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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.mozilla.fenix.quickactionsheet
import android.animation.ValueAnimator
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Parcel
import android.os.Parcelable
import android.util.AttributeSet
import android.view.MotionEvent
import android.view.VelocityTracker
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewConfiguration
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent
import androidx.annotation.IntDef
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting
import androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout
import androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams
import androidx.core.math.MathUtils
import androidx.core.view.ViewCompat
import androidx.customview.widget.ViewDragHelper
import com.google.android.material.shape.MaterialShapeDrawable
import com.google.android.material.shape.ShapeAppearanceModel
import mozilla.components.browser.toolbar.BrowserToolbar
import org.mozilla.fenix.R
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
* An interaction behavior plugin for a child view of [CoordinatorLayout] to make it work as a
* bottom sheet. This custom behavior is for non-modal bottom sheets that should not block accessibility
* access to the rest of the screen controls.
@Suppress("TooManyFunctions", "ComplexMethod", "LargeClass")
open class QuickActionSheetBehavior<V : View>(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) :
CoordinatorLayout.Behavior<V>(context, attrs) {
* Save flags to be preserved in bottomsheet on configuration change.
* @param flags bitwise int of [.SAVE_PEEK_HEIGHT], [.SAVE_FIT_TO_CONTENTS],
* @see .getSaveFlags
* @attr ref com.google.android.material.R.styleable#QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_behavior_saveFlags
var saveFlags = SAVE_NONE
private var fitToContents = true
private val maximumVelocity: Float
/** Peek height set by the user. */
private var peekHeight: Int = 0
/** Whether or not to use automatic peek height. */
private var peekHeightAuto: Boolean = false
/** Minimum peek height permitted. */
internal var peekHeightMin: Int = 0
private set
/** True if Behavior has a non-null value for the @shapeAppearance attribute */
// private val shapeThemingEnabled: Boolean
private var materialShapeDrawable: MaterialShapeDrawable? = null
/** Default Shape Appearance to be used in bottomsheet */
private var shapeAppearanceModelDefault: ShapeAppearanceModel? = null
private var interpolatorAnimator: ValueAnimator? = null
internal var expandedOffset: Int = 0
internal var fitToContentsOffset: Int = 0
internal var halfExpandedOffset: Int = 0
internal var halfExpandedRatio = HALF_EXPANDED_RATIO_DEFAULT
internal var collapsedOffset: Int = 0
internal var elevation = -1f
internal var hideable: Boolean = false
* Sets whether this bottom sheet should skip the collapsed state when it is being hidden after it
* is expanded once. Setting this to true has no effect unless the sheet is hideable.
* @param skipCollapsed True if the bottom sheet should skip the collapsed state.
* @attr ref com.google.android.material.R.styleable#QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_behavior_skipCollapsed
var skipCollapsed: Boolean = false
var state
get() = internalState
set(value) {
@State val previousState = this.internalState
if (value == this.internalState) {
if (viewRef == null) {
// The view is not laid out yet; modify mState and let onLayoutChild handle it later
if ((value == STATE_COLLAPSED || value == STATE_EXPANDED ||
value == STATE_HALF_EXPANDED || (hideable && value == STATE_HIDDEN))
) {
this.internalState = value
updateDrawableOnStateChange(value, previousState)
internal var internalState = STATE_COLLAPSED
internal var viewDragHelper: ViewDragHelper? = null
private var ignoreEvents: Boolean = false
private var lastNestedScrollDy: Int = 0
private var nestedScrolled: Boolean = false
internal var parentWidth: Int = 0
internal var parentHeight: Int = 0
internal var viewRef: WeakReference<V>? = null
internal var nestedScrollingChildRef: WeakReference<View>? = null
private var callback: QuickActionSheetCallback? = null
private var velocityTracker: VelocityTracker? = null
internal var activePointerId: Int = 0
private var initialY: Int = 0
internal var touchingScrollingChild: Boolean = false
* Sets whether the height of the expanded sheet is determined by the height of its contents, or
* if it is expanded in two stages (half the height of the parent container, full height of parent
* container). Default value is true.
* @param fitToContents whether or not to fit the expanded sheet to its contents.
// If sheet is already laid out, recalculate the collapsed offset based on new setting.
// Otherwise, let onLayoutChild handle this later.
// Fix incorrect expanded settings depending on whether or not we are fitting sheet to contents.
var isFitToContents: Boolean
get() = fitToContents
set(fitToContents) {
if (this.fitToContents == fitToContents) {
this.fitToContents = fitToContents
if (viewRef != null) {
if (this.fitToContents && internalState == STATE_HALF_EXPANDED)
STATE_EXPANDED else internalState
* Sets whether this bottom sheet can hide when it is swiped down.
* @param hideable `true` to make this bottom sheet hideable.
* @attr ref com.google.android.material.R.styleable#QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_behavior_hideable
// Lift up to collapsed state
var isHideable: Boolean
get() = hideable
set(hideable) {
if (this.hideable != hideable) {
this.hideable = hideable
if (!hideable && internalState == STATE_HIDDEN) {
private val yVelocity: Float
get() {
if (velocityTracker == null) {
return 0f
velocityTracker!!.computeCurrentVelocity(PIXELS_PER_SECOND_IN_MS, maximumVelocity)
return velocityTracker!!.getYVelocity(activePointerId)
private val dragCallback = object : ViewDragHelper.Callback() {
override fun tryCaptureView(child: View, pointerId: Int): Boolean {
if (internalState == STATE_DRAGGING) {
return false
if (touchingScrollingChild) {
return false
if (internalState == STATE_EXPANDED && activePointerId == pointerId) {
val scroll = if (nestedScrollingChildRef != null) nestedScrollingChildRef!!.get() else null
if (scroll != null && scroll.canScrollVertically(-1)) {
// Let the content scroll up
return false
return viewRef != null && viewRef!!.get() === child
override fun onViewPositionChanged(changedView: View, left: Int, top: Int, dx: Int, dy: Int) {
override fun onViewDragStateChanged(state: Int) {
if (state == ViewDragHelper.STATE_DRAGGING) {
override fun onViewReleased(releasedChild: View, xvel: Float, yvel: Float) {
val top: Int
@State val targetState: Int
if (yvel < 0) { // Moving up
if (fitToContents) {
top = fitToContentsOffset
targetState = STATE_EXPANDED
} else {
val currentTop = releasedChild.top
if (currentTop > halfExpandedOffset) {
top = halfExpandedOffset
} else {
top = expandedOffset
targetState = STATE_EXPANDED
} else if ((hideable && shouldHide(
) && (releasedChild.top > collapsedOffset || abs(xvel) < abs(yvel)))
) {
// Hide if we shouldn't collapse and the view was either released low or it was a
// vertical swipe.
top = parentHeight
targetState = STATE_HIDDEN
} else if (yvel == 0f || abs(xvel) > abs(yvel)) {
// If the Y velocity is 0 or the swipe was mostly horizontal indicated by the X velocity
// being greater than the Y velocity, settle to the nearest correct height.
val currentTop = releasedChild.top
if (fitToContents) {
if ((abs(currentTop - fitToContentsOffset) < abs(currentTop - collapsedOffset))) {
top = fitToContentsOffset
targetState = STATE_EXPANDED
} else {
top = collapsedOffset
} else {
if (currentTop < halfExpandedOffset) {
if (currentTop < abs(currentTop - collapsedOffset)) {
top = expandedOffset
targetState = STATE_EXPANDED
} else {
top = halfExpandedOffset
} else {
if ((abs(currentTop - halfExpandedOffset) < abs(currentTop - collapsedOffset))) {
top = halfExpandedOffset
} else {
top = collapsedOffset
} else { // Moving Down
if (fitToContents) {
top = collapsedOffset
} else {
// Settle to the nearest correct height.
val currentTop = releasedChild.top
if ((abs(currentTop - halfExpandedOffset) < abs(currentTop - collapsedOffset))) {
top = halfExpandedOffset
} else {
top = collapsedOffset
if (viewDragHelper!!.settleCapturedViewAt(releasedChild.left, top)) {
if (targetState == STATE_EXPANDED && interpolatorAnimator != null) {
releasedChild, SettleRunnable(releasedChild, targetState)
} else {
if (targetState == STATE_EXPANDED && interpolatorAnimator != null) {
override fun clampViewPositionVertical(child: View, top: Int, dy: Int): Int {
return MathUtils.clamp(
top, getExpandedOffset(), if (hideable) parentHeight else collapsedOffset
override fun clampViewPositionHorizontal(child: View, left: Int, dx: Int): Int {
return child.left
override fun getViewVerticalDragRange(child: View): Int {
return if (hideable) {
} else {
/** Callback for monitoring events about bottom sheets. */
interface QuickActionSheetCallback {
* Called when the bottom sheet changes its state.
* @param bottomSheet The bottom sheet view.
* @param newState The new state. This will be one of [.STATE_DRAGGING], [ ][.STATE_SETTLING],
fun onStateChanged(bottomSheet: View, @State newState: Int)
* Called when the bottom sheet is being dragged.
* @param bottomSheet The bottom sheet view.
* @param slideOffset The new offset of this bottom sheet within [-1,1] range. Offset increases
* as this bottom sheet is moving upward. From 0 to 1 the sheet is between collapsed and
* expanded states and from -1 to 0 it is between hidden and collapsed states.
fun onSlide(bottomSheet: View, slideOffset: Float)
/** @hide
annotation class State
init {
val a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout)
// this.shapeThemingEnabled = a.hasValue(R.styleable.QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_shapeAppearance)
// val hasBackgroundTint = a.hasValue(R.styleable.QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_backgroundTint)
// if (hasBackgroundTint) {
// val bottomSheetColor = MaterialResources.getColorStateList(
// context, a, R.styleable.QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_backgroundTint
// )
// createMaterialShapeDrawable(context, attrs, hasBackgroundTint, bottomSheetColor)
// } else {
// createMaterialShapeDrawable(context, attrs, hasBackgroundTint)
// }
this.elevation = a.getDimension(R.styleable.QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_android_elevation, -1f)
val value = a.peekValue(R.styleable.QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_mozac_behavior_peekHeight)
if (value != null && value.data == PEEK_HEIGHT_AUTO) {
} else {
R.styleable.QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_mozac_behavior_peekHeight, PEEK_HEIGHT_AUTO
isHideable = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_mozac_behavior_hideable, false)
isFitToContents = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_mozac_behavior_fitToContents, true)
skipCollapsed = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_mozac_behavior_skipCollapsed, false)
saveFlags = a.getInt(R.styleable.QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_mozac_behavior_saveFlags, SAVE_NONE)
setExpandedOffset(a.getInt(R.styleable.QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_mozac_behavior_expandedOffset, 0))
val configuration = ViewConfiguration.get(context)
maximumVelocity = configuration.scaledMaximumFlingVelocity.toFloat()
override fun onSaveInstanceState(parent: CoordinatorLayout, child: V): Parcelable? {
return super.onSaveInstanceState(parent, child)?.let { SavedState(it, this) }
override fun onRestoreInstanceState(parent: CoordinatorLayout, child: V, state: Parcelable) {
val ss = state as SavedState
super.onRestoreInstanceState(parent, child, ss.superState!!)
// Restore Optional State values designated by saveFlags
// Intermediate states are restored as collapsed state
if (ss.state == STATE_DRAGGING || ss.state == STATE_SETTLING) {
this.internalState = STATE_COLLAPSED
} else {
this.internalState = ss.state
override fun onAttachedToLayoutParams(layoutParams: LayoutParams) {
// These may already be null, but just be safe, explicitly assign them. This lets us know the
// first time we layout with this behavior by checking (viewRef == null).
viewRef = null
viewDragHelper = null
override fun onDetachedFromLayoutParams() {
// Release references so we don't run unnecessary codepaths while not attached to a view.
viewRef = null
viewDragHelper = null
override fun onLayoutChild(parent: CoordinatorLayout, child: V, layoutDirection: Int): Boolean {
if (ViewCompat.getFitsSystemWindows(parent) && !ViewCompat.getFitsSystemWindows(child)) {
child.fitsSystemWindows = true
// Only set MaterialShapeDrawable as background if shapeTheming is enabled, otherwise will
// default to android:background declared in styles or layout.
// if (shapeThemingEnabled && materialShapeDrawable != null) {
// ViewCompat.setBackground(child, materialShapeDrawable)
// }
// Set elevation on MaterialShapeDrawable
if (materialShapeDrawable != null) {
// Use elevation attr if set on bottomsheet; otherwise, use elevation of child view.
materialShapeDrawable!!.elevation = if (elevation == -1f) ViewCompat.getElevation(child) else elevation
if (viewRef == null) {
// First layout with this behavior.
peekHeightMin = parent.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.design_quick_action_sheet_peek_height_min)
viewRef = WeakReference(child)
if (viewDragHelper == null) {
viewDragHelper = ViewDragHelper.create(parent, dragCallback)
val savedTop = child.top
// First let the parent lay it out
parent.onLayoutChild(child, layoutDirection)
// Offset the bottom sheet
parentWidth = parent.width
parentHeight = parent.height
fitToContentsOffset = max(0, parentHeight - child.height)
if (internalState == STATE_EXPANDED) {
ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(child, getExpandedOffset())
} else if (internalState == STATE_HALF_EXPANDED) {
ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(child, halfExpandedOffset)
} else if (hideable && internalState == STATE_HIDDEN) {
ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(child, parentHeight)
} else if (internalState == STATE_COLLAPSED) {
ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(child, collapsedOffset)
} else if (internalState == STATE_DRAGGING || internalState == STATE_SETTLING) {
ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(child, savedTop - child.top)
nestedScrollingChildRef = WeakReference(findScrollingChild(child)!!)
return true
override fun onInterceptTouchEvent(parent: CoordinatorLayout, child: V, event: MotionEvent): Boolean {
if (!child.isShown) {
ignoreEvents = true
return false
val action = event.actionMasked
// Record the velocity
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
if (velocityTracker == null) {
velocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain()
when (action) {
MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL -> {
touchingScrollingChild = false
activePointerId = MotionEvent.INVALID_POINTER_ID
// Reset the ignore flag
if (ignoreEvents) {
ignoreEvents = false
return false
MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> {
val initialX = event.x.toInt()
initialY = event.y.toInt()
// Only intercept nested scrolling events here if the view not being moved by the
// ViewDragHelper.
if (internalState != STATE_SETTLING) {
val scroll = if (nestedScrollingChildRef != null) nestedScrollingChildRef!!.get() else null
if (scroll != null && parent.isPointInChildBounds(scroll, initialX, initialY)) {
activePointerId = event.getPointerId(event.actionIndex)
touchingScrollingChild = true
ignoreEvents = (activePointerId == MotionEvent.INVALID_POINTER_ID && !parent.isPointInChildBounds(
} // fall out
if ((!ignoreEvents && viewDragHelper != null && viewDragHelper!!.shouldInterceptTouchEvent(event))
) {
return true
// We have to handle cases that the ViewDragHelper does not capture the bottom sheet because
// it is not the top most view of its parent. This is not necessary when the touch event is
// happening over the scrolling content as nested scrolling logic handles that case.
val scroll = if (nestedScrollingChildRef != null) nestedScrollingChildRef!!.get() else null
return (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE && scroll != null &&
!ignoreEvents && internalState != STATE_DRAGGING && !parent.isPointInChildBounds(
) && viewDragHelper != null && abs(initialY - event.y) > viewDragHelper!!.touchSlop)
override fun onTouchEvent(parent: CoordinatorLayout, child: V, event: MotionEvent): Boolean {
val action = event.actionMasked
when {
!child.isShown -> return false
internalState == STATE_DRAGGING && action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> return true
// Record the velocity
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
if (velocityTracker == null) {
velocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain()
// The ViewDragHelper tries to capture only the top-most View. We have to explicitly tell it
// to capture the bottom sheet in case it is not captured and the touch slop is passed.
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE && !ignoreEvents) {
if (abs(initialY - event.y) > viewDragHelper!!.touchSlop) {
viewDragHelper!!.captureChildView(child, event.getPointerId(event.actionIndex))
return !ignoreEvents
override fun onStartNestedScroll(
coordinatorLayout: CoordinatorLayout,
child: V,
directTargetChild: View,
target: View,
axes: Int,
type: Int
): Boolean {
lastNestedScrollDy = 0
nestedScrolled = false
return (axes and ViewCompat.SCROLL_AXIS_VERTICAL) != 0
override fun onNestedPreScroll(
coordinatorLayout: CoordinatorLayout,
child: V,
target: View,
dx: Int,
dy: Int,
consumed: IntArray,
type: Int
) {
if (type == ViewCompat.TYPE_NON_TOUCH) {
// Ignore fling here. The ViewDragHelper handles it.
val scrollingChild = if (nestedScrollingChildRef != null) nestedScrollingChildRef!!.get() else null
if (target !== scrollingChild) {
val currentTop = child.top
val newTop = currentTop - dy
if (dy > 0) { // Upward
if (newTop < getExpandedOffset()) {
consumed[1] = currentTop - getExpandedOffset()
ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(child, -consumed[1])
} else {
consumed[1] = dy
ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(child, -dy)
} else if (dy < 0) { // Downward
if (!target.canScrollVertically(-1)) {
if (newTop <= collapsedOffset || hideable) {
consumed[1] = dy
ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(child, -dy)
} else {
consumed[1] = currentTop - collapsedOffset
ViewCompat.offsetTopAndBottom(child, -consumed[1])
lastNestedScrollDy = dy
nestedScrolled = true
override fun onStopNestedScroll(
coordinatorLayout: CoordinatorLayout,
child: V,
target: View,
type: Int
) {
if (child.top == getExpandedOffset()) {
if ((nestedScrollingChildRef == null || target !== nestedScrollingChildRef!!.get() || !nestedScrolled)
) {
val top: Int
val targetState: Int
if (lastNestedScrollDy > 0) {
top = getExpandedOffset()
targetState = STATE_EXPANDED
} else if (hideable && shouldHide(child, yVelocity)) {
top = parentHeight
targetState = STATE_HIDDEN
} else if (lastNestedScrollDy == 0) {
val currentTop = child.top
if (fitToContents) {
if (abs(currentTop - fitToContentsOffset) < abs(currentTop - collapsedOffset)) {
top = fitToContentsOffset
targetState = STATE_EXPANDED
} else {
top = collapsedOffset
} else {
if (currentTop < halfExpandedOffset) {
if (currentTop < abs(currentTop - collapsedOffset)) {
top = expandedOffset
targetState = STATE_EXPANDED
} else {
top = halfExpandedOffset
} else {
if (abs(currentTop - halfExpandedOffset) < abs(currentTop - collapsedOffset)) {
top = halfExpandedOffset
} else {
top = collapsedOffset
} else {
if (fitToContents) {
top = collapsedOffset
} else {
// Settle to nearest height.
val currentTop = child.top
if (abs(currentTop - halfExpandedOffset) < abs(currentTop - collapsedOffset)) {
top = halfExpandedOffset
} else {
top = collapsedOffset
if (viewDragHelper!!.smoothSlideViewTo(child, child.left, top)) {
ViewCompat.postOnAnimation(child, SettleRunnable(child, targetState))
} else {
nestedScrolled = false
override fun onNestedScroll(
coordinatorLayout: CoordinatorLayout,
child: V,
target: View,
dxConsumed: Int,
dyConsumed: Int,
dxUnconsumed: Int,
dyUnconsumed: Int,
type: Int,
consumed: IntArray
) {
// Overridden to prevent the default consumption of the entire scroll distance.
override fun onNestedPreFling(
coordinatorLayout: CoordinatorLayout,
child: V,
target: View,
velocityX: Float,
velocityY: Float
): Boolean {
return if (nestedScrollingChildRef != null) {
(target === nestedScrollingChildRef!!.get() && ((internalState != STATE_EXPANDED || super.onNestedPreFling(
} else {
* Sets the height of the bottom sheet when it is collapsed while optionally animating between the
* old height and the new height.
* @param peekHeight The height of the collapsed bottom sheet in pixels,
* or [ ][.PEEK_HEIGHT_AUTO] to configure the sheet to peek automatically at 16:9 ratio keyline.
* @param animate Whether to animate between the old height and the new height.
* @attr ref com.google.android.material.R.styleable#QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_behavior_peekHeight
fun setPeekHeight(peekHeight: Int, animate: Boolean = false) {
var layout = false
if (peekHeight == PEEK_HEIGHT_AUTO) {
if (!peekHeightAuto) {
peekHeightAuto = true
layout = true
} else if (peekHeightAuto || this.peekHeight != peekHeight) {
peekHeightAuto = false
this.peekHeight = max(0, peekHeight)
layout = true
// If sheet is already laid out, recalculate the collapsed offset based on new setting.
// Otherwise, let onLayoutChild handle this later.
if (layout && viewRef != null) {
if (internalState == STATE_COLLAPSED) {
val view = viewRef!!.get()
if (view != null) {
if (animate) {
} else {
* Gets the height of the bottom sheet when it is collapsed.
* @return The height of the collapsed bottom sheet in pixels, or [.PEEK_HEIGHT_AUTO] if the
* sheet is configured to peek automatically at 16:9 ratio keyline
* @attr ref com.google.android.material.R.styleable#QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_behavior_peekHeight
fun getPeekHeight(): Int {
return if (peekHeightAuto) PEEK_HEIGHT_AUTO else peekHeight
* Determines the height of the QuickActionSheet in the [.STATE_HALF_EXPANDED] state. The
* material guidelines recommended a value of 0.5, which results in the sheet filling half of the
* parent. The height of the QuickActionSheet will be smaller as this ratio is decreased and taller as
* it is increased. The default value is 0.5.
* @param ratio a float between 0 and 1, representing the [.STATE_HALF_EXPANDED] ratio.
* @attr com.google.android.material.R.styleable#QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_behavior_halfExpandedRatio
fun setHalfExpandedRatio(ratio: Float) {
if ((ratio <= 0) || (ratio >= 1)) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("ratio must be a float value between 0 and 1")
this.halfExpandedRatio = ratio
* Determines the top offset of the QuickActionSheet in the [.STATE_EXPANDED] state when
* fitsToContent is false. The default value is 0, which results in the sheet matching the
* parent's top.
* @param offset an integer value greater than equal to 0, representing the [ ][.STATE_EXPANDED] offset.
* Value must not exceed the offset in the half expanded state.
* @attr com.google.android.material.R.styleable#QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_behavior_expandedOffset
fun setExpandedOffset(offset: Int) {
if (offset < 0) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("offset must be greater than or equal to 0")
this.expandedOffset = offset
* Gets the ratio for the height of the QuickActionSheet in the [.STATE_HALF_EXPANDED] state.
* @attr com.google.android.material.R.styleable#QuickActionSheetBehavior_Layout_behavior_halfExpandedRatio
fun getHalfExpandedRatio(): Float {
return halfExpandedRatio
* Sets a callback to be notified of bottom sheet events.
* @param callback The callback to notify when bottom sheet events occur.
fun setQuickActionSheetCallback(callback: QuickActionSheetCallback) {
this.callback = callback
private fun startSettlingAnimationPendingLayout(@State state: Int) {
val child = viewRef?.get() ?: return
// Start the animation; wait until a pending layout if there is one.
val parent = child.parent
if (parent != null && parent.isLayoutRequested && ViewCompat.isAttachedToWindow(child)) {
val finalState = state
child.post { startSettlingAnimation(child, finalState) }
} else {
startSettlingAnimation(child, state)
internal fun setStateInternal(@State state: Int) {
val previousState = this.internalState
if (this.internalState == state) {
this.internalState = state
if (viewRef == null) {
val bottomSheet = viewRef!!.get() ?: return
updateDrawableOnStateChange(state, previousState)
if (callback != null) {
callback!!.onStateChanged(bottomSheet, state)
private fun updateDrawableOnStateChange(@State state: Int, @State previousState: Int) {
if (materialShapeDrawable != null) {
val isOpening =
state == STATE_EXPANDED && (previousState == STATE_HIDDEN || previousState == STATE_COLLAPSED)
// If the QuickActionSheetBehavior's state is set directly to STATE_EXPANDED from
// STATE_HIDDEN or STATE_COLLAPSED, bypassing STATE_DRAGGING, the corner transition animation
// will not be triggered automatically, so we will trigger it here.
if ((isOpening && interpolatorAnimator != null && interpolatorAnimator!!.animatedFraction == 1f)
) {
if ((state == STATE_DRAGGING && previousState == STATE_EXPANDED && interpolatorAnimator != null)
) {
private fun calculateCollapsedOffset() {
val peek: Int = if (peekHeightAuto) {
max(peekHeightMin, parentHeight - parentWidth * AUTO_ASPECT_RATIO_SHORT / AUTO_ASPECT_RATIO_LONG)
} else {
collapsedOffset = if (fitToContents) {
max(parentHeight - peek, fitToContentsOffset)
} else {
parentHeight - peek
private fun calculateHalfExpandedOffset() {
this.halfExpandedOffset = (parentHeight * (1 - halfExpandedRatio)).toInt()
private fun reset() {
activePointerId = ViewDragHelper.INVALID_POINTER
if (velocityTracker != null) {
velocityTracker = null
private fun restoreOptionalState(ss: SavedState) {
if (this.saveFlags == SAVE_NONE) {
if (this.saveFlags == SAVE_ALL || (this.saveFlags and SAVE_PEEK_HEIGHT) == SAVE_PEEK_HEIGHT) {
this.peekHeight = ss.peekHeight
if ((this.saveFlags == SAVE_ALL || (this.saveFlags and SAVE_FIT_TO_CONTENTS) == SAVE_FIT_TO_CONTENTS)) {
this.fitToContents = ss.fitToContents
if (this.saveFlags == SAVE_ALL || (this.saveFlags and SAVE_HIDEABLE) == SAVE_HIDEABLE) {
this.hideable = ss.hideable
if ((this.saveFlags == SAVE_ALL || (this.saveFlags and SAVE_SKIP_COLLAPSED) == SAVE_SKIP_COLLAPSED)) {
this.skipCollapsed = ss.skipCollapsed
internal fun shouldHide(child: View, yvel: Float): Boolean {
if (skipCollapsed) {
return true
if (child.top < collapsedOffset) {
// It should not hide, but collapse.
return false
val newTop = child.top + yvel * HIDE_FRICTION
return abs(newTop - collapsedOffset) / peekHeight.toFloat() > HIDE_THRESHOLD
internal fun findScrollingChild(view: View): View? {
if (ViewCompat.isNestedScrollingEnabled(view)) {
return view
if (view is ViewGroup) {
var i = 0
val count = view.childCount
while (i < count) {
val scrollingChild = findScrollingChild(view.getChildAt(i))
if (scrollingChild != null) {
return scrollingChild
return null
// private fun createMaterialShapeDrawable(
// context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet, hasBackgroundTint: Boolean
// ) {
// this.createMaterialShapeDrawable(context, attrs, hasBackgroundTint, null)
// }
// private fun createMaterialShapeDrawable(
// context: Context,
// attrs: AttributeSet,
// hasBackgroundTint: Boolean,
// bottomSheetColor: ColorStateList?
// ) {
// if (this.shapeThemingEnabled) {
// this.shapeAppearanceModelDefault =
// ShapeAppearanceModel(context, attrs, R.attr.bottomSheetStyle, DEF_STYLE_RES)
// this.materialShapeDrawable = MaterialShapeDrawable(shapeAppearanceModelDefault)
// this.materialShapeDrawable!!.initializeElevationOverlay(context)
// if (hasBackgroundTint && bottomSheetColor != null) {
// materialShapeDrawable!!.fillColor = bottomSheetColor
// } else {
// // If the tint isn't set, use the theme default background color.
// val defaultColor = TypedValue()
// context.theme.resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.colorBackground, defaultColor, true)
// materialShapeDrawable!!.setTint(defaultColor.data)
// }
// }
// }
private fun createShapeValueAnimator() {
interpolatorAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0f, 1f)
interpolatorAnimator!!.duration = CORNER_ANIMATION_DURATION.toLong()
interpolatorAnimator!!.addUpdateListener { animation ->
val value = animation.animatedValue as Float
if (materialShapeDrawable != null) {
materialShapeDrawable!!.interpolation = value
private fun getExpandedOffset(): Int {
return if (fitToContents) fitToContentsOffset else expandedOffset
internal fun startSettlingAnimation(child: View?, state: Int) {
var localState = state
var top: Int
if (localState == STATE_COLLAPSED) {
top = collapsedOffset
} else if (localState == STATE_HALF_EXPANDED) {
top = halfExpandedOffset
if (fitToContents && top <= fitToContentsOffset) {
// Skip to the expanded state if we would scroll past the height of the contents.
top = fitToContentsOffset
} else if (localState == STATE_EXPANDED) {
top = getExpandedOffset()
} else if (hideable && localState == STATE_HIDDEN) {
top = parentHeight
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Illegal state argument: $state")
if (viewDragHelper!!.smoothSlideViewTo(child!!, child.left, top)) {
ViewCompat.postOnAnimation(child, SettleRunnable(child, localState))
} else {
internal fun dispatchOnSlide(top: Int) {
val bottomSheet = viewRef!!.get()
if (bottomSheet != null && callback != null) {
if (top > collapsedOffset) {
bottomSheet, (collapsedOffset - top).toFloat() / (parentHeight - collapsedOffset)
} else {
bottomSheet, (collapsedOffset - top).toFloat() / (collapsedOffset - getExpandedOffset())
* Disables the shaped corner [ShapeAppearanceModel] interpolation transition animations.
* Will have no effect unless the sheet utilizes a [MaterialShapeDrawable] with set shape
* theming properties. Only For use in UI testing.
fun disableShapeAnimations() {
// Sets the shape value animator to null, prevents animations from occuring during testing.
interpolatorAnimator = null
private inner class SettleRunnable internal constructor(
private val view: View,
@param:State @field:State private val targetState: Int
) :
Runnable {
override fun run() {
if (viewDragHelper != null && viewDragHelper!!.continueSettling(true)) {
ViewCompat.postOnAnimation(view, this)
} else {
if (internalState == STATE_SETTLING) {
/** State persisted across instances */
protected class SavedState : QuickActionSavedState {
internal var state: Int = STATE_COLLAPSED
internal var peekHeight: Int = 0
internal var fitToContents: Boolean = false
internal var hideable: Boolean = false
internal var skipCollapsed: Boolean = false
constructor(source: Parcel, loader: ClassLoader? = null) : super(source, loader) {
state = source.readInt()
peekHeight = source.readInt()
fitToContents = source.readInt() == 1
hideable = source.readInt() == 1
skipCollapsed = source.readInt() == 1
constructor(superState: Parcelable, behavior: QuickActionSheetBehavior<*>) : super(superState) {
this.state = behavior.internalState
this.peekHeight = behavior.peekHeight
this.fitToContents = behavior.fitToContents
this.hideable = behavior.hideable
this.skipCollapsed = behavior.skipCollapsed
override fun writeToParcel(dest: Parcel, flags: Int) {
super.writeToParcel(dest, flags)
dest.writeInt(if (fitToContents) 1 else 0)
dest.writeInt(if (hideable) 1 else 0)
dest.writeInt(if (skipCollapsed) 1 else 0)
override fun describeContents(): Int {
return 0
companion object CREATOR : Parcelable.Creator<SavedState> {
override fun createFromParcel(parcel: Parcel): SavedState {
return SavedState(parcel)
override fun newArray(size: Int): Array<SavedState?> {
return newArray(size)
override fun layoutDependsOn(parent: CoordinatorLayout, child: V, dependency: View): Boolean {
if (dependency is BrowserToolbar) {
return true
return super.layoutDependsOn(parent, child, dependency)
override fun onDependentViewChanged(parent: CoordinatorLayout, child: V, dependency: View): Boolean {
return if (dependency is BrowserToolbar) {
repositionQuickActionSheet(child, dependency)
} else {
private fun repositionQuickActionSheet(quickActionSheetContainer: V, toolbar: BrowserToolbar) {
if (toolbar.translationY >= toolbar.height.toFloat() - POSITION_SNAP_BUFFER) {
internalState = STATE_HIDDEN
} else if (internalState == STATE_HIDDEN || internalState == STATE_SETTLING) {
internalState = STATE_COLLAPSED
quickActionSheetContainer.translationY = toolbar.translationY + toolbar.height * -1.0f
companion object {
/** The bottom sheet is dragging. */
const val STATE_DRAGGING = 1
/** The bottom sheet is settling. */
const val STATE_SETTLING = 2
/** The bottom sheet is expanded. */
const val STATE_EXPANDED = 3
/** The bottom sheet is collapsed. */
const val STATE_COLLAPSED = 4
/** The bottom sheet is hidden. */
const val STATE_HIDDEN = 5
/** The bottom sheet is half-expanded (used when mFitToContents is false). */
* Peek at the 16:9 ratio keyline of its parent.
* This can be used as a parameter for [.setPeekHeight]. [.getPeekHeight]
* will return this when the value is set.
const val PEEK_HEIGHT_AUTO = -1
* This flag will preserve the peekHeight int value on configuration change.
const val SAVE_PEEK_HEIGHT = 0x1
* This flag will preserve the fitToContents boolean value on configuration change.
const val SAVE_FIT_TO_CONTENTS = 0x2
* This flag will preserve the hideable boolean value on configuration change.
const val SAVE_HIDEABLE = 0x4
* This flag will preserve the skipCollapsed boolean value on configuration change.
const val SAVE_SKIP_COLLAPSED = 0x8
* This flag will preserve all aforementioned values on configuration change.
const val SAVE_ALL = -1
* This flag will not preserve the aforementioned values set at runtime if the view is
* destroyed and recreated. The only value preserved will be the positional state,
* e.g. collapsed, hidden, expanded, etc. This is the default behavior.
const val SAVE_NONE = 0
private const val HIDE_THRESHOLD = 0.5f
private const val HIDE_FRICTION = 0.1f
private const val CORNER_ANIMATION_DURATION = 500
private const val PIXELS_PER_SECOND_IN_MS = 1000
private const val HALF_EXPANDED_RATIO_DEFAULT = 0.5f
private const val AUTO_ASPECT_RATIO_SHORT = 9
private const val AUTO_ASPECT_RATIO_LONG = 16
private const val DEF_STYLE_RES = R.style.Widget_Design_BottomSheet_Modal
* A utility function to get the [QuickActionSheetBehavior] associated with the `view`.
* @param view The [View] with [QuickActionSheetBehavior].
* @return The [QuickActionSheetBehavior] associated with the `view`.
fun <V : View> from(view: V): QuickActionSheetBehavior<V> {
val params = view.layoutParams as? LayoutParams
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("The view is not a child of CoordinatorLayout")
val behavior = params.behavior as? QuickActionSheetBehavior<*>
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("The view is not associated with QuickActionSheetBehavior")
return behavior as QuickActionSheetBehavior<V>
* A [Parcelable] implementation that should be used by inheritance
* hierarchies to ensure the state of all classes along the chain is saved.
abstract class QuickActionSavedState : Parcelable {
var superState: Parcelable? = null
* Constructor called by derived classes when creating their SavedState objects
* @param superState The state of the superclass of this view
protected constructor(superState: Parcelable? = null) {
this.superState = if (superState !== EMPTY_STATE) superState else null
* Constructor used when reading from a parcel. Reads the state of the superclass.
* @param source parcel to read from
* @param loader ClassLoader to use for reading
protected constructor(source: Parcel, loader: ClassLoader? = null) {
val superState = source.readParcelable<Parcelable>(loader)
this.superState = superState ?: EMPTY_STATE
override fun describeContents(): Int {
return 0
override fun writeToParcel(dest: Parcel, flags: Int) {
dest.writeParcelable(superState, flags)
companion object {
val EMPTY_STATE: QuickActionSavedState = object : QuickActionSavedState() {}
val CREATOR: Parcelable.Creator<QuickActionSavedState> =
object : Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator<QuickActionSavedState> {
override fun createFromParcel(`in`: Parcel, loader: ClassLoader?): QuickActionSavedState {
val superState = `in`.readParcelable<Parcelable>(loader)
if (superState != null) {
throw IllegalStateException("superState must be null")
override fun createFromParcel(`in`: Parcel): QuickActionSavedState {
return createFromParcel(`in`, null)
override fun newArray(size: Int): Array<QuickActionSavedState> {
return newArray(size)