import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:logger/logger.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'dart:async'; var log = Logger(); class _DataState { _DataState( {this.userPresent = false, this.passPresent = false, this.zServerPresent = false, this.botZServerPresent = false}); bool userPresent; bool passPresent; bool zServerPresent; bool botZServerPresent; bool all() { assert(userPresent != null); assert(passPresent != null); assert(zServerPresent != null); assert(botZServerPresent != null); var result = userPresent && passPresent && zServerPresent && botZServerPresent; return result; } String toString() { return "\tuser: $userPresent\n\tpass: $passPresent\n\tzServer: $zServerPresent\n\tbotZServer: $botZServerPresent"; } } class HomePage extends StatefulWidget { HomePage( {@required this.nextRoute, this.timeout = const Duration(seconds: 1), Key key}) : assert(nextRoute != null), super(key: key); final String nextRoute; final Duration timeout; HomePageState createState() => HomePageState(); } class HomePageState extends State { _DataState status = _DataState(); bool _retrieved = false; bool _waitingForWelcome = false; String title = "BotZ"; Future _retriveStateData() async { var persistence = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); var stateFromPersistence = { "user": (persistence.getString("username") != null) ? true : false, "pass": (persistence.getString("password") != null) ? true : false, "zAddr": (persistence.getString("zAddress") != null) ? true : false, "botZAddr": (persistence.getString("botZAddress") != null) ? true : false, }; log.d("State from persistence: ${stateFromPersistence.toString()}"); setState(() { status.userPresent = stateFromPersistence["user"]; status.passPresent = stateFromPersistence["pass"]; status.zServerPresent = stateFromPersistence["zAddr"]; status.botZServerPresent = stateFromPersistence["botZAddr"]; _retrieved = true; }); } @override void initState() { super.initState(); _retriveStateData(); } bool _checkData() { log.d("State: ${status.toString()}"); if (status.all()) { log.d("Necessary data is present"); return true; } log.d("Necessary data is MISSING"); return false; } void _goToNextPage() { Navigator.pushReplacementNamed(context, widget.nextRoute); } Future _cleanState() async { var persistence = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); persistence.setString("username", null); persistence.setString("password", null); persistence.setString("zAddress", null); persistence.setString("botZAddress", null); setState(() { status.userPresent = false; status.passPresent = false; status.zServerPresent = false; status.botZServerPresent = false; }); } Widget mainView() { return Center( child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly, children: [ RaisedButton(onPressed: _cleanState, child: Text("Clean state")), Column(children: [ Text("Username: ${status.userPresent}"), Text("Password: ${status.passPresent}"), Text("Z Address: ${status.zServerPresent}"), Text("BotZ Address: ${status.botZServerPresent}"), ]) ], )); } Widget _body() { log.d("Retrieved: $_retrieved"); if (_retrieved) { if (_checkData()) { log.d("Main body"); return mainView(); } else { if (!_waitingForWelcome) { log.d("Go to ask the user for the data..."); Future.delayed(widget.timeout, _goToNextPage); setState(() { _waitingForWelcome = true; }); } } } return CircularProgressIndicator(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(title: Text(title)), body: _body(), ); } }