--- - name: Check if the CA private key exists delegate_to: localhost ansible.builtin.stat: path: "{{ cert_dir }}/{{ tls_ca_key }}" register: ca_key - name: Generate CA private key delegate_to: localhost community.crypto.openssl_privatekey: path: "{{ cert_dir }}/{{ tls_ca_key }}" size: "{{ tls_ca_key_size }}" run_once: true when: not ca_key.stat.exists - name: Check if the CA CSR exists delegate_to: localhost stat: path: "{{ cert_dir }}/{{ tls_ca_csr }}" register: ca_csr - name: Create CSR for CA delegate_to: localhost community.crypto.openssl_csr: path: "{{ cert_dir }}/{{ tls_ca_csr }}" privatekey_path: "{{ cert_dir }}/{{ tls_ca_key }}" basic_constraints: - "CA:TRUE" common_name: "{{ tls_ca_commonname|default('') }}" country_name: "{{ tls_ca_country|default('') }}" state_or_province_name: "{{ tls_ca_state|default('') }}" locality_name: "{{ tls_ca_locality|default('') }}" organization_name: "{{ tls_ca_organization|default('') }}" organizational_unit_name: "{{ tls_ca_organizationalunit|default('') }}" email_address: "{{ tls_ca_email }}" use_common_name_for_san: no when: not ca_csr.stat.exists - name: Check if the CA cert exists delegate_to: localhost stat: path: "{{ cert_dir }}/{{ tls_ca_cert }}" register: ca_cert - name: Create and sign server cert for CA delegate_to: localhost community.crypto.x509_certificate: path: "{{ cert_dir }}/{{ tls_ca_cert }}" privatekey_path: "{{ cert_dir }}/{{ tls_ca_key }}" csr_path: "{{ cert_dir }}/{{ tls_ca_csr }}" selfsigned_not_after: "+{{ tls_ca_valid_days }}d" provider: selfsigned when: not ca_cert.stat.exists register: ca_cert_file - name: Copy the CA certificate to the remote machine copy: src: "{{ cert_dir }}/{{ tls_ca_cert }}" dest: "{{ remote_ca_certs_dir }}" mode: 0644 owner: root group: root force: yes backup: yes when: ca_cert_file.changed