
190 lines
5.1 KiB

import 'package:http/http.dart';
import 'package:logger/logger.dart';
import 'dart:convert';
final log = Logger();
const defaultRoutes = {
"login": "/api/login",
"logout": "/api/logout",
"checkin": "/api/checkin",
"checkout": "/api/checkout",
"movements": "/api/movements",
"status": "/api/status",
"ping": "/api/ping",
class Connection {
// Connection constructor.
Connection(this.username, this.password, this.baseAddress, [this.routes = defaultRoutes]);
// baseAddress contains the base address to the BotZ server
final Uri baseAddress;
// Username is the username to autenticate against the foreign
// service.
final String username;
// Password is the password to autenticate against the foreign
// service.
final String password;
final Map<String, String> routes;
// _stateCookie is private. It contains the HTTP state cookie
// assigned by the server.
String _cookies = "";
bool _loggedIn = false;
bool _checkedIn = false;
void updateState(String cookies, bool loggedIn) {
this._cookies = loggedIn ? cookies : "";
this._loggedIn = loggedIn;
void updateMovement(bool checkedIn) => this._checkedIn = checkedIn;
bool isLoggedIn() => this._loggedIn;
bool isCheckedIn() => this._checkedIn;
// Perform the login and obtain the cookie.
void login() async {
var targetUri = this.baseAddress.toString() + this.routes['login'];
var payload = jsonEncode({
"username": this.username,
"password": this.password,
var resp = await post(
headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
body: payload,
log.d("[login] Post sent to: $targetUri");
var body = jsonDecode(resp.body);
log.d("[login] Response: $body");
this.updateState(resp.headers['cookies'], body['logged_in']);
// Perform the logout.
void logout() async {
var targetUri = this.baseAddress.toString() + this.routes['logout'];
var resp = await post(
headers: {'cookies': this._cookies},
log.d("[logout] Post sent to: $targetUri");
var body = jsonDecode(resp.body);
log.d("[logout] Response: $body");
this.updateState(this._cookies, body['logged_in']);
// Perform the checkin if possible.
void checkin() async {
if (!this._loggedIn) {
throw UnacceptableInvocationException("Not logged in");
if (this._checkedIn) {
throw UnacceptableInvocationException("Yet checked in");
var targetUri = this.baseAddress.toString() + this.routes['checkin'];
var resp = await post(
headers: {'cookies': this._cookies},
var body = jsonDecode(resp.body);
log.d("[checkin] Response: $body");
// Perform the checkout if possible.
void checkout() async {
if (!this._loggedIn) {
throw UnacceptableInvocationException("Not logged in");
if (!this._checkedIn) {
throw UnacceptableInvocationException("Not yet checked in");
var targetUri = this.baseAddress.toString() + this.routes['checkout'];
var resp = await post(
headers: {'cookies': this._cookies},
var body = jsonDecode(resp.body);
log.d("[checkout] Response: $body");
// Query the server for the list of movements.
Future<Map<String, String>> getMovements() async {
if (!this._loggedIn) {
throw UnacceptableInvocationException("Not logged in");
if (!this._checkedIn) {
throw UnacceptableInvocationException("Not yet checked in");
var targetUri = this.baseAddress.toString() + this.routes['movements'];
var resp = await get(
headers: {'cookies': this._cookies},
try {
} on NotFoundException {
return {};
var body = jsonDecode(resp.body);
Map<String, String> movements;
for (var values in body['movements']) {
movements[values['time']] = values['type'];
return movements;
class UnauthorizedException implements ClientException {
final String message = "Unauthorized";
final Uri uri;
class NotFoundException implements ClientException {
final String message = "Resource not found";
final Uri uri;
class UnacceptableInvocationException implements Exception {
final String message;
Response handleResponse(Response resp) {
final c = resp.statusCode;
if (c >= 200 && c < 400) {
} else if (c == 401) {
throw UnauthorizedException(resp.request.url);
} else if (c == 404) {
throw NotFoundException(resp.request.url);
}else if (c >=400 || c < 500) {
throw ClientException("Unexpected return code: $c", resp.request.url);
} else if (c >= 500) {
throw ClientException("Server error: $c", resp.request.url);
return resp;