package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.recipients; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import androidx.annotation.AnyThread; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.R; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.color.MaterialColor; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.ContactColors; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.ContactPhoto; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.FallbackContactPhoto; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.GeneratedContactPhoto; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.GroupRecordContactPhoto; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.ProfileContactPhoto; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.ResourceContactPhoto; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.SystemContactPhoto; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.TransparentContactPhoto; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.DatabaseFactory; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.IdentityDatabase.VerifiedStatus; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RecipientDatabase; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RecipientDatabase.RegisteredState; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RecipientDatabase.UnidentifiedAccessMode; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RecipientDatabase.VibrateState; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.dependencies.ApplicationDependencies; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.groups.GroupId; import; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.logging.Log; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.notifications.NotificationChannels; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.phonenumbers.NumberUtil; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormatter; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.profiles.ProfileName; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.FeatureFlags; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.Util; import org.whispersystems.libsignal.util.guava.Optional; import org.whispersystems.libsignal.util.guava.Preconditions; import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.push.SignalServiceAddress; import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.util.UuidUtil; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.UUID; import static org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RecipientDatabase.InsightsBannerTier; public class Recipient { public static final Recipient UNKNOWN = new Recipient(RecipientId.UNKNOWN, new RecipientDetails()); private static final FallbackPhotoProvider DEFAULT_FALLBACK_PHOTO_PROVIDER = new FallbackPhotoProvider(); private static final String TAG = Log.tag(Recipient.class); private final RecipientId id; private final boolean resolving; private final UUID uuid; private final String username; private final String e164; private final String email; private final GroupId groupId; private final List participants; private final Optional groupAvatarId; private final boolean localNumber; private final boolean blocked; private final long muteUntil; private final VibrateState messageVibrate; private final VibrateState callVibrate; private final Uri messageRingtone; private final Uri callRingtone; private final MaterialColor color; private final Optional defaultSubscriptionId; private final int expireMessages; private final RegisteredState registered; private final byte[] profileKey; private final byte[] profileKeyCredential; private final String name; private final Uri systemContactPhoto; private final String customLabel; private final Uri contactUri; private final ProfileName profileName; private final String profileAvatar; private final boolean profileSharing; private final String notificationChannel; private final UnidentifiedAccessMode unidentifiedAccessMode; private final boolean forceSmsSelection; private final Capability uuidCapability; private final Capability groupsV2Capability; private final InsightsBannerTier insightsBannerTier; private final byte[] storageId; private final byte[] identityKey; private final VerifiedStatus identityStatus; /** * Returns a {@link LiveRecipient}, which contains a {@link Recipient} that may or may not be * populated with data. However, you can observe the value that's returned to be notified when the * {@link Recipient} changes. */ @AnyThread public static @NonNull LiveRecipient live(@NonNull RecipientId id) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(id, "ID cannot be null."); return ApplicationDependencies.getRecipientCache().getLive(id); } /** * Returns a fully-populated {@link Recipient}. May hit the disk, and therefore should be * called on a background thread. */ @WorkerThread public static @NonNull Recipient resolved(@NonNull RecipientId id) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(id, "ID cannot be null."); return live(id).resolve(); } /** * Returns a fully-populated {@link Recipient} and associates it with the provided username. */ @WorkerThread public static @NonNull Recipient externalUsername(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull UUID uuid, @NonNull String username) { Recipient recipient = externalPush(context, uuid, null); DatabaseFactory.getRecipientDatabase(context).setUsername(recipient.getId(), username); return recipient; } /** * Returns a fully-populated {@link Recipient} based off of a {@link SignalServiceAddress}, * creating one in the database if necessary. Convenience overload of * {@link #externalPush(Context, UUID, String)} */ @WorkerThread public static @NonNull Recipient externalPush(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull SignalServiceAddress signalServiceAddress) { return externalPush(context, signalServiceAddress.getUuid().orNull(), signalServiceAddress.getNumber().orNull()); } /** * Returns a fully-populated {@link Recipient} based off of a UUID and phone number, creating one * in the database if necessary. We want both piece of information so we're able to associate them * both together, depending on which are available. * * In particular, while we'll eventually get the UUID of a user created via a phone number * (through a directory sync), the only way we can store the phone number is by retrieving it from * sent messages and whatnot. So we should store it when available. */ @WorkerThread public static @NonNull Recipient externalPush(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable UUID uuid, @Nullable String e164) { RecipientDatabase db = DatabaseFactory.getRecipientDatabase(context); Optional uuidUser = uuid != null ? db.getByUuid(uuid) : Optional.absent(); Optional e164User = e164 != null ? db.getByE164(e164) : Optional.absent(); if (uuidUser.isPresent()) { Recipient recipient = resolved(uuidUser.get()); if (e164 != null && !recipient.getE164().isPresent() && !e164User.isPresent()) { db.setPhoneNumber(recipient.getId(), e164); } return resolved(recipient.getId()); } else if (e164User.isPresent()) { Recipient recipient = resolved(e164User.get()); if (uuid != null && !recipient.getUuid().isPresent()) { db.markRegistered(recipient.getId(), uuid); } else if (!recipient.isRegistered()) { db.markRegistered(recipient.getId()); if (FeatureFlags.uuids()) { Log.i(TAG, "No UUID! Scheduling a fetch."); ApplicationDependencies.getJobManager().add(new DirectoryRefreshJob(recipient, false)); } } return resolved(recipient.getId()); } else if (uuid != null) { if (FeatureFlags.uuids() || e164 != null) { RecipientId id = db.getOrInsertFromUuid(uuid); db.markRegistered(id, uuid); if (e164 != null) { db.setPhoneNumber(id, e164); } return resolved(id); } else { throw new UuidRecipientError(); } } else if (e164 != null) { Recipient recipient = resolved(db.getOrInsertFromE164(e164)); if (!recipient.isRegistered()) { db.markRegistered(recipient.getId()); if (FeatureFlags.uuids()) { Log.i(TAG, "No UUID! Scheduling a fetch."); ApplicationDependencies.getJobManager().add(new DirectoryRefreshJob(recipient, false)); } } return resolved(recipient.getId()); } else { throw new AssertionError("You must provide either a UUID or phone number!"); } } /** * A safety wrapper around {@link #external(Context, String)} for when you know you're using an * identifier for a system contact, and therefore always want to prevent interpreting it as a * UUID. This will crash if given a UUID. * * (This may seem strange, but apparently some devices are returning valid UUIDs for contacts) */ @WorkerThread public static @NonNull Recipient externalContact(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String identifier) { RecipientDatabase db = DatabaseFactory.getRecipientDatabase(context); RecipientId id = null; if (UuidUtil.isUuid(identifier)) { throw new UuidRecipientError(); } else if (NumberUtil.isValidEmail(identifier)) { id = db.getOrInsertFromEmail(identifier); } else { id = db.getOrInsertFromE164(identifier); } return Recipient.resolved(id); } /** * A version of {@link #external(Context, String)} that should be used when you know the * identifier is a groupId. */ @WorkerThread public static @NonNull Recipient externalGroup(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull GroupId groupId) { return Recipient.resolved(DatabaseFactory.getRecipientDatabase(context).getOrInsertFromGroupId(groupId)); } /** * Returns a fully-populated {@link Recipient} based off of a string identifier, creating one in * the database if necessary. The identifier may be a uuid, phone number, email, * or serialized groupId. * * If the identifier is a UUID of a Signal user, prefer using * {@link #externalPush(Context, UUID, String)} or its overload, as this will let us associate * the phone number with the recipient. */ @WorkerThread public static @NonNull Recipient external(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String identifier) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(identifier, "Identifier cannot be null!"); RecipientDatabase db = DatabaseFactory.getRecipientDatabase(context); RecipientId id = null; if (UuidUtil.isUuid(identifier)) { UUID uuid = UuidUtil.parseOrThrow(identifier); if (FeatureFlags.uuids()) { id = db.getOrInsertFromUuid(uuid); } else { Optional possibleId = db.getByUuid(uuid); if (possibleId.isPresent()) { id = possibleId.get(); } else { throw new UuidRecipientError(); } } } else if (GroupId.isEncodedGroup(identifier)) { id = db.getOrInsertFromGroupId(GroupId.parse(identifier)); } else if (NumberUtil.isValidEmail(identifier)) { id = db.getOrInsertFromEmail(identifier); } else { String e164 = PhoneNumberFormatter.get(context).format(identifier); id = db.getOrInsertFromE164(e164); } return Recipient.resolved(id); } public static @NonNull Recipient self() { return ApplicationDependencies.getRecipientCache().getSelf(); } Recipient(@NonNull RecipientId id) { = id; this.resolving = true; this.uuid = null; this.username = null; this.e164 = null; = null; this.groupId = null; this.participants = Collections.emptyList(); this.groupAvatarId = Optional.absent(); this.localNumber = false; this.blocked = false; this.muteUntil = 0; this.messageVibrate = VibrateState.DEFAULT; this.callVibrate = VibrateState.DEFAULT; this.messageRingtone = null; this.callRingtone = null; this.color = null; this.insightsBannerTier = InsightsBannerTier.TIER_TWO; this.defaultSubscriptionId = Optional.absent(); this.expireMessages = 0; this.registered = RegisteredState.UNKNOWN; this.profileKey = null; this.profileKeyCredential = null; = null; this.systemContactPhoto = null; this.customLabel = null; this.contactUri = null; this.profileName = ProfileName.EMPTY; this.profileAvatar = null; this.profileSharing = false; this.notificationChannel = null; this.unidentifiedAccessMode = UnidentifiedAccessMode.DISABLED; this.forceSmsSelection = false; this.uuidCapability = Capability.UNKNOWN; this.groupsV2Capability = Capability.UNKNOWN; this.storageId = null; this.identityKey = null; this.identityStatus = VerifiedStatus.DEFAULT; } Recipient(@NonNull RecipientId id, @NonNull RecipientDetails details) { = id; this.resolving = false; this.uuid = details.uuid; this.username = details.username; this.e164 = details.e164; =; this.groupId = details.groupId; this.participants = details.participants; this.groupAvatarId = details.groupAvatarId; this.localNumber = details.isLocalNumber; this.blocked = details.blocked; this.muteUntil = details.mutedUntil; this.messageVibrate = details.messageVibrateState; this.callVibrate = details.callVibrateState; this.messageRingtone = details.messageRingtone; this.callRingtone = details.callRingtone; this.color = details.color; this.insightsBannerTier = details.insightsBannerTier; this.defaultSubscriptionId = details.defaultSubscriptionId; this.expireMessages = details.expireMessages; this.registered = details.registered; this.profileKey = details.profileKey; this.profileKeyCredential = details.profileKeyCredential; =; this.systemContactPhoto = details.systemContactPhoto; this.customLabel = details.customLabel; this.contactUri = details.contactUri; this.profileName = details.profileName; this.profileAvatar = details.profileAvatar; this.profileSharing = details.profileSharing; this.notificationChannel = details.notificationChannel; this.unidentifiedAccessMode = details.unidentifiedAccessMode; this.forceSmsSelection = details.forceSmsSelection; this.uuidCapability = details.uuidCapability; this.groupsV2Capability = details.groupsV2Capability; this.storageId = details.storageId; this.identityKey = details.identityKey; this.identityStatus = details.identityStatus; } public @NonNull RecipientId getId() { return id; } public boolean isLocalNumber() { return localNumber; } public @Nullable Uri getContactUri() { return contactUri; } public @Nullable String getName(@NonNull Context context) { if ( == null && groupId != null && groupId.isMms()) { List names = new LinkedList<>(); for (Recipient recipient : participants) { names.add(recipient.toShortString(context)); } return Util.join(names, ", "); } return; } /** * TODO [UUID] -- Remove once UUID Feature Flag is removed */ @Deprecated public @NonNull String toShortString(@NonNull Context context) { if (FeatureFlags.profileDisplay()) return getDisplayName(context); else return Optional.fromNullable(getName(context)).or(getSmsAddress()).or(""); } public @NonNull String getDisplayName(@NonNull Context context) { return Util.getFirstNonEmpty(getName(context), getProfileName().toString(), getDisplayUsername(), e164, email, context.getString(R.string.Recipient_unknown)); } public @NonNull MaterialColor getColor() { if (isGroupInternal()) return MaterialColor.GROUP; else if (color != null) return color; else if (name != null) return ContactColors.generateFor(name); else return ContactColors.UNKNOWN_COLOR; } public @NonNull Optional getUuid() { return Optional.fromNullable(uuid); } public @NonNull Optional getUsername() { if (FeatureFlags.usernames()) { return Optional.fromNullable(username); } else { return Optional.absent(); } } public @NonNull Optional getE164() { return Optional.fromNullable(e164); } public @NonNull Optional getEmail() { return Optional.fromNullable(email); } public @NonNull Optional getGroupId() { return Optional.fromNullable(groupId); } public @NonNull Optional getSmsAddress() { return Optional.fromNullable(e164).or(Optional.fromNullable(email)); } public @NonNull String requireE164() { String resolved = resolving ? resolve().e164 : e164; if (resolved == null) { throw new MissingAddressError(); } return resolved; } public @NonNull String requireEmail() { String resolved = resolving ? resolve().email : email; if (resolved == null) { throw new MissingAddressError(); } return resolved; } public @NonNull String requireSmsAddress() { Recipient recipient = resolving ? resolve() : this; if (recipient.getE164().isPresent()) { return recipient.getE164().get(); } else if (recipient.getEmail().isPresent()) { return recipient.getEmail().get(); } else { throw new MissingAddressError(); } } public boolean hasSmsAddress() { return getE164().or(getEmail()).isPresent(); } public boolean hasE164() { return getE164().isPresent(); } public boolean hasUuid() { return getUuid().isPresent(); } public @NonNull GroupId requireGroupId() { GroupId resolved = resolving ? resolve().groupId : groupId; if (resolved == null) { throw new MissingAddressError(); } return resolved; } public boolean hasServiceIdentifier() { return uuid != null || e164 != null; } /** * @return A string identifier able to be used with the Signal service. Prefers UUID, and if not * available, will return an E164 number. */ public @NonNull String requireServiceId() { Recipient resolved = resolving ? resolve() : this; if (resolved.getUuid().isPresent()) { return resolved.getUuid().get().toString(); } else { return getE164().get(); } } /** * @return A single string to represent the recipient, in order of precedence: * * Group ID > UUID > Phone > Email */ public @NonNull String requireStringId() { Recipient resolved = resolving ? resolve() : this; if (resolved.isGroup()) { return resolved.requireGroupId().toString(); } else if (resolved.getUuid().isPresent()) { return resolved.getUuid().get().toString(); } return requireSmsAddress(); } public Optional getDefaultSubscriptionId() { return defaultSubscriptionId; } public @NonNull ProfileName getProfileName() { return profileName; } public @Nullable String getCustomLabel() { if (FeatureFlags.profileDisplay()) throw new AssertionError("This method should never be called if PROFILE_DISPLAY is enabled."); return customLabel; } public @Nullable String getProfileAvatar() { return profileAvatar; } public boolean isProfileSharing() { return profileSharing; } public boolean isGroup() { return resolve().groupId != null; } private boolean isGroupInternal() { return groupId != null; } public boolean isMmsGroup() { GroupId groupId = resolve().groupId; return groupId != null && groupId.isMms(); } public boolean isPushGroup() { GroupId groupId = resolve().groupId; return groupId != null && groupId.isPush(); } public @NonNull List getParticipants() { return new ArrayList<>(participants); } public @NonNull Drawable getFallbackContactPhotoDrawable(Context context, boolean inverted) { return getFallbackContactPhotoDrawable(context, inverted, DEFAULT_FALLBACK_PHOTO_PROVIDER); } public @NonNull Drawable getFallbackContactPhotoDrawable(Context context, boolean inverted, @Nullable FallbackPhotoProvider fallbackPhotoProvider) { return getFallbackContactPhoto(Util.firstNonNull(fallbackPhotoProvider, DEFAULT_FALLBACK_PHOTO_PROVIDER)).asDrawable(context, getColor().toAvatarColor(context), inverted); } public @NonNull Drawable getSmallFallbackContactPhotoDrawable(Context context, boolean inverted, @Nullable FallbackPhotoProvider fallbackPhotoProvider) { return getFallbackContactPhoto(Util.firstNonNull(fallbackPhotoProvider, DEFAULT_FALLBACK_PHOTO_PROVIDER)).asSmallDrawable(context, getColor().toAvatarColor(context), inverted); } public @NonNull FallbackContactPhoto getFallbackContactPhoto() { return getFallbackContactPhoto(DEFAULT_FALLBACK_PHOTO_PROVIDER); } public @NonNull FallbackContactPhoto getFallbackContactPhoto(@NonNull FallbackPhotoProvider fallbackPhotoProvider) { if (localNumber) return fallbackPhotoProvider.getPhotoForLocalNumber(); if (isResolving()) return fallbackPhotoProvider.getPhotoForResolvingRecipient(); else if (isGroupInternal()) return fallbackPhotoProvider.getPhotoForGroup(); else if (isGroup()) return fallbackPhotoProvider.getPhotoForGroup(); else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) return fallbackPhotoProvider.getPhotoForRecipientWithName(name); else return fallbackPhotoProvider.getPhotoForRecipientWithoutName(); } public @Nullable ContactPhoto getContactPhoto() { if (localNumber) return null; else if (isGroupInternal() && groupAvatarId.isPresent()) return new GroupRecordContactPhoto(groupId, groupAvatarId.get()); else if (systemContactPhoto != null) return new SystemContactPhoto(id, systemContactPhoto, 0); else if (profileAvatar != null) return new ProfileContactPhoto(this, profileAvatar); else return null; } public @Nullable Uri getMessageRingtone() { if (messageRingtone != null && messageRingtone.getScheme() != null && messageRingtone.getScheme().startsWith("file")) { return null; } return messageRingtone; } public @Nullable Uri getCallRingtone() { if (callRingtone != null && callRingtone.getScheme() != null && callRingtone.getScheme().startsWith("file")) { return null; } return callRingtone; } public boolean isMuted() { return System.currentTimeMillis() <= muteUntil; } public boolean isBlocked() { return blocked; } public @NonNull VibrateState getMessageVibrate() { return messageVibrate; } public @NonNull VibrateState getCallVibrate() { return callVibrate; } public int getExpireMessages() { return expireMessages; } public boolean hasSeenFirstInviteReminder() { return insightsBannerTier.seen(InsightsBannerTier.TIER_ONE); } public boolean hasSeenSecondInviteReminder() { return insightsBannerTier.seen(InsightsBannerTier.TIER_TWO); } public @NonNull RegisteredState getRegistered() { if (isPushGroup()) return RegisteredState.REGISTERED; else if (isMmsGroup()) return RegisteredState.NOT_REGISTERED; return registered; } public boolean isRegistered() { return registered == RegisteredState.REGISTERED || isPushGroup(); } public @Nullable String getNotificationChannel() { return !NotificationChannels.supported() ? null : notificationChannel; } public boolean isForceSmsSelection() { return forceSmsSelection; } /** * @return True if this recipient can support receiving UUID-only messages, otherwise false. */ public boolean isUuidSupported() { if (FeatureFlags.usernames()) { return true; } else { return FeatureFlags.uuids() && uuidCapability == Capability.SUPPORTED; } } public Capability getGroupsV2Capability() { return groupsV2Capability; } public @Nullable byte[] getProfileKey() { return profileKey; } public @Nullable byte[] getProfileKeyCredential() { return profileKeyCredential; } public boolean hasProfileKeyCredential() { return profileKeyCredential != null; } public @Nullable byte[] getStorageServiceId() { return storageId; } public @NonNull VerifiedStatus getIdentityVerifiedStatus() { return identityStatus; } public @Nullable byte[] getIdentityKey() { return identityKey; } public @NonNull UnidentifiedAccessMode getUnidentifiedAccessMode() { return unidentifiedAccessMode; } public boolean isSystemContact() { return contactUri != null; } /** * If this recipient is missing crucial data, this will return a populated copy. Otherwise it * returns itself. */ public @NonNull Recipient resolve() { if (resolving) { return live().resolve(); } else { return this; } } public boolean isResolving() { return resolving; } /** * Forces retrieving a fresh copy of the recipient, regardless of its state. */ public @NonNull Recipient fresh() { return live().resolve(); } public @NonNull LiveRecipient live() { return ApplicationDependencies.getRecipientCache().getLive(id); } private @Nullable String getDisplayUsername() { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(username)) { return "@" + username; } else { return null; } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Recipient recipient = (Recipient) o; return id.equals(; } public enum Capability { UNKNOWN(0), SUPPORTED(1), NOT_SUPPORTED(-1); private final int value; Capability(int value) { this.value = value; } public int serialize() { return value; } public static Capability deserialize(int value) { switch (value) { case 1 : return SUPPORTED; case -1 : return NOT_SUPPORTED; default : return UNKNOWN; } } public static Capability fromBoolean(boolean supported) { return supported ? SUPPORTED : NOT_SUPPORTED; } } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(id); } public static class FallbackPhotoProvider { public @NonNull FallbackContactPhoto getPhotoForLocalNumber() { return new ResourceContactPhoto(R.drawable.ic_note_34, R.drawable.ic_note_24); } public @NonNull FallbackContactPhoto getPhotoForResolvingRecipient() { return new TransparentContactPhoto(); } public @NonNull FallbackContactPhoto getPhotoForGroup() { return new ResourceContactPhoto(R.drawable.ic_group_outline_34, R.drawable.ic_group_outline_20, R.drawable.ic_group_outline_48); } public @NonNull FallbackContactPhoto getPhotoForRecipientWithName(String name) { return new GeneratedContactPhoto(name, R.drawable.ic_profile_outline_40); } public @NonNull FallbackContactPhoto getPhotoForRecipientWithoutName() { return new ResourceContactPhoto(R.drawable.ic_profile_outline_40, R.drawable.ic_profile_outline_20, R.drawable.ic_profile_outline_48); } } private static class MissingAddressError extends AssertionError { } private static class UuidRecipientError extends AssertionError { } }