The `docker_edition` should be either `ce` (Community Edition) or `ee` (Enterprise Edition). You can also specify a specific version of Docker to install using a format like `docker-{{ docker_edition }}-<VERSION>`. And you can control whether the package is installed, uninstalled, or at the latest version by setting `docker_package_state` to `present`, `absent`, or `latest`, respectively.
Whether to restart the Docker daemon after the Docker package is installed or updated. If this is set to `True`, this role will flush all handlers (run any of the handlers that have been notified by this and any other role up to this point in the play). The default setting helps avoid firewall clashes with Docker rules (e.g. when using custom `iptables` rules or the `geerlingguy.firewall` Ansible role).
Many users of this role wish to also use Ansible to then _build_ Docker images and manage Docker containers on the server where Docker is installed. In this case, you can easily add in the `docker` Python library using the `geerlingguy.pip` role: