package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.providers; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.UriMatcher; import; import androidx.annotation.IntRange; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.crypto.AttachmentSecret; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.crypto.AttachmentSecretProvider; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.crypto.ModernDecryptingPartInputStream; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.crypto.ModernEncryptingPartOutputStream; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.logging.Log; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.Util; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.concurrent.SignalExecutors; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; /** * Allows for the creation and retrieval of blobs. */ public class BlobProvider { private static final String TAG = BlobProvider.class.getSimpleName(); private static final String MULTI_SESSION_DIRECTORY = "multi_session_blobs"; private static final String SINGLE_SESSION_DIRECTORY = "single_session_blobs"; public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://org.thoughtcrime.securesms/blob"); public static final String AUTHORITY = "org.thoughtcrime.securesms"; public static final String PATH = "blob/*/*/*/*/*"; private static final int STORAGE_TYPE_PATH_SEGMENT = 1; private static final int MIMETYPE_PATH_SEGMENT = 2; private static final int FILENAME_PATH_SEGMENT = 3; private static final int FILESIZE_PATH_SEGMENT = 4; private static final int ID_PATH_SEGMENT = 5; private static final int MATCH = 1; private static final UriMatcher URI_MATCHER = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH) {{ addURI(AUTHORITY, PATH, MATCH); }}; private static final BlobProvider INSTANCE = new BlobProvider(); private final Map memoryBlobs = new HashMap<>(); public static BlobProvider getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } /** * Begin building a blob for the provided data. Allows for the creation of in-memory blobs. */ public MemoryBlobBuilder forData(@NonNull byte[] data) { return new MemoryBlobBuilder(data); } /** * Begin building a blob for the provided input stream. */ public BlobBuilder forData(@NonNull InputStream data, long fileSize) { return new BlobBuilder(data, fileSize); } /** * Retrieve a stream for the content with the specified URI. * @throws IOException If the stream fails to open or the spec of the URI doesn't match. */ public synchronized @NonNull InputStream getStream(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Uri uri) throws IOException { return getStream(context, uri, 0L); } /** * Retrieve a stream for the content with the specified URI starting from the specified position. * @throws IOException If the stream fails to open or the spec of the URI doesn't match. */ public synchronized @NonNull InputStream getStream(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Uri uri, long position) throws IOException { if (isAuthority(uri)) { StorageType storageType = StorageType.decode(uri.getPathSegments().get(STORAGE_TYPE_PATH_SEGMENT)); if (storageType.isMemory()) { byte[] data = memoryBlobs.get(uri); if (data != null) { if (storageType == StorageType.SINGLE_USE_MEMORY) { memoryBlobs.remove(uri); } return new ByteArrayInputStream(data); } else { throw new IOException("Failed to find in-memory blob for: " + uri); } } else { String id = uri.getPathSegments().get(ID_PATH_SEGMENT); String directory = getDirectory(storageType); File file = new File(getOrCreateCacheDirectory(context, directory), buildFileName(id)); return ModernDecryptingPartInputStream.createFor(AttachmentSecretProvider.getInstance(context).getOrCreateAttachmentSecret(), file, position); } } else { throw new IOException("Provided URI does not match this spec. Uri: " + uri); } } /** * Delete the content with the specified URI. */ public synchronized void delete(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Uri uri) { if (!isAuthority(uri)) { Log.d(TAG, "Can't delete. Not the authority for uri: " + uri); return; } try { StorageType storageType = StorageType.decode(uri.getPathSegments().get(STORAGE_TYPE_PATH_SEGMENT)); if (storageType.isMemory()) { memoryBlobs.remove(uri); } else { String id = uri.getPathSegments().get(ID_PATH_SEGMENT); String directory = getDirectory(storageType); File file = new File(getOrCreateCacheDirectory(context, directory), buildFileName(id)); if (!file.delete()) { throw new IOException("File wasn't deleted."); } } } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to delete uri: " + uri, e); } } /** * Indicates a new app session has started, allowing old single-session blobs to be deleted. */ public synchronized void onSessionStart(@NonNull Context context) { File directory = getOrCreateCacheDirectory(context, SINGLE_SESSION_DIRECTORY); for (File file : directory.listFiles()) { file.delete(); } } public static @Nullable String getMimeType(@NonNull Uri uri) { if (isAuthority(uri)) { return uri.getPathSegments().get(MIMETYPE_PATH_SEGMENT); } return null; } public static @Nullable String getFileName(@NonNull Uri uri) { if (isAuthority(uri)) { return uri.getPathSegments().get(FILENAME_PATH_SEGMENT); } return null; } public static @Nullable Long getFileSize(@NonNull Uri uri) { if (isAuthority(uri)) { try { return Long.parseLong(uri.getPathSegments().get(FILESIZE_PATH_SEGMENT)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } return null; } public static boolean isAuthority(@NonNull Uri uri) { return URI_MATCHER.match(uri) == MATCH; } @WorkerThread private synchronized @NonNull Uri writeBlobSpecToDisk(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull BlobSpec blobSpec) throws IOException { CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); AtomicReference exception = new AtomicReference<>(null); Uri uri = writeBlobSpecToDiskAsync(context, blobSpec, latch::countDown, exception::set); try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException(e); } if (exception.get() != null) { throw exception.get(); } return uri; } @WorkerThread private synchronized @NonNull Uri writeBlobSpecToDiskAsync(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull BlobSpec blobSpec, @Nullable SuccessListener successListener, @Nullable ErrorListener errorListener) throws IOException { AttachmentSecret attachmentSecret = AttachmentSecretProvider.getInstance(context).getOrCreateAttachmentSecret(); String directory = getDirectory(blobSpec.getStorageType()); File outputFile = new File(getOrCreateCacheDirectory(context, directory), buildFileName(; OutputStream outputStream = ModernEncryptingPartOutputStream.createFor(attachmentSecret, outputFile, true).second; SignalExecutors.UNBOUNDED.execute(() -> { try { Util.copy(blobSpec.getData(), outputStream); if (successListener != null) { successListener.onSuccess(); } } catch (IOException e) { if (errorListener != null) { errorListener.onError(e); } } }); return buildUri(blobSpec); } private synchronized @NonNull Uri writeBlobSpecToMemory(@NonNull BlobSpec blobSpec, @NonNull byte[] data) { Uri uri = buildUri(blobSpec); memoryBlobs.put(uri, data); return uri; } private static @NonNull String buildFileName(@NonNull String id) { return id + ".blob"; } private static @NonNull String getDirectory(@NonNull StorageType storageType) { return storageType == StorageType.MULTI_SESSION_DISK ? MULTI_SESSION_DIRECTORY : SINGLE_SESSION_DIRECTORY; } private static @NonNull Uri buildUri(@NonNull BlobSpec blobSpec) { return CONTENT_URI.buildUpon() .appendPath(blobSpec.getStorageType().encode()) .appendPath(blobSpec.getMimeType()) .appendPath(blobSpec.getFileName()) .appendEncodedPath(String.valueOf(blobSpec.getFileSize())) .appendPath(blobSpec.getId()) .build(); } private static File getOrCreateCacheDirectory(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String directory) { File file = new File(context.getCacheDir(), directory); if (!file.exists()) { file.mkdir(); } return file; } public class BlobBuilder { private InputStream data; private String id; private String mimeType; private String fileName; private long fileSize; private BlobBuilder(@NonNull InputStream data, long fileSize) { = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); = data; this.fileSize = fileSize; } public BlobBuilder withMimeType(@NonNull String mimeType) { this.mimeType = mimeType; return this; } public BlobBuilder withFileName(@NonNull String fileName) { this.fileName = fileName; return this; } protected BlobSpec buildBlobSpec(@NonNull StorageType storageType) { return new BlobSpec(data, id, storageType, mimeType, fileName, fileSize); } /** * Create a blob that will exist for a single app session. An app session is defined as the * period from one {@link Application#onCreate()} to the next. */ @WorkerThread public Uri createForSingleSessionOnDisk(@NonNull Context context) throws IOException { return writeBlobSpecToDisk(context, buildBlobSpec(StorageType.SINGLE_SESSION_DISK)); } /** * Create a blob that will exist for a single app session. An app session is defined as the * period from one {@link Application#onCreate()} to the next. The file will be created on disk * synchronously, but the data will copied asynchronously. This is helpful when the copy is * long-running, such as in the case of recording a voice note. */ @WorkerThread public Uri createForSingleSessionOnDiskAsync(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable SuccessListener successListener, @Nullable ErrorListener errorListener) throws IOException { return writeBlobSpecToDiskAsync(context, buildBlobSpec(StorageType.SINGLE_SESSION_DISK), successListener, errorListener); } /** * Create a blob that will exist for multiple app sessions. It is the caller's responsibility to * eventually call {@link BlobProvider#delete(Context, Uri)} when the blob is no longer in use. */ @WorkerThread public Uri createForMultipleSessionsOnDisk(@NonNull Context context) throws IOException { return writeBlobSpecToDisk(context, buildBlobSpec(StorageType.MULTI_SESSION_DISK)); } /** * Create a blob that will exist for multiple app sessions. The file will be created on disk * synchronously, but the data will copied asynchronously. This is helpful when the copy is * long-running, such as in the case of recording a voice note. * * It is the caller's responsibility to eventually call {@link BlobProvider#delete(Context, Uri)} * when the blob is no longer in use. */ @WorkerThread public Uri createForMultipleSessionsOnDiskAsync(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable SuccessListener successListener, @Nullable ErrorListener errorListener) throws IOException { return writeBlobSpecToDiskAsync(context, buildBlobSpec(StorageType.MULTI_SESSION_DISK), successListener, errorListener); } } public class MemoryBlobBuilder extends BlobBuilder { private byte[] data; private MemoryBlobBuilder(@NonNull byte[] data) { super(new ByteArrayInputStream(data), data.length); = data; } @Override public MemoryBlobBuilder withMimeType(@NonNull String mimeType) { super.withMimeType(mimeType); return this; } @Override public MemoryBlobBuilder withFileName(@NonNull String fileName) { super.withFileName(fileName); return this; } /** * Create a blob that is stored in memory and can only be read a single time. After a single * read, it will be removed from storage. Useful for when a Uri is needed to read transient data. */ public Uri createForSingleUseInMemory() { return writeBlobSpecToMemory(buildBlobSpec(StorageType.SINGLE_USE_MEMORY), data); } /** * Create a blob that is stored in memory. Will persist for a single app session. You should * always try to call {@link BlobProvider#delete(Context, Uri)} after you're done with the blob * to free up memory. */ public Uri createForSingleSessionInMemory() { return writeBlobSpecToMemory(buildBlobSpec(StorageType.SINGLE_SESSION_MEMORY), data); } } public interface SuccessListener { @WorkerThread void onSuccess(); } public interface ErrorListener { @WorkerThread void onError(IOException e); } private static class BlobSpec { private final InputStream data; private final String id; private final StorageType storageType; private final String mimeType; private final String fileName; private final long fileSize; private BlobSpec(@NonNull InputStream data, @NonNull String id, @NonNull StorageType storageType, @NonNull String mimeType, @Nullable String fileName, @IntRange(from = 0) long fileSize) { = data; = id; this.storageType = storageType; this.mimeType = mimeType; this.fileName = fileName; this.fileSize = fileSize; } private @NonNull InputStream getData() { return data; } private @NonNull String getId() { return id; } private @NonNull StorageType getStorageType() { return storageType; } private @NonNull String getMimeType() { return mimeType; } private @Nullable String getFileName() { return fileName; } private long getFileSize() { return fileSize; } } private enum StorageType { SINGLE_USE_MEMORY("single-use-memory", true), SINGLE_SESSION_MEMORY("single-session-memory", true), SINGLE_SESSION_DISK("single-session-disk", false), MULTI_SESSION_DISK("multi-session-disk", false); private final String encoded; private final boolean inMemory; StorageType(String encoded, boolean inMemory) { this.encoded = encoded; this.inMemory = inMemory; } private String encode() { return encoded; } private boolean isMemory() { return inMemory; } private static StorageType decode(@NonNull String encoded) throws IOException { for (StorageType storageType : StorageType.values()) { if (storageType.encoded.equals(encoded)) { return storageType; } } throw new IOException("Failed to decode lifespan."); } } }