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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package org.mozilla.fenix.wifi
import android.app.Application
import android.net.ConnectivityManager
import android.net.Network
import android.net.NetworkCapabilities
import android.net.NetworkRequest
import mozilla.components.support.base.observer.Observable
import mozilla.components.support.base.observer.ObserverRegistry
* Attaches itself to the [Application] and listens for WIFI available/not available events. This
* allows calling code to set simpler listeners.
* Example:
* ```kotlin
* app.components.wifiConnectionListener.addOnWifiConnectedChangedListener { isConnected ->
* if (isConnected) {
* downloadThing()
* }
* }
* app.components.wifiConnectionListener.start()
* ```
class WifiConnectionMonitor(
private val connectivityManager: ConnectivityManager
) : Observable<WifiConnectionMonitor.Observer> by ObserverRegistry() {
private var callbackReceived: Boolean = false
private var isRegistered = false
private val frameworkListener = object : ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback() {
override fun onLost(network: Network?) {
notifyAtLeastOneObserver { onWifiConnectionChanged(connected = false) }
callbackReceived = true
override fun onAvailable(network: Network?) {
notifyAtLeastOneObserver { onWifiConnectionChanged(connected = true) }
callbackReceived = true
* Attaches the [WifiConnectionMonitor] to the application. After this has been called, callbacks
* added via [register] will be called until either the app exits, or [stop] is called.
* Any existing callbacks will be called with the current state when this is called.
fun start() {
// Framework code throws if a listener is registered twice without unregistering.
if (isRegistered) return
val request = NetworkRequest.Builder()
// AFAICT, the framework does not send an event when a new NetworkCallback is registered
// while the WIFI is not connected, so we push this manually. If the WIFI is on, it will send
// a follow up event shortly
if (!callbackReceived) {
notifyAtLeastOneObserver { onWifiConnectionChanged(connected = false) }
connectivityManager.registerNetworkCallback(request, frameworkListener)
isRegistered = true
* Detatches the [WifiConnectionMonitor] from the app. No callbacks added via
* [register] will be called after this has been called.
fun stop() {
// Framework code will throw if an unregistered listener attempts to unregister.
if (!isRegistered) return
isRegistered = false
interface Observer {
fun onWifiConnectionChanged(connected: Boolean)