package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.ringrtc; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.content.Context; import android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException; import android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics; import android.hardware.camera2.CameraManager; import android.hardware.camera2.CameraMetadata; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import; import org.signal.ringrtc.CameraControl; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.logging.Log; import org.webrtc.Camera1Enumerator; import org.webrtc.Camera2Capturer; import org.webrtc.Camera2Enumerator; import org.webrtc.CameraEnumerator; import org.webrtc.CameraVideoCapturer; import org.webrtc.CapturerObserver; import org.webrtc.EglBase; import org.webrtc.SurfaceTextureHelper; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import static org.thoughtcrime.securesms.ringrtc.CameraState.Direction.BACK; import static org.thoughtcrime.securesms.ringrtc.CameraState.Direction.FRONT; import static org.thoughtcrime.securesms.ringrtc.CameraState.Direction.NONE; import static org.thoughtcrime.securesms.ringrtc.CameraState.Direction.PENDING; /** * Encapsulate the camera functionality needed for video calling. */ public class Camera implements CameraControl, CameraVideoCapturer.CameraSwitchHandler { private static final String TAG = Log.tag(Camera.class); @NonNull private final Context context; @Nullable private final CameraVideoCapturer capturer; @NonNull private final CameraEventListener cameraEventListener; @NonNull private final EglBase eglBase; private final int cameraCount; @NonNull private CameraState.Direction activeDirection; private boolean enabled; public Camera(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull CameraEventListener cameraEventListener, @NonNull EglBase eglBase, @NonNull CameraState.Direction desiredCameraDirection) { this.context = context; this.cameraEventListener = cameraEventListener; this.eglBase = eglBase; CameraEnumerator enumerator = getCameraEnumerator(context); cameraCount = enumerator.getDeviceNames().length; CameraState.Direction firstChoice = desiredCameraDirection.isUsable() ? desiredCameraDirection : FRONT; CameraVideoCapturer capturerCandidate = createVideoCapturer(enumerator, firstChoice); if (capturerCandidate != null) { activeDirection = firstChoice; } else { CameraState.Direction secondChoice = firstChoice.switchDirection(); capturerCandidate = createVideoCapturer(enumerator, secondChoice); if (capturerCandidate != null) { activeDirection = secondChoice; } else { activeDirection = NONE; } } capturer = capturerCandidate; } @Override public void initCapturer(@NonNull CapturerObserver observer) { if (capturer != null) { capturer.initialize(SurfaceTextureHelper.create("WebRTC-SurfaceTextureHelper", eglBase.getEglBaseContext()), context, observer); } } @Override public boolean hasCapturer() { return capturer != null; } @Override public void flip() { if (capturer == null || cameraCount < 2) { throw new AssertionError("Tried to flip the camera, but we only have " + cameraCount + " of them."); } activeDirection = PENDING; capturer.switchCamera(this); } @Override public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { Log.i(TAG, "setEnabled(): " + enabled); this.enabled = enabled; if (capturer == null) { return; } try { if (enabled) { Log.i(TAG, "setEnabled(): starting capture"); capturer.startCapture(1280, 720, 30); } else { Log.i(TAG, "setEnabled(): stopping capture"); capturer.stopCapture(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Got interrupted while trying to stop video capture", e); } } public void dispose() { if (capturer != null) { capturer.dispose(); } } int getCount() { return cameraCount; } @NonNull CameraState.Direction getActiveDirection() { return enabled ? activeDirection : NONE; } @NonNull public CameraState getCameraState() { return new CameraState(getActiveDirection(), getCount()); } @Nullable CameraVideoCapturer getCapturer() { return capturer; } private @Nullable CameraVideoCapturer createVideoCapturer(@NonNull CameraEnumerator enumerator, @NonNull CameraState.Direction direction) { String[] deviceNames = enumerator.getDeviceNames(); for (String deviceName : deviceNames) { if ((direction == FRONT && enumerator.isFrontFacing(deviceName)) || (direction == BACK && enumerator.isBackFacing(deviceName))) { return enumerator.createCapturer(deviceName, null); } } return null; } private @NonNull CameraEnumerator getCameraEnumerator(@NonNull Context context) { boolean camera2EnumeratorIsSupported = false; try { camera2EnumeratorIsSupported = Camera2Enumerator.isSupported(context); } catch (final Throwable throwable) { Log.w(TAG, "Camera2Enumator.isSupport() threw.", throwable); } Log.i(TAG, "Camera2 enumerator supported: " + camera2EnumeratorIsSupported); return camera2EnumeratorIsSupported ? new FilteredCamera2Enumerator(context) : new Camera1Enumerator(true); } @Override public void onCameraSwitchDone(boolean isFrontFacing) { activeDirection = isFrontFacing ? FRONT : BACK; cameraEventListener.onCameraSwitchCompleted(new CameraState(getActiveDirection(), getCount())); } @Override public void onCameraSwitchError(String errorMessage) { Log.e(TAG, "onCameraSwitchError: " + errorMessage); cameraEventListener.onCameraSwitchCompleted(new CameraState(getActiveDirection(), getCount())); } @TargetApi(21) private static class FilteredCamera2Enumerator extends Camera2Enumerator { private static final String TAG = Log.tag(Camera2Enumerator.class); @NonNull private final Context context; @Nullable private final CameraManager cameraManager; @Nullable private String[] deviceNames; FilteredCamera2Enumerator(@NonNull Context context) { super(context); this.context = context; this.cameraManager = (CameraManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE); this.deviceNames = null; } private static boolean isMonochrome(@NonNull String deviceName, @NonNull CameraManager cameraManager) { try { CameraCharacteristics characteristics = cameraManager.getCameraCharacteristics(deviceName); int[] capabilities = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES); if (capabilities != null) { for (int capability : capabilities) { if (capability == CameraMetadata.REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES_MONOCHROME) { return true; } } } } catch (CameraAccessException e) { return false; } return false; } private static boolean isLensFacing(@NonNull String deviceName, @NonNull CameraManager cameraManager, @NonNull Integer facing) { try { CameraCharacteristics characteristics = cameraManager.getCameraCharacteristics(deviceName); Integer lensFacing = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING); return facing.equals(lensFacing); } catch (CameraAccessException e) { return false; } } @Override public @NonNull String[] getDeviceNames() { if (deviceNames != null) { return deviceNames; } try { List cameraList = new LinkedList<>(); if (cameraManager != null) { List devices = Stream.of(cameraManager.getCameraIdList()) .filterNot(id -> isMonochrome(id, cameraManager)) .toList(); String frontCamera = Stream.of(devices) .filter(id -> isLensFacing(id, cameraManager, CameraMetadata.LENS_FACING_FRONT)) .findFirst() .orElse(null); if (frontCamera != null) { cameraList.add(frontCamera); } String backCamera = Stream.of(devices) .filter(id -> isLensFacing(id, cameraManager, CameraMetadata.LENS_FACING_BACK)) .findFirst() .orElse(null); if (backCamera != null) { cameraList.add(backCamera); } } this.deviceNames = cameraList.toArray(new String[0]); } catch (CameraAccessException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Camera access exception: " + e); this.deviceNames = new String[] {}; } return deviceNames; } @Override public @NonNull CameraVideoCapturer createCapturer(@Nullable String deviceName, @Nullable CameraVideoCapturer.CameraEventsHandler eventsHandler) { return new Camera2Capturer(context, deviceName, eventsHandler, new FilteredCamera2Enumerator(context)); } } }