
app:layout_behavior="org.mozilla.fenix.quickactionsheet.QuickActionSheetBehavior" />
android:layout_gravity="bottom" />
android:layout_height="56dp" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
package org.mozilla.fenix.components
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewStub
import mozilla.components.support.base.feature.BackHandler
import mozilla.components.support.base.feature.LifecycleAwareFeature
import mozilla.components.support.test.any
import mozilla.components.support.test.mock
import org.junit.Test
import org.mockito.Mockito.never
import org.mockito.Mockito.spy
import org.mockito.Mockito.verify
import org.mockito.Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
class InflationAwareFeatureTest {
fun `stub inflates if no feature or view exists`() {
val stub: ViewStub = mock()
val feature: InflationAwareFeature = spy(TestableInflationAwareFeature(stub))
fun `stub immediately launches if the feature is available`() {
val stub: ViewStub = mock()
val feature: InflationAwareFeature = spy(TestableInflationAwareFeature(stub))
feature.feature = mock()
feature.view = WeakReference(mock())
verify(stub, never()).setOnInflateListener(any())
verify(stub, never()).inflate()
verify(feature).onLaunch(any(), any())
fun `feature calls stop if created`() {
val stub: ViewStub = mock()
val inflationFeature: InflationAwareFeature = spy(TestableInflationAwareFeature(stub))
val innerFeature: LifecycleAwareFeature = mock()
verify(innerFeature, never()).stop()
inflationFeature.feature = innerFeature
fun `start does nothing`() {
val stub: ViewStub = mock()
val inflationFeature: InflationAwareFeature = spy(TestableInflationAwareFeature(stub))
val innerFeature: LifecycleAwareFeature = mock()
inflationFeature.feature = innerFeature
inflationFeature.view = WeakReference(mock())
fun `if feature has implemented BackHandler invoke it`() {
val stub: ViewStub = mock()
val inflationFeature: InflationAwareFeature = spy(TestableInflationAwareFeature(stub))
val innerFeature: LifecycleAwareFeature = mock()
val backHandlerFeature = object : LifecycleAwareFeature, BackHandler {
override fun onBackPressed() = true
override fun start() {}
override fun stop() {}
inflationFeature.feature = innerFeature
inflationFeature.feature = backHandlerFeature
class TestableInflationAwareFeature(stub: ViewStub) : InflationAwareFeature(stub) {
override fun onViewInflated(view: View): LifecycleAwareFeature {
return mock()
override fun onLaunch(view: View, feature: LifecycleAwareFeature) {