--- - name: Ensure syncthing user is present user: name: syncthing state: present create_home: yes home: "{{ syncthing.home }}" shell: /usr/sbin/nologin - name: Ensure syncthing dir is present file: path: "{{ syncthing.dir }}" state: directory owner: syncthing group: syncthing mode: 0700 - name: Ensure syncthing is installed apt: name: - syncthing - python-lxml - python3-lxml state: latest - name: Ensure syncthing is running systemd: name: syncthing@syncthing.service state: started enabled: yes - name: Set the sync directory xml: path: "{{ syncthing.home }}/.config/syncthing/config.xml" xpath: /configuration/folder attribute: path value: "{{ syncthing.dir }}" notify: restart syncthing retries: 3 delay: 3 register: result until: not result.failed - name: Add an user to log into the interface xml: path: "{{ syncthing.home }}/.config/syncthing/config.xml" xpath: /configuration/gui/user value: "{{ syncthing.user }}" notify: restart syncthing retries: 3 delay: 3 register: result until: not result.failed - name: Set the password xml: path: "{{ syncthing.home }}/.config/syncthing/config.xml" xpath: /configuration/gui/password value: "{{ syncthing.password }}" notify: restart syncthing retries: 3 delay: 3 register: result until: not result.failed - name: Make public the management interface xml: path: "{{ syncthing.home }}/.config/syncthing/config.xml" xpath: /configuration/gui/address value: notify: restart syncthing retries: 3 delay: 3 register: result until: not result.failed