#! -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """Utilities to better handle the project.""" import errno import logging import json import os import typing as T logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ENC = json.JSONEncoder() DEC = json.JSONDecoder() def cmd_marshal(name: str, cmd: str, **kwargs) -> str: """ Serializes a command (a python dict) in a JSON object string. """ cmd_struct = dict(name=name, cmd=cmd, **kwargs) logger.debug("Command to be marshalled: %s", cmd_struct) return ENC.encode(cmd_struct) def cmd_unmarshal(cmd: str) -> T.Dict[str, T.Any]: """ Deserializes a command (a python dict) in a JSON object string. """ logger.debug("Command to be unmarshalled: %s", cmd) return DEC.decode(cmd) class Fifo: """ Iterator to continuously read the command fifo. Supports also write operations if opened with mode="w". """ def __init__(self, fifopath: str, mode: str = "r") -> None: try: os.mkfifo(fifopath) logger.info("Control pipe opened at: %s", fifopath) except OSError as err: if err.errno != errno.EEXIST: logger.critical("Could not open control pipe at: %s", fifopath) raise self.fh = open(fifopath, mode) def __iter__(self): # pragma: noqa return self def __next__(self) -> str: data = self.fh.read() # This is a never ending iterator. We should exit the # loop independently. return data def __del__(self) -> None: self.fh.close() def __enter__(self) -> T.TextIO: return self.fh def __exit__(self, *args) -> None: self.fh.close() def write(self, data) -> None: logger.debug("%s ~ Writing: %s", self.path, data) self.fh.write(data) self.fh.flush() class PLifo: """ Implements an on-disk persistent LIFO. Casts everything to str. """ def __init__(self, path: str) -> None: self.path = path if not os.path.exists(path): with open(path, "w") as lifo: lifo.write("") self.content = [] self.fh = None def __enter__(self) -> T.TextIO: with open(self.path, "r") as fr: self.content = [line.strip("\n") for line in fr.readlines()] self.fh = open(self.path, "w") return self def __exit__(self, *args) -> None: for line in self.content: self.fh.write("{}\n".format(line.strip("\n"))) self.fh.close() self.fh = None def push(self, value: T.Any) -> None: """ Pushes on the stack. It is an in-memory structure. The variations are written on disk when exiting the context. """ if self.fh is None: raise RuntimeError("Called out of context. Open the PLifo firts.") self.content.append(str(value)) def pop(self) -> str: """ Pops on the stack. It is an in-memory structure. The variations are written on disk when exiting the context. """ if self.fh is None: raise RuntimeError("Called out of context. Open the PLifo firts.") return self.content.pop() @classmethod def Push(cls, path: str, value: T.Any) -> None: """ Deploys the context and pushes onto the stack, then exits the context. """ with cls(path) as _lifo: _lifo.push(value) @classmethod def Pop(cls, path: str) -> str: """ Deploys the context and pops from the stack, then exits the context. """ with cls(path) as _lifo: _value = _lifo.pop() return _value def all(self) -> T.Iterable[str]: """ Returns """ if self.fh is None: raise RuntimeError("Called out of context. Open the PLifo firts.") return self.content @classmethod def All(cls, path: str) -> T.Iterable[str]: """ Deploys the context and returns the full list of elements, then exits the context. """ with cls(path) as _lifo: return _lifo.content def __contains__(self, *args) -> bool: return [el in self.content for el in args] def __len__(self) -> int: if self.fh is None: raise RuntimeError("Called out of context. Open the PLifo firts.") return len(self.content) def __iter__(self) -> T.Iterable: if self.fh is None: raise RuntimeError("Called out of context. Open the PLifo firts.") return self.content def __next__(self) -> str: if self.fh is None: raise RuntimeError("Called out of context. Open the PLifo firts.") return next(self.content) def last(self) -> str: if self.fh is None: raise RuntimeError("Called out of context. Open the PLifo firts.") return self.content[-1]