package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.helpers; import; import; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import; import com.bumptech.glide.Glide; import net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabase; import net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabaseHook; import net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteOpenHelper; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.ContactColorsLegacy; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.MentionDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RemappedRecordsDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.profiles.AvatarHelper; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.profiles.ProfileName; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.recipients.RecipientId; import; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.crypto.DatabaseSecret; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.crypto.MasterSecret; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.AttachmentDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.DraftDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.GroupDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.GroupReceiptDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.IdentityDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.JobDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.KeyValueDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.MegaphoneDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.MmsDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.OneTimePreKeyDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.PushDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RecipientDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.SearchDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.SessionDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.SignedPreKeyDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.SmsDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.StickerDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.StorageKeyDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.ThreadDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.dependencies.ApplicationDependencies; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.groups.GroupId; import; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.logging.Log; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.notifications.NotificationChannels; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormatter; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.service.KeyCachingService; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.Base64; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.CursorUtil; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.FileUtils; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.ServiceUtil; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.SqlUtil; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.TextSecurePreferences; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.Triple; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.Util; import org.whispersystems.signalservice.internal.push.SignalServiceProtos; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; public class SQLCipherOpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final String TAG = SQLCipherOpenHelper.class.getSimpleName(); private static final int RECIPIENT_CALL_RINGTONE_VERSION = 2; private static final int MIGRATE_PREKEYS_VERSION = 3; private static final int MIGRATE_SESSIONS_VERSION = 4; private static final int NO_MORE_IMAGE_THUMBNAILS_VERSION = 5; private static final int ATTACHMENT_DIMENSIONS = 6; private static final int QUOTED_REPLIES = 7; private static final int SHARED_CONTACTS = 8; private static final int FULL_TEXT_SEARCH = 9; private static final int BAD_IMPORT_CLEANUP = 10; private static final int QUOTE_MISSING = 11; private static final int NOTIFICATION_CHANNELS = 12; private static final int SECRET_SENDER = 13; private static final int ATTACHMENT_CAPTIONS = 14; private static final int ATTACHMENT_CAPTIONS_FIX = 15; private static final int PREVIEWS = 16; private static final int CONVERSATION_SEARCH = 17; private static final int SELF_ATTACHMENT_CLEANUP = 18; private static final int RECIPIENT_FORCE_SMS_SELECTION = 19; private static final int JOBMANAGER_STRIKES_BACK = 20; private static final int STICKERS = 21; private static final int REVEALABLE_MESSAGES = 22; private static final int VIEW_ONCE_ONLY = 23; private static final int RECIPIENT_IDS = 24; private static final int RECIPIENT_SEARCH = 25; private static final int RECIPIENT_CLEANUP = 26; private static final int MMS_RECIPIENT_CLEANUP = 27; private static final int ATTACHMENT_HASHING = 28; private static final int NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT_IDS = 29; private static final int BLUR_HASH = 30; private static final int MMS_RECIPIENT_CLEANUP_2 = 31; private static final int ATTACHMENT_TRANSFORM_PROPERTIES = 32; private static final int ATTACHMENT_CLEAR_HASHES = 33; private static final int ATTACHMENT_CLEAR_HASHES_2 = 34; private static final int UUIDS = 35; private static final int USERNAMES = 36; private static final int REACTIONS = 37; private static final int STORAGE_SERVICE = 38; private static final int REACTIONS_UNREAD_INDEX = 39; private static final int RESUMABLE_DOWNLOADS = 40; private static final int KEY_VALUE_STORE = 41; private static final int ATTACHMENT_DISPLAY_ORDER = 42; private static final int SPLIT_PROFILE_NAMES = 43; private static final int STICKER_PACK_ORDER = 44; private static final int MEGAPHONES = 45; private static final int MEGAPHONE_FIRST_APPEARANCE = 46; private static final int PROFILE_KEY_TO_DB = 47; private static final int PROFILE_KEY_CREDENTIALS = 48; private static final int ATTACHMENT_FILE_INDEX = 49; private static final int STORAGE_SERVICE_ACTIVE = 50; private static final int GROUPS_V2_RECIPIENT_CAPABILITY = 51; private static final int TRANSFER_FILE_CLEANUP = 52; private static final int PROFILE_DATA_MIGRATION = 53; private static final int AVATAR_LOCATION_MIGRATION = 54; private static final int GROUPS_V2 = 55; private static final int ATTACHMENT_UPLOAD_TIMESTAMP = 56; private static final int ATTACHMENT_CDN_NUMBER = 57; private static final int JOB_INPUT_DATA = 58; private static final int SERVER_TIMESTAMP = 59; private static final int REMOTE_DELETE = 60; private static final int COLOR_MIGRATION = 61; private static final int LAST_SCROLLED = 62; private static final int LAST_PROFILE_FETCH = 63; private static final int SERVER_DELIVERED_TIMESTAMP = 64; private static final int QUOTE_CLEANUP = 65; private static final int BORDERLESS = 66; private static final int REMAPPED_RECORDS = 67; private static final int MENTIONS = 68; private static final int PINNED_CONVERSATIONS = 69; private static final int MENTION_GLOBAL_SETTING_MIGRATION = 70; private static final int UNKNOWN_STORAGE_FIELDS = 71; private static final int STICKER_CONTENT_TYPE = 72; private static final int STICKER_EMOJI_IN_NOTIFICATIONS = 73; private static final int THUMBNAIL_CLEANUP = 74; private static final int STICKER_CONTENT_TYPE_CLEANUP = 75; private static final int MENTION_CLEANUP = 76; private static final int MENTION_CLEANUP_V2 = 77; private static final int REACTION_CLEANUP = 78; private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 78; private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "signal.db"; private final Context context; private final DatabaseSecret databaseSecret; public SQLCipherOpenHelper(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull DatabaseSecret databaseSecret) { super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION, new SQLiteDatabaseHook() { @Override public void preKey(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.rawExecSQL("PRAGMA cipher_default_kdf_iter = 1;"); db.rawExecSQL("PRAGMA cipher_default_page_size = 4096;"); } @Override public void postKey(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.rawExecSQL("PRAGMA kdf_iter = '1';"); db.rawExecSQL("PRAGMA cipher_page_size = 4096;"); } }); this.context = context.getApplicationContext(); this.databaseSecret = databaseSecret; } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL(SmsDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(MmsDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(AttachmentDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(ThreadDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(IdentityDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(DraftDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(PushDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(GroupDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(RecipientDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(GroupReceiptDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(OneTimePreKeyDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(SignedPreKeyDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(SessionDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(StickerDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(StorageKeyDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(KeyValueDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(MegaphoneDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); db.execSQL(MentionDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); executeStatements(db, SearchDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); executeStatements(db, JobDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); executeStatements(db, RemappedRecordsDatabase.CREATE_TABLE); executeStatements(db, RecipientDatabase.CREATE_INDEXS); executeStatements(db, SmsDatabase.CREATE_INDEXS); executeStatements(db, MmsDatabase.CREATE_INDEXS); executeStatements(db, AttachmentDatabase.CREATE_INDEXS); executeStatements(db, ThreadDatabase.CREATE_INDEXS); executeStatements(db, DraftDatabase.CREATE_INDEXS); executeStatements(db, GroupDatabase.CREATE_INDEXS); executeStatements(db, GroupReceiptDatabase.CREATE_INDEXES); executeStatements(db, StickerDatabase.CREATE_INDEXES); executeStatements(db, StorageKeyDatabase.CREATE_INDEXES); executeStatements(db, MentionDatabase.CREATE_INDEXES); if (context.getDatabasePath(ClassicOpenHelper.NAME).exists()) { ClassicOpenHelper legacyHelper = new ClassicOpenHelper(context); android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase legacyDb = legacyHelper.getWritableDatabase(); SQLCipherMigrationHelper.migratePlaintext(context, legacyDb, db); MasterSecret masterSecret = KeyCachingService.getMasterSecret(context); if (masterSecret != null) SQLCipherMigrationHelper.migrateCiphertext(context, masterSecret, legacyDb, db, null); else TextSecurePreferences.setNeedsSqlCipherMigration(context, true); if (!PreKeyMigrationHelper.migratePreKeys(context, db)) { ApplicationDependencies.getJobManager().add(new RefreshPreKeysJob()); } SessionStoreMigrationHelper.migrateSessions(context, db); PreKeyMigrationHelper.cleanUpPreKeys(context); } } @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { Log.i(TAG, "Upgrading database: " + oldVersion + ", " + newVersion); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); db.beginTransaction(); try { if (oldVersion < RECIPIENT_CALL_RINGTONE_VERSION) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient_preferences ADD COLUMN call_ringtone TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient_preferences ADD COLUMN call_vibrate INTEGER DEFAULT " + RecipientDatabase.VibrateState.DEFAULT.getId()); } if (oldVersion < MIGRATE_PREKEYS_VERSION) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE signed_prekeys (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, key_id INTEGER UNIQUE, public_key TEXT NOT NULL, private_key TEXT NOT NULL, signature TEXT NOT NULL, timestamp INTEGER DEFAULT 0)"); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE one_time_prekeys (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, key_id INTEGER UNIQUE, public_key TEXT NOT NULL, private_key TEXT NOT NULL)"); if (!PreKeyMigrationHelper.migratePreKeys(context, db)) { ApplicationDependencies.getJobManager().add(new RefreshPreKeysJob()); } } if (oldVersion < MIGRATE_SESSIONS_VERSION) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE sessions (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, address TEXT NOT NULL, device INTEGER NOT NULL, record BLOB NOT NULL, UNIQUE(address, device) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)"); SessionStoreMigrationHelper.migrateSessions(context, db); } if (oldVersion < NO_MORE_IMAGE_THUMBNAILS_VERSION) { ContentValues update = new ContentValues(); update.put("thumbnail", (String)null); update.put("aspect_ratio", (String)null); update.put("thumbnail_random", (String)null); try (Cursor cursor = db.query("part", new String[] {"_id", "ct", "thumbnail"}, "thumbnail IS NOT NULL", null, null, null, null)) { while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { long id = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id")); String contentType = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("ct")); if (contentType != null && !contentType.startsWith("video")) { String thumbnailPath = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("thumbnail")); File thumbnailFile = new File(thumbnailPath); thumbnailFile.delete(); db.update("part", update, "_id = ?", new String[] {String.valueOf(id)}); } } } } if (oldVersion < ATTACHMENT_DIMENSIONS) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN width INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN height INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < QUOTED_REPLIES) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN quote_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN quote_author TEXT"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN quote_body TEXT"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN quote_attachment INTEGER DEFAULT -1"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN quote INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < SHARED_CONTACTS) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN shared_contacts TEXT"); } if (oldVersion < FULL_TEXT_SEARCH) { db.execSQL("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE sms_fts USING fts5(body, content=sms, content_rowid=_id)"); db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER sms_ai AFTER INSERT ON sms BEGIN\n" + " INSERT INTO sms_fts(rowid, body) VALUES (new._id, new.body);\n" + "END;"); db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER sms_ad AFTER DELETE ON sms BEGIN\n" + " INSERT INTO sms_fts(sms_fts, rowid, body) VALUES('delete', old._id, old.body);\n" + "END;\n"); db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER sms_au AFTER UPDATE ON sms BEGIN\n" + " INSERT INTO sms_fts(sms_fts, rowid, body) VALUES('delete', old._id, old.body);\n" + " INSERT INTO sms_fts(rowid, body) VALUES(new._id, new.body);\n" + "END;"); db.execSQL("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE mms_fts USING fts5(body, content=mms, content_rowid=_id)"); db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER mms_ai AFTER INSERT ON mms BEGIN\n" + " INSERT INTO mms_fts(rowid, body) VALUES (new._id, new.body);\n" + "END;"); db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER mms_ad AFTER DELETE ON mms BEGIN\n" + " INSERT INTO mms_fts(mms_fts, rowid, body) VALUES('delete', old._id, old.body);\n" + "END;\n"); db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER mms_au AFTER UPDATE ON mms BEGIN\n" + " INSERT INTO mms_fts(mms_fts, rowid, body) VALUES('delete', old._id, old.body);\n" + " INSERT INTO mms_fts(rowid, body) VALUES(new._id, new.body);\n" + "END;"); Log.i(TAG, "Beginning to build search index."); long start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); db.execSQL("INSERT INTO sms_fts (rowid, body) SELECT _id, body FROM sms"); long smsFinished = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); Log.i(TAG, "Indexing SMS completed in " + (smsFinished - start) + " ms"); db.execSQL("INSERT INTO mms_fts (rowid, body) SELECT _id, body FROM mms"); long mmsFinished = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); Log.i(TAG, "Indexing MMS completed in " + (mmsFinished - smsFinished) + " ms"); Log.i(TAG, "Indexing finished. Total time: " + (mmsFinished - start) + " ms"); } if (oldVersion < BAD_IMPORT_CLEANUP) { String trimmedCondition = " NOT IN (SELECT _id FROM mms)"; db.delete("group_receipts", "mms_id" + trimmedCondition, null); String[] columns = new String[] { "_id", "unique_id", "_data", "thumbnail"}; try (Cursor cursor = db.query("part", columns, "mid" + trimmedCondition, null, null, null, null)) { while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { db.delete("part", "_id = ? AND unique_id = ?", new String[] { String.valueOf(cursor.getLong(0)), String.valueOf(cursor.getLong(1)) }); String data = cursor.getString(2); String thumbnail = cursor.getString(3); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(data)) { new File(data).delete(); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(thumbnail)) { new File(thumbnail).delete(); } } } } // Note: This column only being checked due to upgrade issues as described in #8184 if (oldVersion < QUOTE_MISSING && !SqlUtil.columnExists(db, "mms", "quote_missing")) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN quote_missing INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); } // Note: The column only being checked due to upgrade issues as described in #8184 if (oldVersion < NOTIFICATION_CHANNELS && !SqlUtil.columnExists(db, "recipient_preferences", "notification_channel")) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient_preferences ADD COLUMN notification_channel TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); NotificationChannels.create(context); try (Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT recipient_ids, system_display_name, signal_profile_name, notification, vibrate FROM recipient_preferences WHERE notification NOT NULL OR vibrate != 0", null)) { while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { String rawAddress = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("recipient_ids")); String address = PhoneNumberFormatter.get(context).format(rawAddress); String systemName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("system_display_name")); String profileName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("signal_profile_name")); String messageSound = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("notification")); Uri messageSoundUri = messageSound != null ? Uri.parse(messageSound) : null; int vibrateState = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("vibrate")); String displayName = NotificationChannels.getChannelDisplayNameFor(context, systemName, profileName, null, address); boolean vibrateEnabled = vibrateState == 0 ? TextSecurePreferences.isNotificationVibrateEnabled(context) : vibrateState == 1; if (GroupId.isEncodedGroup(address)) { try(Cursor groupCursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT title FROM groups WHERE group_id = ?", new String[] { address })) { if (groupCursor != null && groupCursor.moveToFirst()) { String title = groupCursor.getString(groupCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("title")); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) { displayName = title; } } } } String channelId = NotificationChannels.createChannelFor(context, "contact_" + address + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(), displayName, messageSoundUri, vibrateEnabled); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(1); values.put("notification_channel", channelId); db.update("recipient_preferences", values, "recipient_ids = ?", new String[] { rawAddress }); } } } if (oldVersion < SECRET_SENDER) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient_preferences ADD COLUMN unidentified_access_mode INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE push ADD COLUMN server_timestamp INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE push ADD COLUMN server_guid TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE group_receipts ADD COLUMN unidentified INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN unidentified INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE sms ADD COLUMN unidentified INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < ATTACHMENT_CAPTIONS) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN caption TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); } // 4.30.8 included a migration, but not a correct CREATE_TABLE statement, so we need to add // this column if it isn't present. if (oldVersion < ATTACHMENT_CAPTIONS_FIX) { if (!SqlUtil.columnExists(db, "part", "caption")) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN caption TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); } } if (oldVersion < PREVIEWS) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN previews TEXT"); } if (oldVersion < CONVERSATION_SEARCH) { db.execSQL("DROP TABLE sms_fts"); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE mms_fts"); db.execSQL("DROP TRIGGER sms_ai"); db.execSQL("DROP TRIGGER sms_au"); db.execSQL("DROP TRIGGER sms_ad"); db.execSQL("DROP TRIGGER mms_ai"); db.execSQL("DROP TRIGGER mms_au"); db.execSQL("DROP TRIGGER mms_ad"); db.execSQL("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE sms_fts USING fts5(body, thread_id UNINDEXED, content=sms, content_rowid=_id)"); db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER sms_ai AFTER INSERT ON sms BEGIN\n" + " INSERT INTO sms_fts(rowid, body, thread_id) VALUES (new._id, new.body, new.thread_id);\n" + "END;"); db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER sms_ad AFTER DELETE ON sms BEGIN\n" + " INSERT INTO sms_fts(sms_fts, rowid, body, thread_id) VALUES('delete', old._id, old.body, old.thread_id);\n" + "END;\n"); db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER sms_au AFTER UPDATE ON sms BEGIN\n" + " INSERT INTO sms_fts(sms_fts, rowid, body, thread_id) VALUES('delete', old._id, old.body, old.thread_id);\n" + " INSERT INTO sms_fts(rowid, body, thread_id) VALUES(new._id, new.body, new.thread_id);\n" + "END;"); db.execSQL("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE mms_fts USING fts5(body, thread_id UNINDEXED, content=mms, content_rowid=_id)"); db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER mms_ai AFTER INSERT ON mms BEGIN\n" + " INSERT INTO mms_fts(rowid, body, thread_id) VALUES (new._id, new.body, new.thread_id);\n" + "END;"); db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER mms_ad AFTER DELETE ON mms BEGIN\n" + " INSERT INTO mms_fts(mms_fts, rowid, body, thread_id) VALUES('delete', old._id, old.body, old.thread_id);\n" + "END;\n"); db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER mms_au AFTER UPDATE ON mms BEGIN\n" + " INSERT INTO mms_fts(mms_fts, rowid, body, thread_id) VALUES('delete', old._id, old.body, old.thread_id);\n" + " INSERT INTO mms_fts(rowid, body, thread_id) VALUES(new._id, new.body, new.thread_id);\n" + "END;"); Log.i(TAG, "Beginning to build search index."); long start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); db.execSQL("INSERT INTO sms_fts (rowid, body, thread_id) SELECT _id, body, thread_id FROM sms"); long smsFinished = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); Log.i(TAG, "Indexing SMS completed in " + (smsFinished - start) + " ms"); db.execSQL("INSERT INTO mms_fts (rowid, body, thread_id) SELECT _id, body, thread_id FROM mms"); long mmsFinished = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); Log.i(TAG, "Indexing MMS completed in " + (mmsFinished - smsFinished) + " ms"); Log.i(TAG, "Indexing finished. Total time: " + (mmsFinished - start) + " ms"); } if (oldVersion < SELF_ATTACHMENT_CLEANUP) { String localNumber = TextSecurePreferences.getLocalNumber(context); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(localNumber)) { try (Cursor threadCursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT _id FROM thread WHERE recipient_ids = ?", new String[]{ localNumber })) { if (threadCursor != null && threadCursor.moveToFirst()) { long threadId = threadCursor.getLong(0); ContentValues updateValues = new ContentValues(1); updateValues.put("pending_push", 0); int count = db.update("part", updateValues, "mid IN (SELECT _id FROM mms WHERE thread_id = ?)", new String[]{ String.valueOf(threadId) }); Log.i(TAG, "Updated " + count + " self-sent attachments."); } } } } if (oldVersion < RECIPIENT_FORCE_SMS_SELECTION) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient_preferences ADD COLUMN force_sms_selection INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < JOBMANAGER_STRIKES_BACK) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE job_spec(_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "job_spec_id TEXT UNIQUE, " + "factory_key TEXT, " + "queue_key TEXT, " + "create_time INTEGER, " + "next_run_attempt_time INTEGER, " + "run_attempt INTEGER, " + "max_attempts INTEGER, " + "max_backoff INTEGER, " + "max_instances INTEGER, " + "lifespan INTEGER, " + "serialized_data TEXT, " + "is_running INTEGER)"); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE constraint_spec(_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "job_spec_id TEXT, " + "factory_key TEXT, " + "UNIQUE(job_spec_id, factory_key))"); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE dependency_spec(_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "job_spec_id TEXT, " + "depends_on_job_spec_id TEXT, " + "UNIQUE(job_spec_id, depends_on_job_spec_id))"); } if (oldVersion < STICKERS) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE sticker (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "pack_id TEXT NOT NULL, " + "pack_key TEXT NOT NULL, " + "pack_title TEXT NOT NULL, " + "pack_author TEXT NOT NULL, " + "sticker_id INTEGER, " + "cover INTEGER, " + "emoji TEXT NOT NULL, " + "last_used INTEGER, " + "installed INTEGER," + "file_path TEXT NOT NULL, " + "file_length INTEGER, " + "file_random BLOB, " + "UNIQUE(pack_id, sticker_id, cover) ON CONFLICT IGNORE)"); db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS sticker_pack_id_index ON sticker (pack_id);"); db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS sticker_sticker_id_index ON sticker (sticker_id);"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN sticker_pack_id TEXT"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN sticker_pack_key TEXT"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN sticker_id INTEGER DEFAULT -1"); db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS part_sticker_pack_id_index ON part (sticker_pack_id)"); } if (oldVersion < REVEALABLE_MESSAGES) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN reveal_duration INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN reveal_start_time INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE thread ADD COLUMN snippet_content_type TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE thread ADD COLUMN snippet_extras TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); } if (oldVersion < VIEW_ONCE_ONLY) { db.execSQL("UPDATE mms SET reveal_duration = 1 WHERE reveal_duration > 0"); db.execSQL("UPDATE mms SET reveal_start_time = 0"); } if (oldVersion < RECIPIENT_IDS) { RecipientIdMigrationHelper.execute(db); } if (oldVersion < RECIPIENT_SEARCH) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient ADD COLUMN system_phone_type INTEGER DEFAULT -1"); String localNumber = TextSecurePreferences.getLocalNumber(context); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(localNumber)) { try (Cursor cursor = db.query("recipient", null, "phone = ?", new String[] { localNumber }, null, null, null)) { if (cursor == null || !cursor.moveToFirst()) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("phone", localNumber); values.put("registered", 1); values.put("profile_sharing", 1); db.insert("recipient", null, values); } else { db.execSQL("UPDATE recipient SET registered = ?, profile_sharing = ? WHERE phone = ?", new String[] { "1", "1", localNumber }); } } } } if (oldVersion < RECIPIENT_CLEANUP) { RecipientIdCleanupHelper.execute(db); } if (oldVersion < MMS_RECIPIENT_CLEANUP) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(1); values.put("address", "-1"); int count = db.update("mms", values, "address = ?", new String[] { "0" }); Log.i(TAG, "MMS recipient cleanup updated " + count + " rows."); } if (oldVersion < ATTACHMENT_HASHING) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN data_hash TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS part_data_hash_index ON part (data_hash)"); } if (oldVersion < NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT_IDS && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) { NotificationManager notificationManager = ServiceUtil.getNotificationManager(context); List channels = Stream.of(notificationManager.getNotificationChannels()) .filter(c -> c.getId().startsWith("contact_")) .toList(); Log.i(TAG, "Migrating " + channels.size() + " channels to use RecipientId's."); for (NotificationChannel oldChannel : channels) { notificationManager.deleteNotificationChannel(oldChannel.getId()); int startIndex = "contact_".length(); int endIndex = oldChannel.getId().lastIndexOf("_"); String address = oldChannel.getId().substring(startIndex, endIndex); String recipientId; try (Cursor cursor = db.query("recipient", new String[] { "_id" }, "phone = ? OR email = ? OR group_id = ?", new String[] { address, address, address}, null, null, null)) { if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { recipientId = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id")); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't find recipient for address: " + address); continue; } } String newId = "contact_" + recipientId + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(); NotificationChannel newChannel = new NotificationChannel(newId, oldChannel.getName(), oldChannel.getImportance()); Log.i(TAG, "Updating channel ID from '" + oldChannel.getId() + "' to '" + newChannel.getId() + "'."); newChannel.setGroup(oldChannel.getGroup()); newChannel.setSound(oldChannel.getSound(), oldChannel.getAudioAttributes()); newChannel.setBypassDnd(oldChannel.canBypassDnd()); newChannel.enableVibration(oldChannel.shouldVibrate()); newChannel.setVibrationPattern(oldChannel.getVibrationPattern()); newChannel.setLockscreenVisibility(oldChannel.getLockscreenVisibility()); newChannel.setShowBadge(oldChannel.canShowBadge()); newChannel.setLightColor(oldChannel.getLightColor()); newChannel.enableLights(oldChannel.shouldShowLights()); notificationManager.createNotificationChannel(newChannel); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(1); contentValues.put("notification_channel", newChannel.getId()); db.update("recipient", contentValues, "_id = ?", new String[] { recipientId }); } } if (oldVersion < BLUR_HASH) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN blur_hash TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); } if (oldVersion < MMS_RECIPIENT_CLEANUP_2) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(1); values.put("address", "-1"); int count = db.update("mms", values, "address = ? OR address IS NULL", new String[] { "0" }); Log.i(TAG, "MMS recipient cleanup 2 updated " + count + " rows."); } if (oldVersion < ATTACHMENT_TRANSFORM_PROPERTIES) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN transform_properties TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); } if (oldVersion < ATTACHMENT_CLEAR_HASHES) { db.execSQL("UPDATE part SET data_hash = null"); } if (oldVersion < ATTACHMENT_CLEAR_HASHES_2) { db.execSQL("UPDATE part SET data_hash = null"); Glide.get(context).clearDiskCache(); } if (oldVersion < UUIDS) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient ADD COLUMN uuid_supported INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE push ADD COLUMN source_uuid TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); } if (oldVersion < USERNAMES) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient ADD COLUMN username TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); db.execSQL("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS recipient_username_index ON recipient (username)"); } if (oldVersion < REACTIONS) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE sms ADD COLUMN reactions BLOB DEFAULT NULL"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN reactions BLOB DEFAULT NULL"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE sms ADD COLUMN reactions_unread INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN reactions_unread INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE sms ADD COLUMN reactions_last_seen INTEGER DEFAULT -1"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN reactions_last_seen INTEGER DEFAULT -1"); } if (oldVersion < STORAGE_SERVICE) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE storage_key (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "type INTEGER, " + "key TEXT UNIQUE)"); db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS storage_key_type_index ON storage_key (type)"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient ADD COLUMN system_info_pending INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient ADD COLUMN storage_service_key TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient ADD COLUMN dirty INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX recipient_storage_service_key ON recipient (storage_service_key)"); db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX recipient_dirty_index ON recipient (dirty)"); } if (oldVersion < REACTIONS_UNREAD_INDEX) { db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS sms_reactions_unread_index ON sms (reactions_unread);"); db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mms_reactions_unread_index ON mms (reactions_unread);"); } if (oldVersion < RESUMABLE_DOWNLOADS) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN transfer_file TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); } if (oldVersion < KEY_VALUE_STORE) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE key_value (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "key TEXT UNIQUE, " + "value TEXT, " + "type INTEGER)"); } if (oldVersion < ATTACHMENT_DISPLAY_ORDER) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN display_order INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < SPLIT_PROFILE_NAMES) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient ADD COLUMN profile_family_name TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient ADD COLUMN profile_joined_name TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); } if (oldVersion < STICKER_PACK_ORDER) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE sticker ADD COLUMN pack_order INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < MEGAPHONES) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE megaphone (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "event TEXT UNIQUE, " + "seen_count INTEGER, " + "last_seen INTEGER, " + "finished INTEGER)"); } if (oldVersion < MEGAPHONE_FIRST_APPEARANCE) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE megaphone ADD COLUMN first_visible INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < PROFILE_KEY_TO_DB) { String localNumber = TextSecurePreferences.getLocalNumber(context); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(localNumber)) { String encodedProfileKey = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getString("pref_profile_key", null); byte[] profileKey = encodedProfileKey != null ? Base64.decodeOrThrow(encodedProfileKey) : Util.getSecretBytes(32); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(1); values.put("profile_key", Base64.encodeBytes(profileKey)); if (db.update("recipient", values, "phone = ?", new String[]{localNumber}) == 0) { throw new AssertionError("No rows updated!"); } } } if (oldVersion < PROFILE_KEY_CREDENTIALS) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient ADD COLUMN profile_key_credential TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); } if (oldVersion < ATTACHMENT_FILE_INDEX) { db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS part_data_index ON part (_data)"); } if (oldVersion < STORAGE_SERVICE_ACTIVE) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient ADD COLUMN group_type INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS recipient_group_type_index ON recipient (group_type)"); db.execSQL("UPDATE recipient set group_type = 1 WHERE group_id NOT NULL AND group_id LIKE '__signal_mms_group__%'"); db.execSQL("UPDATE recipient set group_type = 2 WHERE group_id NOT NULL AND group_id LIKE '__textsecure_group__%'"); try (Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT _id FROM recipient WHERE registered = 1 or group_type = 2", null)) { while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { String id = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id")); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(1); values.put("dirty", 2); values.put("storage_service_key", Base64.encodeBytes(StorageSyncHelper.generateKey())); db.update("recipient", values, "_id = ?", new String[] { id }); } } } if (oldVersion < GROUPS_V2_RECIPIENT_CAPABILITY) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient ADD COLUMN gv2_capability INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < TRANSFER_FILE_CLEANUP) { File partsDirectory = context.getDir("parts", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); if (partsDirectory.exists()) { File[] transferFiles = partsDirectory.listFiles((dir, name) -> name.startsWith("transfer")); int deleteCount = 0; Log.i(TAG, "Found " + transferFiles.length + " dangling transfer files."); for (File file : transferFiles) { if (file.delete()) { Log.i(TAG, "Deleted " + file.getName()); deleteCount++; } } Log.i(TAG, "Deleted " + deleteCount + " dangling transfer files."); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Part directory did not exist. Skipping."); } } if (oldVersion < PROFILE_DATA_MIGRATION) { String localNumber = TextSecurePreferences.getLocalNumber(context); if (localNumber != null) { String encodedProfileName = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getString("pref_profile_name", null); ProfileName profileName = ProfileName.fromSerialized(encodedProfileName); db.execSQL("UPDATE recipient SET signal_profile_name = ?, profile_family_name = ?, profile_joined_name = ? WHERE phone = ?", new String[] { profileName.getGivenName(), profileName.getFamilyName(), profileName.toString(), localNumber }); } } if (oldVersion < AVATAR_LOCATION_MIGRATION) { File oldAvatarDirectory = new File(context.getFilesDir(), "avatars"); File[] results = oldAvatarDirectory.listFiles(); if (results != null) { Log.i(TAG, "Preparing to migrate " + results.length + " avatars."); for (File file : results) { if (Util.isLong(file.getName())) { try { AvatarHelper.setAvatar(context, RecipientId.from(file.getName()), new FileInputStream(file)); } catch(IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to copy file " + file.getName() + "! Skipping."); } } else { Log.w(TAG, "Invalid avatar name '" + file.getName() + "'! Skipping."); } } } else { Log.w(TAG, "No avatar directory files found."); } if (!FileUtils.deleteDirectory(oldAvatarDirectory)) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to delete avatar directory."); } try (Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT recipient_id, avatar FROM groups", null)) { while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { RecipientId recipientId = RecipientId.from(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("recipient_id"))); byte[] avatar = cursor.getBlob(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("avatar")); try { AvatarHelper.setAvatar(context, recipientId, avatar != null ? new ByteArrayInputStream(avatar) : null); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to copy avatar for " + recipientId + "! Skipping.", e); } } } db.execSQL("UPDATE groups SET avatar_id = 0 WHERE avatar IS NULL"); db.execSQL("UPDATE groups SET avatar = NULL"); } if (oldVersion < GROUPS_V2) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE groups ADD COLUMN master_key"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE groups ADD COLUMN revision"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE groups ADD COLUMN decrypted_group"); } if (oldVersion < ATTACHMENT_UPLOAD_TIMESTAMP) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN upload_timestamp DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < ATTACHMENT_CDN_NUMBER) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN cdn_number INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < JOB_INPUT_DATA) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE job_spec ADD COLUMN serialized_input_data TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); } if (oldVersion < SERVER_TIMESTAMP) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE sms ADD COLUMN date_server INTEGER DEFAULT -1"); db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS sms_date_server_index ON sms (date_server)"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN date_server INTEGER DEFAULT -1"); db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mms_date_server_index ON mms (date_server)"); } if (oldVersion < REMOTE_DELETE) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE sms ADD COLUMN remote_deleted INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN remote_deleted INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < COLOR_MIGRATION) { try (Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT _id, system_display_name FROM recipient WHERE system_display_name NOT NULL AND color IS NULL", null)) { while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { long id = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_id")); String name = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("system_display_name")); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("color", ContactColorsLegacy.generateForV2(name).serialize()); db.update("recipient", values, "_id = ?", new String[] { String.valueOf(id) }); } } } if (oldVersion < LAST_SCROLLED) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE thread ADD COLUMN last_scrolled INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < LAST_PROFILE_FETCH) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient ADD COLUMN last_profile_fetch INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < SERVER_DELIVERED_TIMESTAMP) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE push ADD COLUMN server_delivered_timestamp INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < QUOTE_CLEANUP) { String query = "SELECT _data " + "FROM (SELECT _data, MIN(quote) AS all_quotes " + "FROM part " + "WHERE _data NOT NULL AND data_hash NOT NULL " + "GROUP BY _data) " + "WHERE all_quotes = 1"; int count = 0; try (Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(query, null)) { while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { String data = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_data")); if (new File(data).delete()) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.putNull("_data"); values.putNull("data_random"); values.putNull("thumbnail"); values.putNull("thumbnail_random"); values.putNull("data_hash"); db.update("part", values, "_data = ?", new String[] { data }); count++; } else { Log.w(TAG, "[QuoteCleanup] Failed to delete " + data); } } } Log.i(TAG, "[QuoteCleanup] Cleaned up " + count + " quotes."); } if (oldVersion < BORDERLESS) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN borderless INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < REMAPPED_RECORDS) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE remapped_recipients (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "old_id INTEGER UNIQUE, " + "new_id INTEGER)"); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE remapped_threads (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "old_id INTEGER UNIQUE, " + "new_id INTEGER)"); } if (oldVersion < MENTIONS) { db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE mention (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "thread_id INTEGER, " + "message_id INTEGER, " + "recipient_id INTEGER, " + "range_start INTEGER, " + "range_length INTEGER)"); db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mention_message_id_index ON mention (message_id)"); db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS mention_recipient_id_thread_id_index ON mention (recipient_id, thread_id);"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN quote_mentions BLOB DEFAULT NULL"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE mms ADD COLUMN mentions_self INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient ADD COLUMN mention_setting INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < PINNED_CONVERSATIONS) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE thread ADD COLUMN pinned INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS thread_pinned_index ON thread (pinned)"); } if (oldVersion < MENTION_GLOBAL_SETTING_MIGRATION) { ContentValues updateAlways = new ContentValues(); updateAlways.put("mention_setting", 0); db.update("recipient", updateAlways, "mention_setting = 1", null); ContentValues updateNever = new ContentValues(); updateNever.put("mention_setting", 1); db.update("recipient", updateNever, "mention_setting = 2", null); } if (oldVersion < UNKNOWN_STORAGE_FIELDS) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE recipient ADD COLUMN storage_proto TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); } if (oldVersion < STICKER_CONTENT_TYPE) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE sticker ADD COLUMN content_type TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); } if (oldVersion < STICKER_EMOJI_IN_NOTIFICATIONS) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE part ADD COLUMN sticker_emoji TEXT DEFAULT NULL"); } if (oldVersion < THUMBNAIL_CLEANUP) { int total = 0; int deleted = 0; try (Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT thumbnail FROM part WHERE thumbnail NOT NULL", null)) { if (cursor != null) { total = cursor.getCount(); Log.w(TAG, "Found " + total + " thumbnails to delete."); } while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { File file = new File(CursorUtil.requireString(cursor, "thumbnail")); if (file.delete()) { deleted++; } else { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to delete file! " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } } Log.w(TAG, "Deleted " + deleted + "/" + total + " thumbnail files."); } if (oldVersion < STICKER_CONTENT_TYPE_CLEANUP) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("ct", "image/webp"); String query = "sticker_id NOT NULL AND (ct IS NULL OR ct = '')"; int rows = db.update("part", values, query, null); Log.i(TAG, "Updated " + rows + " sticker attachment content types."); } if (oldVersion < MENTION_CLEANUP) { String selectMentionIdsNotInGroupsV2 = "select mention._id from mention left join thread on mention.thread_id = thread._id left join recipient on thread.recipient_ids = recipient._id where recipient.group_type != 3"; db.delete("mention", "_id in (" + selectMentionIdsNotInGroupsV2 + ")", null); db.delete("mention", "message_id NOT IN (SELECT _id FROM mms) OR thread_id NOT IN (SELECT _id from thread)", null); List idsToDelete = new LinkedList<>(); try (Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select mention.*, mms.body from mention inner join mms on mention.message_id = mms._id", null)) { while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { int rangeStart = CursorUtil.requireInt(cursor, "range_start"); int rangeLength = CursorUtil.requireInt(cursor, "range_length"); String body = CursorUtil.requireString(cursor, "body"); if (body == null || body.isEmpty() || rangeStart < 0 || rangeLength < 0 || (rangeStart + rangeLength) > body.length()) { idsToDelete.add(CursorUtil.requireLong(cursor, "_id")); } } } if (Util.hasItems(idsToDelete)) { String ids = TextUtils.join(",", idsToDelete); db.delete("mention", "_id in (" + ids + ")", null); } } if (oldVersion < MENTION_CLEANUP_V2) { String selectMentionIdsWithMismatchingThreadIds = "select mention._id from mention left join mms on mention.message_id = mms._id where mention.thread_id != mms.thread_id"; db.delete("mention", "_id in (" + selectMentionIdsWithMismatchingThreadIds + ")", null); List idsToDelete = new LinkedList<>(); Set> mentionTuples = new HashSet<>(); try (Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select mention.*, mms.body from mention inner join mms on mention.message_id = mms._id order by mention._id desc", null)) { while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { long mentionId = CursorUtil.requireLong(cursor, "_id"); long messageId = CursorUtil.requireLong(cursor, "message_id"); int rangeStart = CursorUtil.requireInt(cursor, "range_start"); int rangeLength = CursorUtil.requireInt(cursor, "range_length"); String body = CursorUtil.requireString(cursor, "body"); if (body != null && rangeStart < body.length() && body.charAt(rangeStart) != '\uFFFC') { idsToDelete.add(mentionId); } else { Triple tuple = new Triple<>(messageId, rangeStart, rangeLength); if (mentionTuples.contains(tuple)) { idsToDelete.add(mentionId); } else { mentionTuples.add(tuple); } } } if (Util.hasItems(idsToDelete)) { String ids = TextUtils.join(",", idsToDelete); db.delete("mention", "_id in (" + ids + ")", null); } } } if (oldVersion < REACTION_CLEANUP) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.putNull("reactions"); db.update("sms", values, "remote_deleted = ?", new String[] { "1" }); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } if (oldVersion < MIGRATE_PREKEYS_VERSION) { PreKeyMigrationHelper.cleanUpPreKeys(context); } Log.i(TAG, "Upgrade complete. Took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms."); } public SQLiteDatabase getReadableDatabase() { return getReadableDatabase(databaseSecret.asString()); } public SQLiteDatabase getWritableDatabase() { return getWritableDatabase(databaseSecret.asString()); } public void markCurrent(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.setVersion(DATABASE_VERSION); } public static boolean databaseFileExists(@NonNull Context context) { return context.getDatabasePath(DATABASE_NAME).exists(); } public static File getDatabaseFile(@NonNull Context context) { return context.getDatabasePath(DATABASE_NAME); } private void executeStatements(SQLiteDatabase db, String[] statements) { for (String statement : statements) db.execSQL(statement); } }