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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package org.mozilla.fenix.components
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Build
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting.PRIVATE
import mozilla.components.browser.storage.sync.PlacesBookmarksStorage
import mozilla.components.browser.storage.sync.PlacesHistoryStorage
import mozilla.components.browser.storage.sync.RemoteTabsStorage
import mozilla.components.concept.sync.AccountObserver
2019-09-04 22:56:22 +02:00
import mozilla.components.concept.sync.AuthType
import mozilla.components.concept.sync.DeviceCapability
import mozilla.components.concept.sync.DeviceType
import mozilla.components.concept.sync.OAuthAccount
import mozilla.components.feature.accounts.push.FxaPushSupportFeature
import mozilla.components.feature.accounts.push.SendTabFeature
import mozilla.components.feature.syncedtabs.storage.SyncedTabsStorage
import mozilla.components.lib.crash.CrashReporter
import mozilla.components.service.fxa.DeviceConfig
import mozilla.components.service.fxa.ServerConfig
import mozilla.components.service.fxa.SyncConfig
2019-09-04 22:56:22 +02:00
import mozilla.components.service.fxa.SyncEngine
import mozilla.components.service.fxa.manager.FxaAccountManager
import mozilla.components.service.fxa.manager.SCOPE_SESSION
import mozilla.components.service.fxa.manager.SCOPE_SYNC
import mozilla.components.service.fxa.manager.SyncEnginesStorage
2019-07-11 11:33:37 +02:00
import mozilla.components.service.fxa.sync.GlobalSyncableStoreProvider
import mozilla.components.service.sync.logins.SyncableLoginsStorage
2020-07-22 18:48:36 +02:00
import mozilla.components.support.utils.RunWhenReadyQueue
import org.mozilla.fenix.Config
import org.mozilla.fenix.FeatureFlags
import org.mozilla.fenix.R
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.Event
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.MetricController
import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.components
import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.settings
import org.mozilla.fenix.sync.SyncedTabsIntegration
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.Mockable
2020-07-21 19:47:10 +02:00
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.Settings
* Component group for background services. These are the components that need to be accessed from within a
* background worker.
class BackgroundServices(
private val context: Context,
private val push: Push,
crashReporter: CrashReporter,
Closes #7450: Lazy storage initialization Make sure that we actually lazily initialize our storage layers. With this patch applied, storage layers (history, logins, bookmarks) will be initialized when first accessed. We will no longer block GeckoEngine init, for example, on waiting for the logins storage to initialize (which needs to access the costly securePrefStorage). Similarly, BackgroundServices init will no longer require initialized instances of the storage components - references to their "lazy wrappers" will suffice. In practice, this change changes when our storage layers are initialized in the following ways. Currently, we will initialize everything on startup. This includes loading our megazord, as well. With this change, init path depends on if the user is signed-into FxA or not. If user is not an FxA user: - on startup, none of the storage layers are initialized - history storage will be initialized once, whenever: - first non-customTab page is loaded (access to the HistoryDelegate) - first interaction with the awesomebar - history UI is accessed - bookmarks storage will be initialized once, whenever: - something is bookmarked, or we need to figure out if something's bookmarked - bookmarks UI is accessed - logins storage will be initialized once, whenever: - first page is loaded with a login/password fields that can be autofilled - (or some other interaction by GV with the autofill/loginStorage delegates) - logins UI is accessed - all of these storages will be initialized if the user logs into FxA and starts syncing data - except, if a storage is not chosen to be synced, it will not be initialized If user is an FxA user: - on startup, none of the storage layers are initialized - sometime shortly after startup is complete, when a sync worker runs in the background, all storage layers that are enabled to sync will be initialized. This change also means that we delay loading the megazord until first access (as described above).
2020-03-18 07:30:49 +01:00
historyStorage: Lazy<PlacesHistoryStorage>,
bookmarkStorage: Lazy<PlacesBookmarksStorage>,
passwordsStorage: Lazy<SyncableLoginsStorage>,
remoteTabsStorage: Lazy<RemoteTabsStorage>
) {
// Allows executing tasks which depend on the account manager, but do not need to eagerly initialize it.
val accountManagerAvailableQueue = RunWhenReadyQueue()
fun defaultDeviceName(context: Context): String =
val serverConfig = FxaServer.config(context)
2019-07-11 11:33:37 +02:00
private val deviceConfig = DeviceConfig(
2019-08-09 01:39:23 +02:00
name = defaultDeviceName(context),
2019-07-11 11:33:37 +02:00
type = DeviceType.MOBILE,
// NB: flipping this flag back and worth is currently not well supported and may need hand-holding.
// Consult with the android-components peers before changing.
// See https://github.com/mozilla/application-services/issues/1308
capabilities = setOf(DeviceCapability.SEND_TAB),
// Enable encryption for account state on supported API levels (23+).
// Just on Nightly and local builds for now.
// Enabling this for all channels is tracked in https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/fenix/issues/6704
secureStateAtRest = Config.channel.isNightlyOrDebug
2019-07-11 11:33:37 +02:00
val supportedEngines = if (FeatureFlags.syncedTabs) {
setOf(SyncEngine.History, SyncEngine.Bookmarks, SyncEngine.Passwords, SyncEngine.Tabs)
2019-07-11 11:33:37 +02:00
} else {
setOf(SyncEngine.History, SyncEngine.Bookmarks, SyncEngine.Passwords)
2019-07-11 11:33:37 +02:00
private val syncConfig = SyncConfig(supportedEngines, syncPeriodInMinutes = 240L) // four hours
init {
/* Make the "history", "bookmark", "passwords", and "tabs" stores accessible to workers
spawned by the sync manager. */
GlobalSyncableStoreProvider.configureStore(SyncEngine.History to historyStorage)
GlobalSyncableStoreProvider.configureStore(SyncEngine.Bookmarks to bookmarkStorage)
GlobalSyncableStoreProvider.configureStore(SyncEngine.Passwords to passwordsStorage)
if (FeatureFlags.syncedTabs) {
GlobalSyncableStoreProvider.configureStore(SyncEngine.Tabs to remoteTabsStorage)
private val telemetryAccountObserver = TelemetryAccountObserver(
2020-07-21 19:47:10 +02:00
val accountAbnormalities = AccountAbnormalities(context, crashReporter)
val accountManager by lazy { makeAccountManager(context, serverConfig, deviceConfig, syncConfig) }
val syncedTabsStorage by lazy {
SyncedTabsStorage(accountManager, context.components.core.store, remoteTabsStorage.value)
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = PRIVATE)
fun makeAccountManager(
context: Context,
serverConfig: ServerConfig,
deviceConfig: DeviceConfig,
syncConfig: SyncConfig?
) = FxaAccountManager(
2019-07-11 11:33:37 +02:00
// We don't need to specify sync scope explicitly, but `syncConfig` may be disabled due to
// an 'experiments' flag. In that case, sync scope necessary for syncing won't be acquired
// during authentication unless we explicitly specify it below.
// This is a good example of an information leak at the API level.
// See https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/android-components/issues/3732
// Necessary to enable "Manage Account" functionality and ability to generate OAuth
// codes for certain scopes.
).also { accountManager ->
// TODO this needs to change once we have a SyncManager
context.settings().fxaHasSyncedItems = accountManager.authenticatedAccount()?.let {
SyncEnginesStorage(context).getStatus().any { it.value }
} ?: false
// Register a telemetry account observer to keep track of FxA auth metrics.
// Register an "abnormal fxa behaviour" middleware to keep track of events such as
// unexpected logouts.
// Enable push if it's configured.
push.feature?.let { autoPushFeature ->
FxaPushSupportFeature(context, accountManager, autoPushFeature)
SendTabFeature(accountManager) { device, tabs ->
notificationManager.showReceivedTabs(context, device, tabs)
SyncedTabsIntegration(context, accountManager).launch()
}.also {
* Provides notification functionality, manages notification channels.
private val notificationManager by lazy {
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = PRIVATE)
2020-07-21 19:47:10 +02:00
internal class TelemetryAccountObserver(
private val settings: Settings,
private val metricController: MetricController
) : AccountObserver {
override fun onAuthenticated(account: OAuthAccount, authType: AuthType) {
when (authType) {
// User signed-in into an existing FxA account.
AuthType.Signin ->
// User created a new FxA account.
AuthType.Signup ->
// User paired to an existing account via QR code scanning.
AuthType.Pairing ->
// User signed-in into an FxA account shared from another locally installed app
// (e.g. Fennec).
AuthType.Shared ->
// Account Manager recovered a broken FxA auth state, without direct user involvement.
AuthType.Recovered ->
// User signed-in into an FxA account via unknown means.
// Exact mechanism identified by the 'action' param.
is AuthType.OtherExternal ->
// Used by Leanplum as a context variable.
2020-07-21 19:47:10 +02:00
settings.fxaSignedIn = true
override fun onLoggedOut() {
// Used by Leanplum as a context variable.
2020-07-21 19:47:10 +02:00
settings.fxaSignedIn = false